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new stuff in streatham

I think it's closed and I imagine it was a strip club - just from the way it looks.

eta.. hang on - much maligned (I've only seen it in passing). Not a strip club and possibly not even closed down.. :oops:


not sure why I thought that...

This place has been around for years and has always hosted reggae nights, sometimes bashment but more often Big Peoples Music - Reggae for grown ups; think slick lovers and modern takes on it, crooners dressed like Gregory in lady killer mode:

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I never went into Porkys but it had a reputation for sleaze - was like that for years.

That new(ish) barber shop is well rubbish btw.
The barber and i had an "disagreement" over Syria and said my friend was a terrorist.
And on top, he gave me a real shit haircut.
I never went into Porkys but it had a reputation for sleaze - was like that for years.

That new(ish) barber shop is well rubbish btw.
The barber and i had an "disagreement" over Syria and said my friend was a terrorist.
And on top, he gave me a real shit haircut.

There is something about barbers and political disagreements.. gaijinboy stopped going to Haircut Sir? for the same reason. (although I believe it is now run by the guy's children and has improved in that respect... :D) I'd say that if the conversation turns to politics whilst someone is wielding scissors/razors etc near one's head - it's probably best to steer it in another direction.
No space for any Streatham Dads?

I think on that day it really was just mums - from Streatham Mums' Network (that's why I wrote "Streatham Mums" rather than "Streatham mums" - as I meant the organisation as opposed to a group of mums - iykwim). I'm sure there is space for Dads though. Maybe some Streatham Dads could start up a Streatham Dads' network and do some campaigning themselves - or someone could start up a Streatham Parents' Network.
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I never went into Porkys but it had a reputation for sleaze - was like that for years.

That new(ish) barber shop is well rubbish btw.
The barber and i had an "disagreement" over Syria and said my friend was a terrorist.
And on top, he gave me a real shit haircut.

Which one's that? I go to the Polish(?) one almost opposite The 5 Bells. 8 quid a pop, does a good job. Friendly barber, although I've only kept the conversation around kids (my missus was pregnant when I first started going there, and he had recently become a father again, so...
There is something about barbers and political disagreements.. gaijinboy stopped going to Haircut Sir? for the same reason. (although I believe it is now run by the guy's children and has improved in that respect... :D) I'd say that if the conversation turns to politics whilst someone is wielding scissors/razors etc near one's head - it's probably best to steer it in another direction.

Yeah, it's Andy's son and daughter running Haircut Sir? and they seem to be lovely people. Andy does come back to cover the kids' holidays but I've always found him to be a nice guy. I haven't discussed politics with him though.

His son does the best haircut, £6.50. When they charged £6 I gave £8 including tip. Price went up to £6.50, still give £8, costs the same but less tip.
Has anyone read the Streatham Masterplan? Its old, but I don't think anyone has mentioned it in this thread so thought it was worth bringing up as it's an interesting read.


Or a condensed version can be found here

It's good to see so many things which were proposed on it either being complete such as the hub, or underway like the library refurbishment, illumination of impressive buildings and removal of the central reservation.

I like the idea so shops or cafés overlooking streatham green as I think it would get more usage then... Though I still think there needs to be more trees planted to create a barrier between it and the A23.

The market space outside the Kwikfit sounds interesting, as does the hotel on the current Morrisons site. The only thing I can think would warrant a hotel at the moment would be the ice rink... So I can't help but think that only a Travellodge would move to the site... Not the 'landmark' building they speak of in the proposal.

I think it will be a very long time before anything happens on Gleneldon Mews though. I can picture those little holdings with the cobbled street being a great place for quirky shops, artists studios/galleries. Like A small scale version of the Distillery District in Toronto - if anyone has been? But Streatham just isn't there yet with its demographic!

Annoyingly, it also talks of the central reservation being removed AND pavements widened, but TFL have already said the pavement widening isn't happening.

It would be interesting to hear other peoples views.
Interesting some parts have happened, despite the obv fuck ups around timing of the Hub. Megabowl site is an utter mess and will take a long time to sort out.

Hotel at the Morrisons site? Can't see the point or the demand - there's the Ice Rink for game days but after that? Shame about the pavments but the central reservation is certainly a lot better than it was.

