Bumped because of the story today (Monday 12th September) about Civil and Public Service Pensions, in the
Financial Times
You have to subscribe I think to see the proper text**
but the gist of it is, that Blair is putting his foot down and
insisting (apparantly) that the long threatened change in the general public sector retirement age from 60 to 65, be pushed through. Current Government proposals, which are at the moment being 'negotiated' with the Civil Service unions, say that all new Civil/Public servants should retire at 65 if they join after 2006, and that all
existing Civil/Public servants still in post in 2013, would from that year immediately be subject to havig their retirement age raised from 60 to 65.
**If anyone on Urban has access to the FT content, could they please post the story up here? Thanks
I'll be 52 in 2013 ... I've been (technically) a Civil Servant since 1988, with an expectation for the past 18 years that I'll retire at 60 .... it's us medium grade, mid career, long standing pople who are probably most angry and pissed off about having this fundamental 'reform' inflicted on us, especially when it's duplicitiously disguised as an 'anti ageism' measure, giving us the 'right' to work longer.
Anyone in the Civil/Public Service who
wants to work beyond 60 or 65, is clearly mad and should be retired immediately on mental health grounds ...
So far Alan Johnson, with whom the Civil Service unions have been 'negotiating', has
seemed to favour a less confrontational approach than the one that hardine 'spokespeople' for Blair are kiteflying in the FT today.
There is another round of 'negotiations' due sometime this week - hence perhaps, the absence of any immediate reaction to today's FT story on either the
Prospect site, or the
PCS site.
Wondering whether the hardline noises from Blair and his people might be in advance of a partial climbdown whereby only new Civil/Public servants ar made to retire at 65 from a certain point, with existing staff retaining their current (contractual!!
) right to retire at 60 ....
Or will there be big showdown with the strikes that almost happened in May, coming back into the picture.