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new stuff in streatham

and did a streatham drinks ever get organised?
Not as far as I know. First it was too close to other drinks, then it was too close to Christmas and various people had very snotty colds, and now here we are, halfway through January.

Why, are you offering to organise it?
The Tour de France, on Sunnyhill Road - is brilliant but pricy (but being about 30 seconds from my house, gets a lot of business). Used to be run by a proper old school French couple, who were miserable and didn't believe in customer service, smiling or engaging in conversation if they could help it. Used to close for lunch, and at other odd times, so you had to time your visit properly.

Unfortunately the lady died, and the husband has sold up and moved back to France.

Bit unfair on Jean Pierre. He loosened up if you talked to him about wine. Very few customers had any idea just how ill his wife had been. I was one of his regulars in the early years of the shop, but after moving to edgy SW2 only tended to visit once a year or so after trips to my doctor's surgery nearby.
Ate at Adomme yesterday lunch. Food was up to their usual excellent standards (clam and bean stew, yum yum!), but we were bowled over by their customer service. Despite it being firmly nap time, my 10 month old daughter woke up after 20 minutes of napping. They were out of high chairs, but the woman who was serving (I've been lead to believe that they rotate the front of house positions) took my slightly overtired daughter, and showed her around the place, so that we could finish eating our lunch.
Same here...it reminds me of the area of Birmingham I grew up in, real mix of people (there are some very, very well off people living in Streatham), random assortment of shops, the green spaces. Has no pretensions about it whatsoever.

Yep, I really love living in Streatham too, my kids also seem happy, albeit they are still very young. Most def a real mixed community here, on the whole folks seem to get on, it's very evident on the street I live on.
This is not a new thing in Streatham, but I'm hoping someone might be able to help.

I'm looking for somewhere local that I can get the screen on my phone fixed. Does anyone know of any where in Streatham? Failing that, anywhere close by, Norbury, Balham etc.?

<snip> I'm looking for somewhere local that I can get the screen on my phone fixed. Does anyone know of any where in Streatham? Failing that, anywhere close by<snip>
AFAIK there are a couple of places near Brixton tube which do this - only a bus ride from Streatham. Failing that, try the stretch of Streatham High Road between St Leonards and Streatham HIll stn.
Cold too. Do they actually have central heating in that building? Wont go for that reason alone which is a shame really. It desperately needs a makeover inside too.
When we went to see Gravity the sound came on but not the picture. For about 10 minutes. That said, I have a weak spot for the place, it would be terrible if it closed down.
When we went to see Gravity the sound came on but not the picture. For about 10 minutes. That said, I have a weak spot for the place, it would be terrible if it closed down.

Don't get me wrong I want it to stay open, but I would like to see improvements. It's not an enjoyable experience going there sitting in your coat watching a film. The building has so much potential too, it's so grand. I mean it all costs to refurbish...but I have never understood why they haven't brought it up to standard, there must be reasons for it aside from the fact they get away with it.
Purple is now closed so I had to have breakfast in nineteen today

Central reservation is being ripped up and replaced minus railings by the look of it

Lidl now has an in-house bakery
<snip> Central reservation is being ripped up and replaced minus railings by the look of it <snip>
Now with added saplings.
<snip> Lidl now has an in-house bakery
The evil gits have rigged the ventilation so that you're hit by the smell of fresh bread at the entrance, and over by the yogurt & icecream, but not by the bread itself. Thus maximising the amount of shopping time spent feeling hungry.
Hey guys, thanks for the suggestions, found a shop a few doors down from Pratts and Payne called mr? Phone (love the name) and got it all sorted.

On the way, I noticed a cute looking restaurant called Rice Republic at the top of the dip. I don't know if it's been there a while and I've just missed it, but it certainly looks better than most of the shops in the dip.
hello people. just stumbled upon this thread with much interest. i'm moving back to Streatham Hill after 9 years abroad in a few months...and I can't wait to come home... especially after all these reports of fine eateries which have popped up over the years!
Can anyone tell me what the new leisure centre gym is like, and does it compare well to the other gyms in the area?
thank you neighbours!
^ Cant help I'm afraid; though it always seems busy when I go to the pool, suggesting it's probably at least as good compared to others locally.

The Knolly's Road garden centre has a -50% sale on everything currently to reduce stock. They're currently leasing as tenants of the shed company; which is looking to expand its operation and had asked the garden centre to vacate by end Feb - with the view that the site will just become a timber yard.
The garden centre are hoping to relocate over to the old scaff yard on Wellfield Road (which I've often coveted buying and building a house on :) ) soon.
Let's hope that they can make the move; with the garden centre in Balham also now closed SW16's greenfingered types are running out of options.
^ That will leave West Norwood without a garden centre as the one Lansdowne Hill hardly opens any more :(
According to the Greens, Streatham is the only Inner London area that has got a fracking licence. Does anyone know more about this? Madness if true…

Unless my understanding of the geology of the Thames basin is completely out, this is a a steaming pile of horse-shit from Frack-Off trying to drum up wealthy London supporters, onto which Lambeth Greens have jumped for a quick news story.

A small strip of Streatham Vale is in the northernmost part of a 30km by 10km area (three Ordnance Survey grid sector squares) covered by one of the petroleum licences. AFAIK The operator is only interested in the bits in the southern 2km of the licence area where Croydon/Sutton suburbia gives way to the Downs green belt and there is some possibility that the Jurassic geology below the chalk might contain some petroleum deposits of the sorts in the areas of the Weald and Downs immediately to the south.

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Hi Guys,
Im new to the site, theres some great posts here!
By the way theres a new facebook page you simply type in streatham on facebook. To make sure you have the right page theres a picture of the old streatham ice rink on the page. I look forward to posting here in the future.
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