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New President of the Philippines - Duterte the Punisher.

What has Spanish got to do with anything, he was speaking in Tagalog?
Here's what a filipina friend of mine wrote

"In Tagalog, saying "putang ina" is an expletive, like when people in the UK blurt out "bloody hell". It wasn't a personal insult, just our crass new president talking like a macho poser in a bar.

While I'm not a Duterte apologist, I am feeling angry with the attitude of the First World press acting like America is superior and being disrespected by the Philippine president. America has disrespected and exploited the Philippines massively over the last 120 years - eg more people were killed by Americans during their occupation of the Philippines at the turn of the 20th century than were killed during the U.S. Occupation of Vietnam. The rest of the world are not lackeys to the US, UK, Europe, etc.

Until former superpowers start treating other nations as peers instead of backward or lackeys, how can there be geopolitical progress?"
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Five will get you ten that this Duterte guy is only sending the death squads after the small time dealers, and that he has a gentleman's agreement with the big fish of the drug trade.

wonder how many political enemies became drug dealers suddenly?
Here's what a filippina friend of mine wrote

"In Tagalog, saying "putang ina" is an expletive, like when people in the UK blurt out "bloody hell". It wasn't a personal insult, just our crass new president talking like a macho poser in a bar.

While I'm not a Duterte apologist, I am feeling angry with the attitude of the First World press acting like America is superior and being disrespected by the Philippine president. America has disrespected and exploited the Philippines massively over the last 120 years - eg more people were killed by Americans during their occupation of the Philippines at the turn of the 20th century than were killed during the U.S. Occupation of Vietnam. The rest of the world are not lackeys to the US, UK, Europe, etc.

Until former superpowers start treating other nations as peers instead of backward or lackeys, how can there be geopolitical progress?"

If Mr. Duterte really wants to address issues like US atrocities in the Moro rebellion 110 years ago, I'm not sure if picking a fight with Obama and then groveling when he realizes the Chinese are even less likely to put up with his shit is the way forward.

very true

Law Management: USA General Jacob H. Smith's infamous order in the Philippines, "Kill everyone over ten,"
Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte to extend drug war as 'cannot kill them all'

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has asked for a six-month extension for his war on drugs, saying there are too many people involved in the narcotics trade and he “cannot kill them all”.

Some 3,000 people have been killed since Duterte won May elections in a landslide on a vow to kill tens of thousands of criminals in an unprecedented blitz to rid the country of illegal drugs in six months.

Police say they have killed 1,105 drug suspects in the slightly more than two months since Duterte took office.

Another 2,035 have been murdered by unknown assailants, with human rights monitors saying these could be vigilantes, emboldened by Duterte’s repeated calls for the public to help him kill criminals.

Continued at Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte to extend drug war as 'cannot kill them all'
Duterte's getting even more charming as time goes by - wonder how long it's going to be before the military decides it's had enough of him.

Noting that Hitler had murdered millions of Jews, Duterte said: "There are three million drug addicts (in the Philippines). I'd be happy to slaughter them.

"If Germany had Hitler, the Philippines would have...," he said, pausing and pointing to himself.

"You know my victims. I would like (them) to be all criminals to finish the problem of my country and save the next generation from perdition."

Philippines' Duterte likens himself to Hitler, wants to kill millions of drug users
It's all cool. Casually Red is getting to like him but is sure there's "bad stuff about him too". See post 36 and a few before that.
Not often I wish for violence against someone, but would really love this guy to catch a bullet in the head. On a side note, I'm sure I read some of the amphetamine addiction in these countries is to do with long working hours/exploitation as well, so maybe we need also to look at ourselves in the west and how we buy cheap stuff from these countries...
Human lives are worth more than this. Only a sociopath would unleash death squads to kill people for taking chemicals.

