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I stayed in the Chelsea a couple of times. It was a bit crap to be honest - the pipes clattered and banged all night!

yeh i was in it once or twice, it was a hole, though you could do much worse.
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Enjoyed this yesterday. Wish I had a time machine.

I took that ride around that time and was definitely wary as fuck - but also excited because it was so different and wild compared to London!

Coney Island archive photos - 1986 and 1999, old photographs from two trips to a faded Brookyln seaside town, New York, USA

(horrific web interface here - New York Photo Gallery: index of New York photos 1986 - 2000)
I recommend the book "Do Not Give Way to Evil" if you can get hold of it. I bought it for about 15 dollars on Aamzon and then it shot up to 300 suddenly. If it's settled down again, it's one of the best collections of NY photos from that era.
Enjoyed this yesterday. Wish I had a time machine.

An R40 "slant" unit - all scrapped now , and a fleet that seemed to have no great admirers ....semi-streamlined fronts which turned out to be a design and operational nightmare.

Came back from Brighton Beach via Coney Island last September and the area has really buffed up well , ditto the trains. Not like the 1980's when I was last down there. Really like Brooklyn I have to admit.

Is he running Express or Local ?

Not a great move really - especially as he appears to be going in the direction of an approaching train (judging by the red signal behind him) ...as ex Mayor Koch might say "Only in New York....
Remarkable - the sheer amount of work required to build that system - and not a project manager or Gantt chart in sight.

Total cunt. I hate the plethora of 'Look at me' wankers in and around the NYC Subway sometimes. If and when the Subway shuts down for the duration, these wankers will suffer withdrawal symptoms 'cos of their temporary inability to indulge in their 'LOOK AT ME' bullshit.
Total cunt. I hate the plethora of 'Look at me' wankers in and around the NYC Subway sometimes. If and when the Subway shuts down for the duration, these wankers will suffer withdrawal symptoms 'cos of their temporary inability to indulge in their 'LOOK AT ME' bullshit.

oh i agree. i don't know
1: if the one with the camera was in on it, or just happened to be there. the other riders don't seem to like it either, per the audio.
2: why the guy in the suit was watching and then ran after the cyclist - getting in on it? if plainclothes, why get on the tracks and not just chase from the platform?

just to say, look-at-me types have been around the subways forever. they used to cover it in graffiti.
oh i agree. i don't know
1: if the one with the camera was in on it, or just happened to be there. the other riders don't seem to like it either, per the audio.
2: why the guy in the suit was watching and then ran after the cyclist - getting in on it? if plainclothes, why get on the tracks and not just chase from the platform?

just to say, look-at-me types have been around the subways forever. they used to cover it in graffiti.

I'm less tolerant of shit like this these days because I have two tech-obsessed, impressionable sons, and they think the most important goal in life is to be a YouTube star with millions of subscribers and the accompanying monetized accounts.

I just know 'LOOK AT ME' wanker videos like this go viral, and will eventually turn up on their recommended list on social media. It boils my piss.
from this morning, 11:30 - noon. the middle of a weekday mind.
it's a wretched day, there was hail this morning which changed over to a driving cold rain, which will stick around another 6 hours i understand.
but i'm guessing 90% of this is the PAUSE order.

herald square BMT.

coronavirus herald square.jpg

the Q i boarded

coronavirus subway.jpg

my stop

coronavirus elevator.jpg
do they still have their proletarian democracy t-shirts? :D

That was my t-shirt. ;)

It's a bit weathered at this point - and I'd have to lose 10lbs to properly fit into it atm - but I was still happy to wear it. I was going to wear it to a Saturday night darts night in my local bar, to see if it would confuse the guys wearing the Blue Lives Matter t-shirts.

Lest we forget (from 2012):

'kin 'ell man how do you deal with that. i've got cousins i cut off because of shit like that.
if any of these show up it is your obligation to the class to put their lights out. i'll bail you.


It's so fucking noisy in there with the shitty American 90s skate punk music played at full volume that I can never a word anyone says, but a couple of them wear their T shirts with pride. And, yes, they are from Staten Island and New Jersey. :D
from this morning, 11:30 - noon. the middle of a weekday mind.
it's a wretched day, there was hail this morning which changed over to a driving cold rain, which will stick around another 6 hours i understand.
but i'm guessing 90% of this is the PAUSE order.

herald square BMT.

View attachment 203005

the Q i boarded

View attachment 203006

my stop

View attachment 203007

Thank you for that - you are a true New Yorker to use the name "BMT" in standard conversation.
well, i'm a new yorker of a certain age ...:D

Keep using it ! - you know I am a huge subway fan (obsessive even) , but when the new air con cars came in the 1970;s , some die hard local on the Sea Beach line said "Brooklyn ain't Brooklyn without dem old BMT cars" ........and when we were over last fall , a friend of a friend mad my day by advising to us go back on the Seventh Avenue IRT ! Again a man of a certain age ....
Keep using it ! - you know I am a huge subway fan (obsessive even) , but when the new air con cars came in the 1970;s , some die hard local on the Sea Beach line said "Brooklyn ain't Brooklyn without dem old BMT cars" ........and when we were over last fall , a friend of a friend mad my day by advising to us go back on the Seventh Avenue IRT ! Again a man of a certain age ....

my parents and them only ever spoke of the subways that way. it was sometime in my adulthood that i learned that every line had always had its own letter or number (or at least since a long time if not from the start).
my parents and them only ever spoke of the subways that way. it was sometime in my adulthood that i learned that every line had always had its own letter or number (or at least since a long time if not from the start).

There was a major campaign by the TA in the 1970's to try and sort out the horrible complications of the system (where routes had names - rather than the much simpler idea of route codes and letters , in a simplified style - so the IND "Concourse - 8th Ave Local" became the "CC" local , then today's "C")

The new maps certainly changed the perception , but Walter Hill's superb film "The Warriors" (1979) - in the opening scene of one of the guys studying a map, shows the new system but retains in small letters IRT , IND , BMT as necessary. Probably to he;p the older generation ! - after all , unification to all city owned only happened in 1941.!

Thanks for replying :thumbs:
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