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"No Blood" at Oswald shooting claims photographer

Note how Jackie is praying to the lizard, under the watchful eye of the Son of God.

How indeed did we ever miss this vital clue?
I'm convinced. I'm off to buy his book.

Once again, the power of the Internet and Urban75 solve the great mysteries of the world.

Would never have believed in the lizard if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes:eek: :eek:
So this guys waits over 40 years with this case breaking detail? Very plausable.

Well that clears that up then.

Why do you even bother with this crap Jazz?
pk said:
Actually for once I think Jazzz has a point here.

And I think a certain person has some explaining to do.


Is godzilla not allowed a break from filming? :mad:

Can't believe I missed that first time.
editor said:
Actually, the ambulance team were following standard French practice when they chose to treat her at the scene. But don't let that get in the way of another of your fascinating, fact-free theories!
I'm not talking about time spent treating her at the scene. I'm talking about the time it took for the ambulance to make its journey. Which was apparently an hour and ten minutes. It had to travel three miles. On roads with no traffic. That's walking pace.
Jazzz said:
I'm not talking about time spent treating her at the scene. I'm talking about the time it took for the ambulance to make its journey. Which was apparently an hour and ten minutes. It had to travel three miles. On roads with no traffic. That's walking pace.
its quite astounding how the time and distance of her travels varies according to which loony you read.

one hour to go four miles, 95 minutes at 25kph, 40 minutes for an unspecified distance.

it's as if the whole thing were....bullshit!
Jazzz said:
Which was apparently an hour and ten minutes. It had to travel three miles. On roads with no traffic. That's walking pace.
So - shhhhhhh! - you think the French police and medics and ambulance staff were in on it too?

Why do you think the ambulance went so slowly then (if that is the case)?

Was it another of your 9/11 belt'n'braces type operations - you know, maybe the massive high-speed crash wasn't enough to kill her, so to be sure they forced the ambulance to go really slowly for, err, some reason or another?

Naturally, all of the ambulance staff, hospital staff etc have had no problem remaining quiet about their involvement in this cunning plan for time eternal, yes?
XerxesVargas said:
So this guys waits over 40 years with this case breaking detail? Very plausable.

Well that clears that up then.

He may not have realised the implications of what he witnessed until now. Or maybe he felt it odd but realised it would be best kept to himself. :eek:
Why is it that only celebrities get their conspiratastic murders exposed by the truth seekers?

Just think of all those ordinary non-famous people getting murdered by ambulance crews up and down the country every day! :(

Jazzz, I think you should set up a conspiracy hot-line so that us ordinary folk can get some truth and justice from you lot.
Jazzz said:
Or maybe he felt it odd but realised it would be best kept to himself. :eek:
Rarely have I seen such a desperate page of half-arsed conspiraloonery.

But seeing as you seem sold on the idea that 'they' go around killing people - sometimes by some truly obscure methods - why wasn't this bloke killed off years ago then?

Or now?
but he was there, and saw it, so whether he spoke out or not shouldnt have made any difference - not according to that link anyway, which lists many people who didnt challenge the official theory in any way.

In fact that list works against you - were it all faked, then there would be a need to get rid of Jackson anyway,whether he spoke out or not. He is still alive.

How come?
belboid said:
but he was there, and saw it, so whether he spoke out or not shouldnt have made any difference - not according to that link anyway, which lists many people who didnt challenge the official theory in any way.

In fact that list works against you - were it all faked, then there would be a need to get rid of Jackson anyway,whether he spoke out or not. He is still alive.

How come?
You'd need a cast of *thousands* in a huge range of occupations and professions to knock off all those people in the claimed manner and then lie about the circumstances too.

In Jazzz's world there must be more people in on some conspiracy or another than ordinary folks!
editor said:
You'd need a cast of *thousands* in a huge range of occupations and professions to knock off all those people in the claimed manner and then lie about the circumstances too.

In Jazzz's world there must be more people in on some conspiracy or another than ordinary folks!
or maybe they have discovered a machine that can travel through time and relative dimensions in space, so they'd only need one person (plus maybe the odd glamourous assistant). Bet you didn't think of that eh?!
Jazzz said:
I think it's ridiculous to assume that this is a fictitious report.
who said it's fictitious? I think the word the rest of were thinking was 'bollocks'
Red Jezza said:
eh? come on, he'd be too dim to breathe in that case!
eh? no way. He could either think, well that's a bit odd, or turn his whole belief system on its head. Turning one's whole belief system on its head is no easy task. You should try it sometime.
belboid said:
its quite astounding how the time and distance of her travels varies according to which loony you read.

one hour to go four miles, 95 minutes at 25kph, 40 minutes for an unspecified distance.

it's as if the whole thing were....bullshit!
That's indeed a common strategy to cover things up - release loads of conflicting reports so in the end people just can't be arsed thinking about it. I got the hour and ten minutes from this CBC documentary which claims access to the French police reports.

Look at it another way - are you suggesting that we don't have official times for the time Diana crashed, started her journey, and arrived at hospital? Wouldn't that be very strange?
belboid said:
who said it's fictitious? I think the word the rest of were thinking was 'bollocks'
So you think Bob Jackson is making up his observations, or is simply mistaken?
What I am suggesting is that most conspiracy 'theorists' are lazy fools who copy an ill read sentence of the internet and build up grand theories around it, despite all the evidence to the contrary.

These fools (& I'm afraid I include you in this) are actually any governments best weapon against any covert ops being revealed - as the loonies who might do so can be almost immediately discreditted by pulling out some of the other crap that they come out with (eg yer man here and his lizards or whatever they were).

No doub there are official times of Di's travels, but the fact that conspiraloons cant be arsed finding them out just shows what a bunch of hokum it is they peddle.
Jazzz said:
So you think Bob Jackson is making up his observations, or is simply mistaken?
dont know, dont care. I think the 'theory' Szymanski has developed is a load of old hooey tho.
Jazzz said:
I think it's ridiculous to assume that this is a fictitious report.

I think it's ridiculous to assume that this is in any way true, given your track record of 100 percent bollocks.

How many "theories" have you come up with?

50, 60?

All of them provably horseshit.
Jazzz said:
Look at it another way - are you suggesting that we don't have official times for the time Diana crashed, started her journey, and arrived at hospital? Wouldn't that be very strange?
Do you have these official times then Jazzz? What are they?
Given how easy it is for certain gases to induce heart failure and be completely clear from the system within a few hours, wouldn't it have been easier to have some of that sprayed in her face than to have bribed/coerced half of France into taking part in some half arsed car crash/slow ambulance charade?
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