Well, yeah, especially if you believe (as I do) addiction is mainly caused by shit circumstances (sometimes thanks to politicians, sometimes thanks to personal stuff) rather than a particular drug or personal weakness. Much easier for politicians to blame the drug or weak-willed folk than consider their own policies! There was a reason why smack addiction was at its peak in the UK while Thatcher ruled.
I'll tell you something else that is being missed amongst this tragedy. Think about it. Don't you find it weird that Duterte wants, by his own admission, to kill 3 million of his own people? The population of the Philippines is nearing 100,000,000. They are one of the few countries in the world that makes a deliberate attempt to export their own people (hence Filipino nannies and nurses throughout the USA, the NHS etc). In terms of density they only rank somewhere on the top 40 in the world but you have to take into account many of those top 40 countries have small populations (and therefore a more manageable problem) and of the larger populations a lot of the countries have massive economies or specialities in agriculture to feed their own people. And the Philippines is the most Catholic of countries, 98% and rising. Not a great recipe for slowing any birth rate. Philippines is almost unique. They have to export their population. Or, Duterte appears to have decided, find an excuse to kill them. The Philippines can, quite literally, 'afford' to lose 3% of its population. And the economy won't suffer.

His own comparisons with Hitler are spurious. Hitler largely killed Jews and they were mostly of Hungarian, Polish and Russian descent. Not 'his own' people as such (at least in his own eyes). Duterte is heading into Pol Pot territory.

And the UNs complicity through their own WoD campaign and relative silence to the horrors of what is currently happening in the Philippines cannot be overlooked either.
Why I Am Voting for Rodrigo Duterte | Huffington Post

Are any of the claims in this piece accurate planetgeli seventh bullet anyone who knows more about this than i do?

Hard to see Duterte as a "champion of women's rights" when he's made it clear that he's not in favor of legalizing divorce, which is somehow still illegal in the Philippines.

The author of that Huffington Post piece sounds like a bit of an idiot, in a later piece he describes human rights advocates as snobs who are trying to hold the country's economy back and says Duterte's critics are "the real human rights violators because your motives are inherently self-interested and are meant simply to ego-stroke yourselves."
Hard to see Duterte as a "champion of women's rights" when he's made it clear that he's not in favor of legalizing divorce, which is somehow still illegal in the Philippines.

The author of that Huffington Post piece sounds like a bit of an idiot, in a later piece he describes human rights advocates as snobs who are trying to hold the country's economy back and says Duterte's critics are "the real human rights violators because your motives are inherently self-interested and are meant simply to ego-stroke yourselves."

Oh yeah I thought it was bollocks but was interested in some of the claims made.
Why I Am Voting for Rodrigo Duterte | Huffington Post

Are any of the claims in this piece accurate planetgeli seventh bullet anyone who knows more about this than i do?

Duterte is a bit of a complex character but above all else is a politician. It is true he done some good things for Davao as Mayor - he genuinely did feed poor people on the streets for example. But then what was that thing Hitler promised about "arbeit und brot" just prior to the 1933 election?

Duterte is a populist. The claims he makes for supporting LGBT and women's rights are a joke compared to the realities of his actions. He regularly uses 'queer' as an insult. And infamously he joked about it being terrible an Australian lay Minister was raped and had her throat slashed - because as Mayor he should have been entitled to being the first one to rape her. It's worth pointing out his lead in the opinion polls rose after this joke.

LGBT rights in the Philippines are a weird one, not least because this is a Catholic country. But along with that it is a SE Asian country and the culture of sex is totally at odds with its religion because of this. So basically it's a vote winner to say you support LGBT rights if said in the right context. And he's a politician all about votes.

Hence the populism of killing 3 million "drug dealers".

My understanding is also that the right to free contraception was taken away six months before he became President and despite his great words he has done nothing to reverse this decision. Is this supporting women's rights? Or is this another bow to the Church?

Even some Turkeys will vote for Christmas and if you are waiting hours in the EDSA traffic it's easy to fire off an article supporting someone who promises to do something about this by federalising things and removing the centre of financial power Manila holds over the rest of the Philippines. And to end the article with "(if you only serve the interests of the elites) there will be blood. And there will be chaos." Is just ironic in the extreme.

Look hard enough and you can find reasons to justify anything. Hitler gave Germany work and bread. Duterte is giving the Philippines the killings that the ignorant bloodlust of many desire. I think the country has yet to see anything in the way of human rights for the left, for women or for minorities. His actions are incompatible with the talk of rights for anyone. Even David Cameron gave us gay marriage.
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