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Olympic all inclusive football thread.

What's going on with Brazil seeming to play something like national team while I'd understood other countries were only basically playing under-22s?
It does seem a little unusual though that Brazil’s overage players were 28, 31 and 38 but not sure how beneficial that is. The age cut off is at a certain date before the Olympics (1 Jan 2021?) so quite a few players in all squads were 24.
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its a compelling argument

Trump did not like the lady with the purple hair.
Now she may lose her sponsorship.

And now, according to the New York Post, a group of Subway franchisees are pressuring the fast-food giant to give her a red card and expulsion from the game.

Rapinoe became a pitchwoman for the sandwich shop last spring but in the overheated American political climate, the franchisees are claiming the 36-year-old athlete/activist is alienating customers.

Rapinoe kneeling at the Tokyo Olympics didn’t help. Getting defeated by arch-rival Canada didn’t help. Or maybe the tone of her commercials caused indigestion.
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