That could be easily disrupted by some cheeky scampsters with access to a large-scale communications network.
'We the undersigned wish to congratulate staff and students on the magnificent anti-cuts demonstration this afternoon. At least 50,000 people took to the streets to oppose the coalition government’s devastating proposals for education.
We also wish to condemn and distance ourselves from the divisive and, in our view, counterproductive statements issued by the UCU and NUS leadership concerning the occupation of the Conservative Party HQ.
The real violence in this situation relates not to a smashed window but to the destructive impact of the cuts and privatisation that will follow if tuition fees are increased and if massive reductions in HE funding are implemented.
Today’s events demonstrate the deep hostility in the UK towards the cuts proposed in the Comprehensive Spending Review. We hope that this marks the beginning of a sustained defence of public services and welfare provision as well as higher education.
John Wadsworth, President GUCU; Des Freedman, Secretary GUCU'.
I'd suggest sending them the picture of the real students causing this mess:
whacked that idea on my facebook
the daily telegraph grass-a-rioter game - just send random photo and any old name to this address - <linkl>
done. with vague enough info that hopefully someone might waste some time actually trying to follow it up.
What did they say?!
She showed a screenie of a thread from the Announcements forum about the demo, and read a post along the lines of hope it kicks off. Might be showed again. Careful now.
heres hoping the students really kick off this time
I met someone who was fitted up for the poll tax riots - shown footage of himself chucking missiles. Charges dropped when he pointed out that he'd been in hospital that day under general anaesthetic. Perhaps we could do a DIY fit-up of some people with cast iron alibis ...Actually, that's a good point. They're just going to delete the message when they open the first link. Still, it will piss them off if their inboxes are flooded with the same, especially if people get a new url for the images each time so they don't recognise them and therefore click and open them each time.
For info: Aaron Porter's father is a cop.
Wouldn't be a surprise. He got a mauling today in Parliament today which will hopefully dent his political aspirations.
For info: Aaron Porter's father is a cop.
For info: Aaron Porter's father is a cop.
Actually, that's a good point. They're just going to delete the message when they open the first link. Still, it will piss them off if their inboxes are flooded with the same, especially if people get a new url for the images each time so they don't recognise them and therefore click and open them each time.