Cargo - Martin Freeman rather good in a cross between Walkabout/The Road/Walking Dead
November 13: Attack on Paris. French documentary in three parts. Just watched all three. No commentary or mood music, just accounts from people involved. Fascinating.
I watched the Killing for quite a while, didn't manage to get through it all though. It started off really well, very dark, gritty script, and the characters were refreshingly un-Hollywood-esque - quite "real", flawed, no super pretty, shiny white teeth types. But I started to wane a bit, the endless conspiracy became a little trying to follow. Might go back to it in the future, maybe.Anyone seen the Killing? I'm not necessarily recommending it. The script is pretty honking in places but I've sort of carried on watching it. But what I was wondering was...
Why in US productions or American English generally perhaps, do some characters get refered to by their surname and others forename. School scenes always have pupils... Sutdents, refered to by their surname. But the adult characters in this. The leads, one's always called Sarah, the other Holder, (his surname.)
I've just started this.I wanted to watch The Letdown after seeing recommendations but it’s not being shown here until October despite being made in Australia
don't know if any of yz have been watching sense8 but it's really good
so many good things doI watched the first season, but haven't caught up with subsequent's had very mixed reviews...
so many good things do
The Ritual. Good Horror ... a rarity these days... a bit Kill List-ish but not as well produced.
The Ritual (2017) - IMDb
It wasn't a bad film that
don't know if any of yz have been watching sense8 but it's really good
Very good apparently but we haven't watched it yet. I need to be in the right mood for subtitles.Anyone given this series Fauda a try?
Finished River. Wonderfully written by Abi Morgan.
What a wonderful ending. Great writing.