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Police Brutalize, Dismantle Occupy Oakland Camp - Occupy Oakland

This morning at 5am over 500 police in riot gear from cities all over central California brutally attacked the Occupy Oakland encampment at 14th & Broadway. The police attacked the peaceful protest with flash grenades, tear gas, and rubber bullets after moving in with armored vehicles. Apparently the media was not allowed in to document this repression, and the police established barricades as far apart as 11th and 17th. Over 70 people were arrested and the camp gear was destroyed and/or stolen by the riot police.
Contact the mayor and tell her what you think of her actions.
Reconvene today at 4pm at the Oakland Library on 14th & Madison. Occupy Oakland is not finished, it has only begun.

Maddest stuff i have heard today is that a sponsored sleepout (i know, i feckin dislike the concept.. but anyhows) had to finish at 11 pm as said US city had imposed a no lie order city-wide.. so ironically they couldnt sleep out to assist others who have to :facepalm:(their a cool crew as it goes) n had 300 people... most of them then just wandered over n joined the 99%s as they were staying on so far 'legal land'.. gifted a cracking piece of state ridiculousness publically.... n swelled the numbers...

eta: latest:
Occupy Oakland was raided by police before dawn today. Over 80 people have been arrested at the two camps. A call has gone out for free occupiers and supporters to reconverge at the Oakland Public Library Main Branch (125 14th Street) at 4pm this afternoon. Come and show solidarity
been seeing in this some reliable places, ircs and news streams etc.... Murdoch is still an ogoing target, son and all? and on the back foot big time... i dont read/watch his 'media' or rather dont pay for the privilege but if theres one lying about i will take a peek natch...
This is called on for the 5th November...
btw as people may know anyone can get involved for the lulz.. but play safe and spoof IPs as a first thing...

other than his US wing... how has 'he' be treating the UK stuff, times (spotted front page posted elsewhere here and got me thinking) scum, sky et al? ..
they were actually a bit fluffy on their aussie output there....

i keep dreaming thatcher is going die soon too? to try n feck us.. please let it be she gets St Pauls for the loz... or any church they maybe think of using to entomb the murderer etc... feckin then fun hey?
just got this from a friend on fb:

Summary of the situation in Oakland: 500 police in riot gear from 12 Bay Area jurisdictions. 6 helicopters. Tear gas, flash bang grenades, sound cannon, rubber bullets, beanbag projectiles fired at largely peaceful protestors. No looting or broken windows. Police attack, and the people keep swarming back. Egyptians who were active at Tahrir Square protests voicing support and tweeting how to deal with tear gas. Pres. Obama in town; says nothing. CNN is ignoring the story, even though "OaklandPD" is trending worldwide on Twitter. Al Jazeera is covering it.
some good footage here, last 30 seconds showing the police throwing flash bangs/teargas at a group trying to help an injured man..

I think you'll find that by later today it will be showing a crowd beating an injured man as masked anarchists stop an ambulance from getting near him.
A recent report from google/youtube (goes to June) which has relevence to ongoing protests as Im sure they are still trying to get damning evidence suppressed...
US cops tried to erase online evidence of brutality

Google has been asked by a US law enforcement agency to remove several videos exposing police brutality from the video sharing service YouTube, the company has revealed in its latest update to an online transparency report.
Another request filed by a different agency required Google to remove videos allegedly defaming law enforcement officials. The two requests were among 92 submissions for content removal by various authorities in the US filed between January and June 2011. Both were rejected by Google along with 27 per cent of the submissions.
500 isn't bad for my little berg:

About 500 people marched through Lincoln streets Saturday as part of Occupy Lincoln, which protestors said was a way to stand up against corporate greed and show solidarity with those participating in other demonstrations in cities worldwide.

The march, which at times stretched several blocks from beginning to end, started near the Capitol, moved through downtown, then looped back toward the governor's mansion. Protestors then stood near the north side of the Capitol and held a general assembly to discuss further actions.


How I feel, as a United States Marine, about what occurred in Oakland

Hundreds of comments appear within hours of the pic upload...

( this explainns what happened to Scott Olson (that and te other thread I should have posted this in...): "Veteran Scott Olsen Could Be The First Person To Die At A Wall Street Protest" - http://www.businessinsider.com/this...erson-to-die-at-a-wall-street-protest-2011-10 )
Nashville, amongst other cities looking dodgy tonight
Governor Warns of More Arrests Tonight Unless Occupy Nashville Backs Down

Gov. Bill Haslam is warning that state troopers will enforce the Capitol's new curfew again tonight if Occupy Nashville protesters refuse to back down. “If we’re going to have laws, we have to enforce laws,” he said this afternoon in Knoxville where he went to a University of Tennessee trustees meeting.

The governor said he approved the decision early this morning to end the three-week occupation of Legislative Plaza to protect public safety and because of increasingly unsanitary conditions. Defending the action, he said state officials "don't really have the ability" to distinguish between law-abiding citizens exercising their First Amendment rights and street people who might have been causing trouble at the Plaza.

what a wankah... homeless people dont have the right to protest!
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