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Olympic Cycling Events

Could get them to deliver some parcels while they're at it.
Paperboy for millenials!

Great Madison, if a touch uneventful due to the GB dominance. Loving the last handover, GB, on the front, and then tagging in Kenny...You can almost hear the rest of the peloton cry "FFS, give us a break :D"

Hats off (literally!) for the Helmets. For once, I easily distinguish our lot instantly!
Seemed to get nudged for silver in the minor sprints earlier in the race.

Cracking finale though, loving the beast mode engaged for the last 7 laps, I thought they were spent! :cool::cool::cool:

Really wish they'd keep up the points tally on the screen through the race though :mad: !
Yeh, the points thing on screen would be good. I find it hard to be happy for Denmark though after their disgraceful display in the other event and the subsequent gloating on Twitter from their fans.

Well played by the Brits though, maybe left it one sprint too late?
(If you'll indulge me!) Pics from the Ghent 6 day a few years back, 6 days of track racing followed by the shakey hands race. A whopping piss up for the local lads (note the middle section of the track is purely for boozing), and a bit of a party.

Wiggins and Cavendish in Wiggins last race event as a pro, but also Viviani and de Ketele (at least?) from todays action


So pleased for Mørkøv, one of the most awesome guys in the pro peloton. Next week it's back to the day job for him leading out Cavendish in the Tour of Denmark.
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