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New Labour government - legislative agenda

The Angela Rayner quote, of course, is from a campaign that failed to get enough people to vote for Labour to get them into power.

from the same election campaign when the tories said they would scrap the triple lock and means test the winter fuel allowance...

:D I mean, I don't even vote but..

2017 Labour pop vote: 12,877,918 / 40%
2024 Labour pop vote: 9,708,716 / 33.7%

I think we all know that Labour only got in this time because the Tory vote utterly collapsed!

I voted for a Corbyn government in 2017.

Unfortunately, not enough other people did. Interesting that you are included in those who didn't vote for them.

The consequence of this was that we got a Conservative government in 2017.

What happened in 2024 is irrelevant to these indisputable facts.
from the same election campaign when the tories said they would scrap the triple lock and means test the winter fuel allowance...

And sadly 42.4% of the popular vote went to those tories, while only 40% went to Labour.

If only a few more people had voted for Labour back then.
I voted for a Corbyn government in 2017.

Unfortunately, not enough other people did. Interesting that you are included in those who didn't vote for them.

The consequence of this was that we got a Conservative government in 2017.

What happened in 2024 is irrelevant to these indisputable facts.
Safe Tory seat, didnt even fall this time around.

But reality, is Labour did get more votes in 2017 than 2024, but the Tory vote held up.
I voted for a Corbyn government in 2017.

Unfortunately, not enough other people did. Interesting that you are included in those who didn't vote for them.

The consequence of this was that we got a Conservative government in 2017.

What happened in 2024 is irrelevant to these indisputable facts.
getting more votes is no guarantee of winning, it is the distribution which wins the prize.
Thing is, irrespective of where she ends up regarding Pension Credit and Attendance Allowance, the fact that the UK state pays my Mum (and plenty of other folk) a pension of £740/4 weeks is shameful. Her (D) council tax alone takes £167 of that before we get to the heating/eating bit.

As she gets AA, and providing she lives alone, she should get the severe disability element (£80-something) added to her pension credit, which should bring her income (excluding AA) up to around the high £290's pw. If she has more than £10k in saving, they'll deduct a bit (£1pw per £500 springs to mind, but I wouldn't want to be quoted on that) from her PC as "tariff income".

She should apply for council tax reduction too, the rules for that are much more generous to pensioners than to people of working age.
So Starmer's refusing to say whether they're going to scrap the 25% council tax discount for those who live on their own and says we're going to have to wait until the budget. If they do this, on top of scrapping the winter fuel allowance for those not on pension credit they will be hitting the most vulnerable as a lot of pensioners live alone after their spouse has died but may be just above the pension credit limit.

As far as I'm aware, council tax is a devolved matter so would it only affect people living in England?
So Starmer's refusing to say whether they're going to scrap the 25% council tax discount for those who live on their own and says we're going to have to wait until the budget. If they do this, on top of scrapping the winter fuel allowance for those not on pension credit they will be hitting the most vulnerable as a lot of pensioners live alone after their spouse has died but may be just above the pension credit limit.

As far as I'm aware, council tax is a devolved matter so would it only affect people living in England?

Yeah - 'divide and conquer'... picking all the easy targets because they're too spineless/cynical to just increase income tax.
I think Labour won the GE mostly because people were sick of the useless Tories. I also think we will see Labour shitting bricks when the next round of council elections take place.

They've attacked pensioners.
What the fuck were they thinking?
We have a local by election in my ward of the town, next month, to replace our new MP who has stepped down as a councillor. It's the strongest Labour ward in town, too. Be interesting to see how it goes, though I don't expect the Conservatives to take it, they've been worse than useless since they took the council and only hung on last time by unsuspending a Tory councillor after he made a load of racist social media posts. Greens might get a few more votes.
I think Labour won the GE mostly because people were sick of the useless Tories. I also think we will see Labour shitting bricks when the next round of council elections take place.

They've attacked pensioners.
What the fuck were they thinking?
Lost a seat in Hackney to the Greens last night

Stoke Newington (Hackney) council by-election result:GRN: 53.0% (+19.5)LAB: 40.0% (-19.2)LDEM: 3.3% (+3.3)CON: 3.1% (-4.1)IND: 0.5% (+0.5)
Lost a seat in Hackney to the Greens last night

Stoke Newington (Hackney) council by-election result:GRN: 53.0% (+19.5)LAB: 40.0% (-19.2)LDEM: 3.3% (+3.3)CON: 3.1% (-4.1)IND: 0.5% (+0.5)
When are we having a by-election in Lambeth? Gym Dickson is gone! Release the allowances! Get out! Let people vote Green!
Lost a seat in Hackney to the Greens last night

Stoke Newington (Hackney) council by-election result:GRN: 53.0% (+19.5)LAB: 40.0% (-19.2)LDEM: 3.3% (+3.3)CON: 3.1% (-4.1)IND: 0.5% (+0.5)

They will lose the "left" to the Greens, and they will lose the centrists back to the Tories..

Quite interesting when you have 4 parties in play..
Then there is the increase in rents for Council and Housing Association tenants above the rate of inflation.
The Conservative government brought that in, and Reeves recenly guaranteed that these rents will rise above the rate of inflation for the next ten years. Hooray!
Whoa there. Council rents rose above the rate of inflation under the last Labour government. There were moves to increase rents to 80% of the market rate before david Cameron ever entered downing street
Here’s a further update on how Starmer and Reeves are taking the tough decisions we need to make Britain a better place.

Disabled pensioners will bear the worst brunt of the WFA cut:

780,000 of the poorest pensioners - who are entitled to pension credit but don’t claim it - are also losing the WFA plunging them into deeper poverty. As predicted those who can’t complete the form or do not want the perceived stigma of claiming benefit are going to have a cold winter:

If you voted Labour and aren’t ashamed, you should be.
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Here’s a further update on how Starmer and Reeves are taking the tough decisions we need to make Britain a better place.

Disabled pensioners will bear the worst brunt of the WFA cut:

780,000 of the poorest pensioners - who are entitled to pension credit but don’t claim it - are also losing the WFA plunging them into deeper poverty. As predicted those who can’t complete the form or do not want the perceived stigma of claiming benefit are going to have a cold winter:

If you voted Labour and aren’t ashamed, you should be.

and note that this very limited "Equality Analysis" (not anywhere near a full impact analysis) was forced out of them by a FoI request.

Here’s a further update on how Starmer and Reeves are taking the tough decisions we need to make Britain a better place.

Disabled pensioners will bear the worst brunt of the WFA cut:

780,000 of the poorest pensioners - who are entitled to pension credit but don’t claim it - are also losing the WFA plunging them into deeper poverty. As predicted those who can’t complete the form or do not want the perceived stigma of claiming benefit are going to have a cold winter:

If you voted Labour and aren’t ashamed, you should be.

Badge of honour for some unfortunately
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