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I am slightly surprised there has been no thread here so far on the recent palace coup inside the BNP against Nick Griffin. Those involved may want to keep a lid on it (including Griffin) and the Hope Not Hate clowns think it might be cosmetic: but the rest of us have no reason to buy into this cosy theme of denial. The take by yours truly on events can be found here: http://www.borderland.co.uk/index.p...ts-booted-upstairs-facts-behind-the-spin.html

Comments welcome...

With hindsight Griffin's leadership began to slip it's moorings once Lecomber departed the scene in around 2006. With Lecomber and Butler, the real architects of the euro-nationalist strategy out of the game, or in active opposition, Griffin's hold on the BNP almost instantly began to become unglued. The loss of Lecomber was particularly critical. Not only did he have the general respect of the membership as a result of time spent at the coal-face he also seemed to have the political instinct to spot trouble and trouble makers. It's not a coincidence that it was he who first set his face against (and was targeted in return) the state-sponsored machinations of C18 encouraging Tyndall to proscribe them. Griffin fatal flaw on the other hand seems to be to automatically like people who appear to like him. Thus without Lecomber's guiding hand all sorts of touts and chancers were welcomed on board and rose to brief prominence. Even worse, when suspicions were raised often by the rank and file, instead of taking the opportunity to remedy the situation Griffin's instinct was to dig in, thereby alienating another yet more of the activist base. Increasingly beleaguered, and surrounded himself with from an old-school fascist perspective, advisers of dubious pedigree (direct M15 involvement, aside) one disastrous decision followed another. it can only be this steady thinning out of the best elements that allowed him to stay in charge for as long as he did.
Larry O' Hara.

It's a very good piece, so thanks.

Not saying I would disagree or might not even guess, but could you succinctly say why you are so scathing about HNH?
re: Griffin. both these are fat and bad for you


Oi! don't knock Normandy butter, it is delicious. :D
I suspect that the demise of the BNP has little to do with people eschewing its general tenor, I suspect that a great number of people who would otherwise have supported the BNP, in recent elections, have defected to UKIP, the marginally more respectable face of the far right.
The BNP were acutely aware of UKIP doing for them. They flailed about with anti UKIP propaganda, often not openly declaring themselves as BNP, but via "third way" publishing in smallprint. It was going on about UKIP being multiculturalist, pro immigration and stuff.
The BNP were acutely aware of UKIP doing for them. They flailed about with anti UKIP propaganda, often not openly declaring themselves as BNP, but via "third way" publishing in smallprint. It was going on about UKIP being multiculturalist, pro immigration and stuff.

That must have caused a bit of astonishment in UKIP. :D
The English Democrats seem to be more the home of ex-BNP players than UKIP (who specifically ban them), and have probably siphoned a chunk of support, at least in the north where they are relatively strong.
UKIP killed the English Dumbocrats even sooner than they killed the BNP, the supposed ban on BNP members (not sure if it was ever carried out) was purely for show. It certainly didn't apply to voters.

If you follow the basic logic and themes of UKIP cheerleaders there's often scant difference from EDL rhetoric. There's a great deal of crossover there too, mark my words.

The Start and The Express used to give curious amounts of coverage to the EDL, which turned very suddenly in the case of The Express. Now NF has a column in The Express, because taking money from a porn baron who owns 2 newspapers and a terrestrial TV channel is about as anti establishment as it gets.
I know/knew quite a lot of the "issues" going back some years, but I was interested specifically in Larry's take (so thanks for the other link of his) and still find some of their written stuff to be of value.
Because they're a continuation of searchlight and basically protect the political centre from extremism (that includes the left) and are in cahoots with the state.
Show us where the English Democrats are strong - apart from Doncaster briefly...
Some pillocks in a flat in my house supported them; we had a long struggle to get the bulldogs evicted and the Union Flag removed from their windows. Fortunately he is now banned from coming within an x mile radius of the house, and we hope that her new bloke will help her to see sense, but I'm not optimistic. :(
Some pillocks in a flat in my house supported them; we had a long struggle to get the bulldogs evicted and the Union Flag removed from their windows. Fortunately he is now banned from coming within an x mile radius of the house, and we hope that her new bloke will help her to see sense, but I'm not optimistic. :(

So strong in your house, is it in the North?
No, west London housing association. Everyone else drives Mini Coopers, and have boxes of organic veg delivered.
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