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Nintendo Switch

Just became only the 20th title to get 10/10 by Edge.

In good company with a few other Nintendo titles, the complete list of 10/10ers

  • Super Mario 64
  • Gran Turismo
  • Legend Of Zelda: The Ocarina Of Time
  • Halo: Combat Evolved
  • Half-Life 2
  • Halo 3
  • The Orange Box
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • Grand Theft Auto IV
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Bayonetta
  • Super Mario Galaxy 2
  • Rock Band 3
  • Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword
  • The Last Of Us
  • Grand Theft Auto V
  • Bayonetta 2
  • Bloodborne
  • Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
  • Super Mario Odyssey
We are debating if we can wait until Xmas. :D
Are you all too busy playing to post about it? [emoji1] I’ve ordered a Switch. I can’t afford it and have used my catalogue which is very bad but I couldn’t wait. I’m going to pay it off when I get my next student loan instalment.
I got the one with grey controllers and MARIO kart then ordered odyssey too. I’m so fucking excited! It’s totally the wrong time to do it as I’ve got loads of Uni work on so Mr Looby might have to hide the controls around deadlines. [emoji6]
Is there much of a 2 player function? I know the second player can control Cappy. Mr Looby is worried I’ll hog it.
Is there much of a 2 player function? I know the second player can control Cappy. Mr Looby is worried I’ll hog it.
Not really. But you shouldn’t let that stop you getting it. [emoji28]

Still prefer BOTW - there was a new outfit released which my son got yesterday - had forgotten quite how beautiful the graphics are. Plus I am a bit shit at MARIO games tbh :oops:
Not really. But you shouldn’t let that stop you getting it. [emoji28]

Still prefer BOTW - there was a new outfit released which my son got yesterday - had forgotten quite how beautiful the graphics are. Plus I am a bit shit at MARIO games tbh :oops:
We did and we’ve completed the story already. Just trying to collect the many many moons we missed now.
I’ve never played a game like BOTW, I’ve always avoided fantasy stuff but it does look good.
We love Mario Kart too. Because we’ve been playing the ancient version on wii for so long, we’re possibly far more impressed with 8 than other people. [emoji1]
Nintendo must be very happy at the moment. No discounts on them in the various sales, so they must be selling well.

Anyone got Skyrim for it yet?
Arrived yesterday. Plays well in my opinion. There are no mods but I quite like that as it forces me to play raw rather than with the various 'aids' I installed within a day of getting it on PC. I don't generally take my switch out much. But I like the freedom of being able to play where I want, led in bed or whatever, rather than having to sit at my desk. Plus it looks better on my TV than my laptop. I'd sworn myself of skyrim for the last six months, I played for a couple of hours last night and as hooked all over again.
Arrived yesterday. Plays well in my opinion. There are no mods but I quite like that as it forces me to play raw rather than with the various 'aids' I installed within a day of getting it on PC. I don't generally take my switch out much. But I like the freedom of being able to play where I want, led in bed or whatever, rather than having to sit at my desk. Plus it looks better on my TV than my laptop. I'd sworn myself of skyrim for the last six months, I played for a couple of hours last night and as hooked all over again.

I don't think I even did 20% of it on the PC. My gaming time when I'm at home is seriously limited, but over the summer months I work away a fair bit and find myself with little do in the evenings, so a switch is perfect. Hopefully just before then the price may come down slightly.
I don't think I even did 20% of it on the PC. My gaming time when I'm at home is seriously limited, but over the summer months I work away a fair bit and find myself with little do in the evenings, so a switch is perfect. Hopefully just before then the price may come down slightly.
Yeah, switch games aren't cheap. I pre-ordered on Amazon and and had a £10 voucher so only paid £32 cash. Which is still about 10 times what I paid for the pc version in a steam sale.
Yeah the games are expensive. But the console was only released in March this year and apparently the games need a lot of rejigging (technical term :mad: ) to work on it
Arrived yesterday. Plays well in my opinion. There are no mods but I quite like that as it forces me to play raw rather than with the various 'aids' I installed within a day of getting it on PC. I don't generally take my switch out much. But I like the freedom of being able to play where I want, led in bed or whatever, rather than having to sit at my desk. Plus it looks better on my TV than my laptop. I'd sworn myself of skyrim for the last six months, I played for a couple of hours last night and as hooked all over again.
Actually one thing I don't like about it is that as far as I can tell there is no way to turn off the expansions. On the pc version I would often deactivate Dawnguard as the vampires turning up and killing people in towns could get pretty annoying it I didn't want to follow that quest line.
Yeah the games are expensive. But the console was only released in March this year and apparently the games need a lot of rejigging (technical term :mad: ) to work on it
Nintendo games are never cheap, but I’ve found over the years that this doesn’t mean I end up spending more money - I might own fewer games but they are better ones and last longer. Just Zelda and Mario will last ages.
Actually one thing I don't like about it is that as far as I can tell there is no way to turn off the expansions. On the pc version I would often deactivate Dawnguard as the vampires turning up and killing people in towns could get pretty annoying it I didn't want to follow that quest line.
Apparently random vampire attacks are disabled on the switch version. So not being able to turn it off wasn't a big issue.

Overall I'm still loving Skyrim on switch. I've had a few crashes with it, and I don't remember any other switch gamess crashing. It's taken me a while to figure out some controls, like how to walk instead of run.

like most switch games I am finding myself playing in handheld mode most of the time. Just lying back on the settee and playing is too comfortable. This is the real strength of the switch, my moded laptop version is a better game, but playing on the switch is just easier and more comfortable. I was a bit worried the loading times might be an issue, but apart from when you first start they aren't too bad. The motion control for aiming bows and spells is a bit iffy, but it does help to get a more precise shot.
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