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Occupy Wall Street

Giuliani failed to mention that his father found it difficult to hold down a Job and ended up in Sing Sing after being convicted of felony, assault and robbery. Oh well, here's a simple, short message for Giuliani:

You've been warned about playing extreme right wing bands before.

You were wrong the last time and anyway who gives you the right here to issue warnings?

I'm not a fan, and know very little about the band, but they have some pride in their working class roots and I believe they have some adherence to 'American patriotism' (Paul Weller had similar notions about Britain, wearing the union flag and supporting the tories back when he formed The Jam), nevertheless, here's what what one member of the band states:
No…Agnostic Front is not a skinhead band…we first started off as a unity band and that’s what we’ll always be, uniting everybody together…we don’t need any more barriers, we gotta all unite and be together.”—Roger Miret.
…It’s called Unity; Blacks, Whites, Punks, Skins, that’s what Agnostic Front is about. Not what you fuckin’ hear in
Maximum Rock n’ Roll

In their own words:

Sorry for the derail.
14,000 Coloradans move $100M into credit unions

As the social media-sparked Bank Transfer Day approaches, the Credit Union National Association (CUNA) reports that over 650,000 people have joined credit unions in the last four weeks. In Colorado, the group reports 14,000 new accounts and $100 million in new deposits.

Credit unions nationally have added $4.5 billion in new accounts since the end of September, CUNA says, reporting that four out of every five credit unions affiliated with the group report that the increase is due to attempts by big banks to raise fees on customers or Bank Transfer Day, a movement birthed by social media that will take place tomorrow.*

Homeless Family Targeted at Occupy Dallas - Baby Seized -

A homeless family living at the ‘Occupy Dallas’ camp said that they will find a new place to stay in order to keep their baby. CBS 11 News was on the scene as officers with the Dallas Police Department and Child Protective Services took custody of the 9-month-old boy on Thursday afternoon.
Brian and Cathy Carpich said that they met with CPS and were told that the camp was, in their words, an unhealthy living environment. The couple cannot get their boy, Zachariah, back until their living situation improves.

Police explained that they were acting on an “open child welfare case” dating back to September, but that a call from within the downtown Dallas camp prompted Thursday’s actions. “The complaint was a child in the encampment that was pretty much screaming and crying all night, and folks were concerned about it,” said Lt. Anthon Williams with the Dallas Police Department.


was worried that it was a far right hijack (ie Soldiers of our Streets, a NF/BNP front)

I know i may be seen as hammering a single issue sometimes (homelessness) BUT... how far can the US public go in their blindness.... 1 in 3 'rough sleepers' in the US are ex-vets (1 in 4 in the UK) and US friends are finding it hard to get this message across....

Its awesome how politicised a lot of vets are now, and its great to have their support for such issues as they really know what its like to be screwed by the 'ruling class'

We are a group of veterans across the country who support the occupation of Wall St. We believe that the voices of veterans can convince parts middle America supporting the 1% as a lottery scheme that they will never attain that they too are the 99%. Veterans have been used as a political capital by politicians for thousands of years. When going through military one is stripped of their individuality but somehow that individuality is amplified rather then squashed. True individuality involves doing the right thing not by dogma or the expectation of being watched but having a close link to what is right. It is time to start using that political capital ourselves not by joining group but as the aware individuals we have been inadvertently trained to be

btw: on the issue of 'street folk' World Homeless Action Movement are working on a position/resources/advisory role to try and once and for all, to reach some common ground as to 'best practice' (yuck terminology :facepalm:) for the global camps to raise and endorse at their GA's......
The satellite OWS protests in the US are being wiped out one by one. Portland closed down yesterday, Oakland today. Not looking good.
Yes, happening right now, police "raiding" 'OccupyNYC'. Police "destroying" tents. Also reports of "police using batons and pepperspray against peaceful protesters".
Sorry to hear this. In a way its surprising they let this stuff carry on for so long, especially since most of the camps don't appear to have had the numbers of people necessary to seriously challenge eviction attempts. Allowing the protesters to return in NYC later, but without tents, is not surprising either. Something different is required to give these protests more hope of achieving something, but Im not sure what.
Reports coming out of OWS are pretty disgusting. Media blackout, no-fly zone over the park to prevent news choppers seeing what's going on. Fucking hell.
Just seen the images on BBC News now. Disgusting and so wrong.

Peaceful protests don't work. It's time for a full-scale insurrection.

The whole thing would've been done and forgotten by the end of September if they'd taken that route. Thank god there are cooler heads than yours.
The Guardian has learned that Adbusters, the Canadian activist group which helped spark the movement, is even considering calling on occupiers to declare "victory" for phase one and go home for the winter – clear recognition that numbers are likely to dwindle anyway and make it increasingly difficult for the protests to maintain momentum and generate headlines.

Sorry to hear this. In a way its surprising they let this stuff carry on for so long, especially since most of the camps don't appear to have had the numbers of people necessary to seriously challenge eviction attempts. Allowing the protesters to return in NYC later, but without tents, is not surprising either. Something different is required to give these protests more hope of achieving something, but Im not sure what.
I think Tahrir Sq was the inspiration, but what happened in Cairo was very different from the smaller urban campsites the Occupys turned into.

Agree, and I don't know either. NY gets a lot of snow, so probably best from a safety point of view if nothing else to look again in the new year. All that said the NY police clearance looks - surprise surprise - bang out of order.
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