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"No Blood" at Oswald shooting claims photographer

spymaster, haven't you rather blown yr cover with yr username?

@Bob, it is usually the people who believe the official story who introduce the de-rail. apparantly, if you believe... oh, I cannot be bothered...

here's a quote from Kennedy, Address to the American Newspaper Publishers, delivered 27 April 1961;
For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence -- on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.
new world order, anyone?
snouty warthog said:
@Bob, it is usually the people who believe the official story who introduce the de-rail.

bollocks. Rejecting Jazz's shite is not the same as believing the official story. In fact, half the reason he pisses me off so much is that his crap - and that of fellow travellers like Azrael 23 - serves to stop people considering what happened because there's so much nonsense to wade through.
Jazzz - that list from the Kennedy site...lots of characters from James Ellroy's book Amercian Tabloid there...did you also know that JEH had a tape recording of JFK and MM fucking?
snouty warthog said:
spymaster, haven't you rather blown yr cover with yr username?

@Bob, it is usually the people who believe the official story who introduce the de-rail. apparantly, if you believe... oh, I cannot be bothered...

here's a quote from Kennedy, Address to the American Newspaper Publishers, delivered 27 April 1961;

new world order, anyone?

He was talking about Soviet Russia you eejit...jesus h fucking Christ, you can't even be bothered to check what the speech was about can you?
kyser_soze said:
Jazzz - that list from the Kennedy site...lots of characters from James Ellroy's book Amercian Tabloid there...did you also know that JEH had a tape recording of JFK and MM fucking?
I didn't. My housemate has been insisting that MM was certainly bumped off. Does the tape still exist? I bet that would outdo anything Paris Hilton could come up with.
Dubversion said:
bollocks. Rejecting Jazz's shite is not the same as believing the official story. In fact, half the reason he pisses me off so much is that his crap - and that of fellow travellers like Azrael 23 - serves to stop people considering what happened because there's so much nonsense to wade through.
okay well I don't want you to feel that Dubversion - what should people be considering?
BobTheLost, Have to say I quite like your law. Though, respectfully, I think you should amend it to

'Any conspiracy thread given long enough will end up rehashing 9/11'.

If you want to write a good law it shouldn't have a descriptive bias. And of course, I have started plenty of threads on non-conspiracy topics which got nowhere near 9/11 ;)
Jazzz said:
I didn't. My housemate has been insisting that MM was certainly bumped off.
Does the list ever end?

According to Jazzz's postings here, just about everything's a cover up, a state sponsored murder, black ops or committed by his legion of patsies:

9/11: committed by patsies, the lot of 'em.
7/7: committed by patsies, the lot of 'em.
Kennedy murder: patsy
Soham murders: patsy
Saddam in the dock: patsy
Diana: got to be a patsy in there somewhere (was it the driver, Jazzz?)

Do you think there's some sort of Academy For Patsies somewhere?
I mean, where does The Man get all these people from?
Evil Bastards

editor said:
Do you think there's some sort of Academy For Patsies somewhere?
I mean, where does The Man get all these people from?

oh dub beat me to the joke
Well back to being serious - any response to post #127 dubversion? I'm asking genuinely.
Jazzz said:
Well back to being serious...
Are there any other patsies you'd like to add to your list, by the way?

I'm sure I've only scratched the surface of your ever-growing Patsy army.
editor said:
According to Jazzz's postings here, just about everything's a cover up, a state sponsored murder, black ops or committed by his legion of patsies:
Reluctant though I am to further address this post I must correct you - patsies don't actually commit anything, otherwise they wouldn't be patsies, they would be perpetrators.
Jazzz said:
Reluctant though I am to further address this post I must correct you - patsies don't actually commit anything, otherwise they wouldn't be patsies, they would be perpetrators.
In the case of the 7/7 'patsies' - for example - I'd say they committed the odd murder or two.

Are there any other patsies you'd like to add to your list, by the way?
ahem. Here's another photo of the Oswald shooting:


Does seem pretty extraordinary that Oswald was led through a scrum of people flanked by just two plain-clothes guards, and a gunman is allowed to approach within point blank range and this occurs right in front of two cameramen who are each able to capture the neatly-framed incident. Curious.
Yeah, what were a load of press photographers doing covering the Kennedy assassination? Didn’t they have anything better to do?
Yossarian said:
Yeah, what were a load of press photographers doing covering the Kennedy assassination? Didn’t they have anything better to do?
Damn right! It was only one of the biggest stories in American history, so surely just the junior snapper from the local rag would have been enough to cover the story?

And what the fuck were the cameramen doing pointing their lenses at Lee Oswald? That sure looks mighty suspicious to me.
And what the fuck are those guys with microphones doing?

And see that big crowd of people all around? They must all be in on it too.
"No one has to direct an assassination -- it happens. The active role is played secretly by permitting it to happen." L. Fletcher Prouty

...look at the security around Oswald, it was pathetic. Indeed, look at the security for JFK where all the bodyguards are lined up on the car behind. Or consider the security for Martin Luther King where his black bodyguards were sent home. Or the security for Bobby Kennedy where there was nothing suspicious about the appearance of white supremacist Thane Eugene Caesar as a security guard. Who has mucked around with the usual security arrangements? This is the biggest clue.

In the case of Diana it gives a very curious conclusion.
Jazzz said:
In the case of Diana it gives a very curious conclusion.
Yes! Oswald, Kennedy, Luther King, Marilyn Monroe, Diana, Rod Hull, the Moon Landings, the changing of Marathon bars to Snickers and Dirty Den in EastEnders.

All conspiracies! All connected! Everyone's in on it. Everyone!

The Man is everywhere!
Funny how emu was nowhere to be seen when Rod Hull had that ahem "accident" on his rooftop.

And he was supposedly installing a sky dish at the time, which puts Murdoch firmly in the frame too. :mad:
Jazzz said:
oh do calm down Mister Ed!
It's not me that needs 'calming down,' Jazzz. Really.

I've always liked you in real life, but I'm beginning to worry that you're actually losing your marbles, to be honest - and I suspect I'm not the only one.
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