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new stuff in streatham

I noticed that and figured I was drunk. What a very odd refurb, esp with the horrific strip lighting inside (I recall the interior being shit before but at least fairly decent, just needed a bit of love). But a linen shop?!?
I noticed that and figured I was drunk. What a very odd refurb, esp with the horrific strip lighting inside (I recall the interior being shit before but at least fairly decent, just needed a bit of love). But a linen shop?!?

It reminded me of one of those cheap shops that sell everything. I got the impression it's not the type of place to put the official curtain shop out of business. :D May have to pop into it one day if I remember
I got the impression it's not the type of place to put the official curtain shop out of business. :D

Yeah it's a 'sell it all, sell it cheap' type thing. I like the fact that we have an 'official' curtain shop - and any other shop selling curtains is deemed unofficial.

Rogers has the Mini_the_Minx seal of approval:
Yeah it's a 'sell it all, sell it cheap' type thing. I like the fact that we have an 'official' curtain shop - and any other shop selling curtains is deemed unofficial.

Rogers has the Mini_the_Minx seal of approval:

I shall have to visit Linens one day :D
Although someone might be put out of business by their signage's letter that's now hanging precariously (it's the 'R' of 'CURTAIN' I think) falling, as seems inevitable...
gaijingirl said:
We tried out Addomme today and it was absolutely bloody delicious. It's not very cheap (not outrageously expensive either) but the ravioli caprese we had was incredible. All very very fresh, made on the premises. They have a massive wood fired pizza oven - we also had a lovely pizza. They are super friendly and welcoming. Gaijinboy had a tiramisu and claimed it the best he has had in ages (he's often disappointed in tiramisu) and the kids had these doughnut things covered in nutella that we snaffled rather a lot of. It's currently BYO whilst they wait for a licence, so that kept the price down.

Where's that?
I do want to try Beyrouth and that other lebanese place.

Oh, and how about a Streatham drink? Pratts And Payne? ;-) Whilst we're on a gentrification tip...
I do want to try Beyrouth and that other lebanese place.

Oh, and how about a Streatham drink? Pratts And Payne? ;-) Whilst we're on a gentrification tip...
Beyrouth is nice, starters are better than mains. P&P got fancy neon lights, haven't been in there though, looks a bit scary…
I do want to try Beyrouth and that other lebanese place.

Oh, and how about a Streatham drink? Pratts And Payne? ;-) Whilst we're on a gentrification tip...

imo.. Ililli is much better than Beyrouth and Adomme is next to that Porky's strip club place :D just by Streatham Hill train station..
What's better, Adomme or the other new Italian place, BR?

Well Bravi Ragazzi is just pizza whereas Adomme does lots of other dishes - pasta etc. So they're not entirely comparable. Also I've only done takeaway from BR whereas we ate in at Adomme because we wanted to have pasta for the kids and were certain they have high chairs for the baby. (they might do at BR, I don't know?) I suppose you could compare the pizzas. I actually had pasta when I went to Adomme but I did try some of gb's pizza which was lush. I suppose I'd have to do some kind of pizza taste test... what a lovely thought!
Well Bravi Ragazzi is just pizza whereas Adomme does lots of other dishes - pasta etc. So they're not entirely comparable. Also I've only done takeaway from BR whereas we ate in at Adomme because we wanted to have pasta for the kids and were certain they have high chairs for the baby. (they might do at BR, I don't know?) I suppose you could compare the pizzas. I actually had pasta when I went to Adomme but I did try some of gb's pizza which was lush. I suppose I'd have to do some kind of pizza taste test... what a lovely thought!

I'm not a huge pizza fan so prefer the pasta option. The small boy will only eat pizza out though as pasta has to come with his preferred brand of pesto, none of that authentic muck they serve in restaurants.
gaijingirl said:
imo.. Ililli is much better than Beyrouth and Adomme is next to that Porky's strip club place :D just by Streatham Hill train station..

Thanks for the tip!
(er, not re the strip club! Lol I've never noticed a strip club by Streatham Hill Station!).
I think it's closed and I imagine it was a strip club - just from the way it looks.

eta.. hang on - much maligned (I've only seen it in passing). Not a strip club and possibly not even closed down.. :oops:


not sure why I thought that...

It's been there years and years. Was up and running when we lived near the station in the early 2000s. Never went in mind. It always looked a bit intimidating cos of the dark windows. Always v busy on weekend evenings back then with lots of very dressed up types going in there.
It's been there years and years. Was up and running when we lived near the station in the early 2000s. Never went in mind. It always looked a bit intimidating cos of the dark windows. Always v busy on weekend evenings back then with lots of very dressed up types going in there.

Well yes, I've seen it there for years but have never seen it open because I've only passed in the daytime.. I never looked closely at all tbh at what it is.. it's just the name... :D
Well yes, I've seen it there for years but have never seen it open because I've only passed in the daytime.. I never looked closely at all tbh at what it is.. it's just the name... :D

The only occasion when attending a Lambeth Licensing committee has been anything like entertaining was when the proprietor of Porky's was present asking for an extension of hours, or some such, and realised that one of the councillors present was his former schoolteacher. He regressed twenty years into a fumbling teenager.
New trendy looking cafe on The High Parade, near Kwik Fit*. Name a secret. Two doors from new fancy looking gift shop.

Bocca Italian, which I thought was best pizza until Bravi Rigazzi opened has new name and new owner. Hopefully pizza's at least as good.

Mint and Nineteen at risk of losing licences.

* This may not be how they describe their location.
We went to Bocca Italian (or what ever it's called now) just after the 'under new management' thingy. Mainly because my other half had just been to Addomme and wanted to try Bocca, and it's closer to the cinema. I couldn't argue her out of it. It was ok. We didn't have the pizza though.

To be honest now that I've been to Addomme I can't see myself eating at Bocca ever again* **. Much in the same way that if you've eaten at Tayyabs or Lahore Kebab House you're not going to have a curry on Brick Lane.

*obviously if Addomme suddenly becomes rubbish I may well change my mind whilst weeping at the memories of such things as sour dough balls made with fresh rocket and basil, and stews with beef so tender that it almost melts in the mouth.

** we've not actually had the pizza from there, so may need to *ahem* taste test it to see how it compares against Bravi and Addomme.
Bocca Italian, which I thought was best pizza until Bravi Rigazzi opened has new name and new owner. Hopefully pizza's at least as good.

Bocca appears to have reverted to the pre 2008 name of "Little Italy" - not been in so not sure if former management have returned.
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