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"No Blood" at Oswald shooting claims photographer

TeeJay said:
Do you have these official times then Jazzz? What are they?
okay I have these times:

12.25am crash
2.10am arrival at La Pitie Salpetriere
belboid said:
These fools (& I'm afraid I include you in this) are actually any governments best weapon against any covert ops being revealed - as the loonies who might do so can be almost immediately discreditted by pulling out some of the other crap that they come out with (eg yer man here and his lizards or whatever they were).
Indeed. I read an article a bit ago on Area 51 detailing how the site was used for test-flying all manner of aircraft and other military equipment, but that this was being ignored due to the obsession over its supposed extra-terrestrial involvement. same article went on to speculate on what other conspiracy theories and "paranormal" phenomena could be down to the same - real-life dodgy shit done by the government but distracted from by the conspiracists - and whether this was all too convenient from the govt POV.

not to pose a meta-conspiracy, like, but...
Jazzz said:
okay I have these times:

12.25am crash
2.10am arrival at La Pitie Salpetriere

So what if the French ambulance crew spent an hour and a half trying to save Diana, Dodi and their chauffeur at the scene, apparently in accordance with French policy, then a ten/fifteen minute drive to the hospital when they realised that the situation was beyond them?
Jazzz said:
okay I have these times:

12.25am crash
2.10am arrival at La Pitie Salpetriere

I have these times

1pm crash
1.01pm arrival at La Pitie Salpetriere

and these

5pm crash
6.30pm arrival at La Pitie Salpetriere

I could go on making shit up all day
Bigdavalad said:
So what if the French ambulance crew spent an hour and a half trying to save Diana, Dodi and their chauffeur at the scene, apparently in accordance with French policy, then a ten/fifteen minute drive to the hospital when they realised that the situation was beyond them?
I would then wonder how the CBC documentary can suggest its hour and ten minutes figure. And you would then have to explain the extraordinary delay in starting the journey. The treatment at the scene is surely meant for stablising the patient not as a substitute for hospital. Dodi/Henri Paul were pronounced dead straight after the crash.

This is the only one aspect of the many anomalies surrounding the death of Diana.

Anyway, this wasn't intended as a Diana thread.
Blagsta said:
Oh Jazzz you poor love :( You don't get why everyone takes the piss so much do you?
yes I do, it has something to do with you acting like jerks.

But I see you are using your pet definition of 'everyone' again.
Jazzz said:
yes I do, it has something to do with you acting like jerks

No, its more to do with you continuuing to post unsubstantiated crap with no source. You get shown up to be gullible time and time again, yet you still do it to yourself. Why?
Blagsta said:
No, its more to do with you continuuing to post unsubstantiated crap with no source. You get shown up to be gullible time and time again, yet you still do it to yourself. Why?
Are you doubting the crash/arrival at hospital times? These are times of official record. If so, do you want to tell me the true ones?
Jazzz said:
Are you doubting the crash/arrival at hospital times? These are times of official record. If so, do you want to tell me the true ones?

Where's your source?
See, this is one of the reasons I continue to take the piss out of you Jazzz. You're inabilty to do the most basic of research.
Blagsta said:
See, this is one of the reasons I continue to take the piss out of you Jazzz. You're inabilty to do the most basic of research.
I am more than willing to stand corrected if I make errors. That one was of no consequence. Your aim is not to help out but to simply seek to ridicule.
Jazzz said:
I am more than willing to stand corrected if I make errors. That one was of no consequence. Your aim is not to help out but to simply seek to ridicule.

The point, surely, is that if you get the most basic elements right, how can your judgement on the rest of it be trusted?
Jazzz said:
I am more than willing to stand corrected if I make errors. That one was of no consequence. Your aim is not to help out but to simply seek to ridicule.

Jazzz, you make these sort of errors all the time, then say "oh, they were of no consequence". The point is that it took me all of 30 seconds to find out that your claims as to who made a documentary were wrong. Now I know you don't hold much truck with looking at sources (which is why I take the piss out of you), but were you never taught at school to think about sources and their credibility? Is "a book" (that you don't even name!) a credible source? Or a website that literally anyone can edit? Or a documentary made for Channel 5?

btw, yes, sometimes I do ridicule you - you bring it on yourself though for these very reasons - you're really really gullible, its quite funny sometimes
Dubversion said:
The point, surely, is that if you get the most basic elements right, how can your judgement on the rest of it be trusted?
You shouldn't trust me or anyone else Dubversion as I said not long ago to you. The point here is that the times of the crash and arrival at hospital should be established times of official record and checkable. And I'm quite happy for them to be questioned. But not when people are just seeking to throw shit.
Jazzz said:
You shouldn't trust me or anyone else Dubversion as I said not long ago to you. The point here is that the times of the crash and arrival at hospital should be established times of official record and checkable. And I'm quite happy for them to be questioned. The question is whether people really want to have a proper discussion, or do they simply want to throw shit.

See, this is also why people take the piss out of you - your dishonesty. You claim that it took an hour and half for the ambulance to get to the hospital. When asked to provide a source for that, you duck and dive the issue then claim that the fact that you can't provide a source is evidence that there is a conspiracy. Its (a) dishonest and (b) circular and paranoid thinking.
Blagsta said:
Jazzz, you make these sort of errors all the time, then say "oh, they were of no consequence". The point is that it took me all of 30 seconds to find out that your claims as to who made a documentary were wrong. Now I know you don't hold much truck with looking at sources (which is why I take the piss out of you), but were you never taught at school to think about sources and their credibility? Is "a book" (that you don't even name!) a credible source? Or a website that literally anyone can edit? Or a documentary made for Channel 5?

btw, yes, sometimes I do ridicule you - you bring it on yourself though for these very reasons - you're really really gullible, its quite funny sometimes
oh FFS

I am tired of you blagsta. Take the piss all you want.
Jazzz said:
oh FFS

I am tired of you blagsta. Take the piss all you want.

On second thoughts - sorry Jazzz. :( I do go a little far sometimes. You do bring it on yourself though.
Jazzz said:
okay I have these times:

12.25am crash
2.10am arrival at La Pitie Salpetriere
You seem to have missed some times:

time of crash ...
time of arrival of ambulance at scene ...
time of start journey to hospital ...
time of arrival at hospital ...

You also don't say where you got these "official" times from.

You also don't explain what is unusual about this, how any of these times indicate that someone murder Diana in the ambulance (and needed to drive amilessly around paris to do so). In fact...

...fuck it, why do we even bother Jazzz? :S
Jazzz if you want a Diana conspiracy you would be better off looking into this:-

The night the accident happened I saw the newsflash on news 24(?). They talked to the doctor at the hospital in Paris who stated that Diana had a broken arm and bruised ribs.

Now I know a lot of doctors are crap but I would imagine that even the most incompetant doctor couldn't mistake death for a broken arm and bruised ribs. :eek:
WouldBe said:
The night the accident happened I saw the newsflash on news 24(?). They talked to the doctor at the hospital in Paris who stated that Diana had a broken arm and bruised ribs.
What "doctor" at what hospital?
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