Disagree slightly re: demographic - see far more students commuting and around the High Rd and cafes etc that have sprung up to serve them. I agree it's not quite Hackney but it's definitely changing, or at least has in the 7 years I've lived here.
Which one's that? I go to the Polish(?) one almost opposite The 5 Bells. 8 quid a pop, does a good job. Friendly barber, although I've only kept the conversation around kids (my missus was pregnant when I first started going there, and he had recently become a father again, so...

Yeah i been to that Polish as well - I had a haircut there once and the barber had a hangover coupled with bad morning breath. He too gave me a bad cut (I have longish hair and never go for short back/ sides - I was very specific!).

The one I refer to is on the row of shops by Porkys, next to the new pizzeria place. It's ran by a Lebanese guy, friendly but don't talk about Assad or the Free Syrian Army!
I went to the great big vacuous Tesco yesterday. It could stash the same stock in less space - I suppose it might be good when it is very busy - yesterday at 6 it was pretty dead - people at tills doing nothing. Could have made a smaller store and used the space for housing or offices or a large creche to support the leisure centre. :D
I went to the great big vacuous Tesco yesterday. It could stash the same stock in less space - I suppose it might be good when it is very busy - yesterday at 6 it was pretty dead - people at tills doing nothing. Could have made a smaller store and used the space for housing or offices or a large creche to support the leisure centre. :D

The Tescos Manager is having a drink with the local residents tonight btw.
Free drinks and nibbles for an hour.
Venue: Tescos.

I would usually go but have other plans.
I've recently moved to Streatham, quite close to the aforementioned dystopian Tesco. It's good if I want to wander around somewhere alienating at 3am, I guess.

Good to see the Wimpy's still there.
At the risk of summoning the wroth of the Streatham massive, I might visit the Aforementioned Dystopian Tesco tonight to do my Xmas booze run if its that massive and empty.
At the risk of summoning the wroth of the Streatham massive, I might visit the Aforementioned Dystopian Tesco tonight to do my Xmas booze run if its that massive and empty.

Blimey, I've been to smaller football stadiums. And they'd still run out of Baileys </panics>
The Streatham Hub is reminiscent of Cronnenberg's society in Shivers...

Good news is that I'm getting a refund from Streatham Leisure Centre for the mis-selling of the family membership as the facilities are not up to scratch.

No swimming in the mornings. No kid's play area. The annoying kid's swimming class in the baby/ learning pool on weekend mornings/ early afternoon (when the fuck can I take my son there?), lack of gym equipment (promise of a smiths bench in March now)....
The swimming pool, I checked it out yesterday, at about 6.
Three lanes, 8/9 kids having lessons in one of them. Me and one other bloke had a lane each and there were a few other snot doing lengths.

Haven't swum for ages, felt good to do a mile, though my shoulders hurt. Good ppol, shower warm, pool maybe a degree too warm for me. £4.10 is better than Balham. The only major fail is that there's not a clock up on the wall (there's a teeny one by the entrance poolside) so you can't easily check how long you've been swimming / how long lengths are taking.

The other fail is that there's no audible 'S'cuse me - you've left your shampoo and googles in the changing cubicle' warning, but I guess that's a little too specific to my needs :facepalm: :D
Poor communication.

A few members were greeted with 'the centre is closed due to annual training, sorry for the inconvenience.'

It's 6.30 in the morning.
We woke up especially for this.
Why didn't they tell us this yesterday?
Where were the signage?

Seriously that leisure centre is jarring my head off.
Has anyone read the Streatham Masterplan? Its old, but I don't think anyone has mentioned it in this thread so thought it was worth bringing up as it's an interesting read.


Or a condensed version can be found here

It would be interesting to hear other peoples views.

The 'hub' is very depressing, architecturally. I am really fed up with lay pseudo-modernism. I feel very sorry for the church, surrounded by this guff. The Tesco, this thread has already (and amusingly) covered.

The 'new hotel to be built on the Safeway site to create a landmark' sounds ominous. Not seen the plans but sounds like wonk-speak for something horrendous.

