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new stuff in streatham

What does this mean? I'm hoping there's a new pedestrian shortcut somewhere...

The shortcut is between the Tescos and the Leisure Centre.
Means you can walk straight through from the main road onto the Ferrer's Triangle - (Ellora Road, Hambro Road, Ferrers Pub).

Only opens from 10am to 9pm to deter driver/commuters.
Perfect, that's what I wanted to hear - I come from Potters Lane underpass :)
I've wandered down there a number of times post-swimming only to find locked gates and boards etc - so great to know it's open. Is it a road or walkway?
It's walkway leading to metal stairs (edgings are very sharp, nearly slipped when it was raining).

Potters Lane?
Coincidentally...I received this via Email the other day.

There have been 5 robberies reported in the last 12 weeks to 17/07/14 in the Potters Lane/Conyers Road area and 1 ABH (Actual Bodily Harm) incident reported. The dates and times of those incidents are:

Robbery on 10/06/14 at 18.17 hours

Robbery 05/07/14 at 17.30 hours

Robbery on 05/07/14 at 00.06hours

ABH on 07/07/14 at 14.55hours

Robbery on 08/07/14 at 14.00 hours

Robbery on 10/07/14 at 18.30hours

In four of the robberies handbags were taken and in one a phone was taken. In all but one of the robberies there was some varying level of violence. No items were taken in the ABH incident.

The police are currently investigating these incidents, and the Council CCTV van has been tasked to the area
Potters Lane?
Coincidentally...I received this via Email the other day.
The subway connecting Estreham Rd/Ferrers Triangle to Conyers Rd and running thru to Eardley Rd.

There were a spate of robberies there a couple of years back; kids on bikes scenario - then they stopped. Multiple subway/roads to scarper down makes it a good place I guess. cheers for the heads up tho.
Fish and chips in Kennedy's tonight. Portion down. When you ordered fish and chips they used to give you the chips separately but now they throw them in together, all in the over bag. It isn't cheap, we know it isn't, so why do they need to keep pushing for more??
Anyone in Streatham had or know of someone having a credit card/debit cloned recently?

I got a new card. used it once in Streatham 4 days, later it was being used up in york to the tune of £900
Has anyone been to check out Cafe Barcelona yet? It looks nice but there's nothing particular about it to actually draw me in.
'Brand new' farmer's market coming to Streatham this weekend. It'll be in the same place as the previous market at the top of Streatham Green but is weekly rather than twice monthly and is on Saturdays rather than Sundays (10am to 3pm).

The veggie stall was good if pricey in the past but I hope they return.

I popped down yesterday, the usual selection of farmers market food, fairly keenly priced though and nice stallholders throughout.
Nice to see the new square getting some good use.
I went to that market on Saturday morning and bought some stuff, a bit like Pak Choi but more spinachey - really nice.

And in rolling news on Kennedy's: last week our chips came in a seperate bag to the fish. 2 small fish and a medium portion of chips was more than enough between 2.
Does anyone know what the plan is with Elgar House above Kiwkfit garage? They've spent a lot of time doing it up inside and out. There's a sign on the door saying "como como" but I can't find which company this is. I live nearby and just starting to worry that if a large business moves in we'll have even less parking on our road.
Does anyone know what the plan is with Elgar House above Kiwkfit garage? They've spent a lot of time doing it up inside and out. There's a sign on the door saying "como como" but I can't find which company this is. I live nearby and just starting to worry that if a large business moves in we'll have even less parking on our road.

I don't know what the plan is but PRS (Performing Rights Society) use to be in that building 10 years ago when I worked for them, did they move out from their? I was under the impression they are still there.
I don't know what the plan is but PRS (Performing Rights Society) use to be in that building 10 years ago when I worked for them, did they move out from their? I was under the impression they are still there.

Performing Right (it's singular, fact fans - 'the right to perform') Society are moving back in once it's been refurbed.
Cool. Grammar never was my strong point....thanks for pointing that out ;)

Grammar's one of mine but tbh I'd been getting this wrong for years - I've been working a fair bit with PRS this year and had my error gently pointed out to me in a meeting; thought I'd share :)
Ok I have a question. Why oh why do we have Streatham High road half planted? I do understand that trees can only get plant in the winter months, but why not finish the job? Ok, they didn't want to do any over time, but is there any excuse for the broken lights and spot lights not even fitted in some places. Why half a job?
Ok I have a question. Why oh why do we have Streatham High road half planted? I do understand that trees can only get plant in the winter months, but why not finish the job? Ok, they didn't want to do any over time, but is there any excuse for the broken lights and spot lights not even fitted in some places. Why half a job?

[Allegedly and sourced from anecdotal Twitter sources not much better than some random guy in the pub] ... the contracted tree nursery only 'fessed up too late in the Spring that they couldn't actually deliver the right number of trees of the sizes that had been ordered for the stretches of new planting.
[Allegedly and sourced from anecdotal Twitter sources not much better than some random guy in the pub] ... the contracted tree nursery only 'fessed up too late in the Spring that they couldn't actually deliver the right number of trees of the sizes that had been ordered for the stretches of new planting.

But that still doesn't answer why the electrics are not finished
PS just noticed the buy and sell gold shop on the corner of Sunny hill road across from White Horse pub has been gutted, even the frontage has been taken down. Anyone know what is going in there?
PS just noticed the buy and sell gold shop on the corner of Sunny hill road across from White Horse pub has been gutted, even the frontage has been taken down. Anyone know what is going in there?
You would be meaning the premises known to Aboriginal Streathamites as Parksons Menswear, opposite the White *Lion* pub??? It looks as though Albermarle & Bond Pawnbrokers have closed down, and the premises were being marketed earlier in the summer.

Have to admit I completely failed notice any difference when I walked past this afternoon!:oops:
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