Any fellow cyclists on here? I'd appreciate any backstreet routes or tips. When heading south with the Common to your left, it's not too much fun heading across the three lanes of traffic to filter for the right turn towards Streatham Common station. I got beeped at yesterday for daring to be in the right hand lane :(
I went to that big new tescos yesterday, out of morbid curiosity, to see what the dystopia is like. It's quite incredible, isn't it?

I'll be sticking to Noor in Brixton for most of our food, but I'll probably pop down to the big tescos for a big booze run now and again. They've got decent bicycle parking.
Any fellow cyclists on here? I'd appreciate any backstreet routes or tips. When heading south with the Common to your left, it's not too much fun heading across the three lanes of traffic to filter for the right turn towards Streatham Common station. I got beeped at yesterday for daring to be in the right hand lane :(
There's the route I use - from Streatham Hill to Streatham Common - which takes you off the High Road entirely - go via Drewstead/Woodfield/Garrad/Riggindale/Conyers/Estreham Road...
Has anyone read the Streatham Masterplan? Its old, but I don't think anyone has mentioned it in this thread so thought it was worth bringing up as it's an interesting read.


Or a condensed version can be found here

It's good to see so many things which were proposed on it either being complete such as the hub, or underway like the library refurbishment, illumination of impressive buildings and removal of the central reservation.

I like the idea so shops or cafés overlooking streatham green as I think it would get more usage then... Though I still think there needs to be more trees planted to create a barrier between it and the A23.

The market space outside the Kwikfit sounds interesting, as does the hotel on the current Morrisons site. The only thing I can think would warrant a hotel at the moment would be the ice rink... So I can't help but think that only a Travellodge would move to the site... Not the 'landmark' building they speak of in the proposal.

I think it will be a very long time before anything happens on Gleneldon Mews though. I can picture those little holdings with the cobbled street being a great place for quirky shops, artists studios/galleries. Like A small scale version of the Distillery District in Toronto - if anyone has been? But Streatham just isn't there yet with its demographic!

Annoyingly, it also talks of the central reservation being removed AND pavements widened, but TFL have already said the pavement widening isn't happening.

It would be interesting to hear other peoples views.

Yeah I read those masterplans a couple of years ago and to be fair things are happening in Streatham albeit at snails pace. Plenty has changed in the past 6 and a bit years I have lived here and for the better too.

Really looking forward to the opening of the Library, the refurbishment desperately needed to happen. I was regular visitor with the Kids so will definitely use it once it re-opens.

Streatham Green? Isn't that the area where they have the farmers market? I have not been to the farmers market yet, I have heard really good things about it, it's been there a while so must be doing pretty well?

Not sure how a market outside of Kwikfit would work, I dunno..it just doesn't seem appealing.

I totally agree re: Gleneldon Mews, it has huge potential IMHO, Cafe's, Artist/Musicians Studios, Quirky Shops etc, it's ripe for development but would need to be done tactfully.

I would argue Streatham is there with it's demographic, we are not as bohemian as Brixton but we have quite a sizeable Arts/Music Community just not enough places to satisfy that side of the Community.

In terms of the middle class/latte drinking set, there are plenty of them in Streatham, all these new aspirational "middle class" type businesses that have opened up are jam packed every week, Pratt and Paynes pub, that Boyce De Rocca Cafe, that new gift shop next door to that Sushi/Chinese place!

I think a quirky type development with businesses to match would do well on Gleneldon Mews.
Streatham Green? Isn't that the area where they have the farmers market? I have not been to the farmers market yet, I have heard really good things about it, it's been there a while so must be doing pretty well?
Not sure how a market outside of Kwikfit would work, I dunno..it just doesn't seem appealing.

Streatham Green is the area top end of Babington Rd, as you say, where they have the Farmers' Market. The market itself never seems to have many ppl buying stuff, but it's quite pricey imho.
We had a letter through recently about works being done to that area, but I only skim-read it so not sure what's being proposed - but it was talking of road closures etc, so it must be quite significant.

Kwikfit - rumours abound about Waitrose sniffing about that site and wanting to develop it - but I think, and hope, they'll stay as rumours tbh - last thing the high road needs is another supermarket! Kwikfit seem to be doing enough business, so not sure they'll be looking to sell up anyway.
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