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Neo Marxism

Yeah, I prefer the terror against which I have a chance of standing up to. Your lot, on the other hand, has God Stalin on their side... or Trotsky or Mao or whomever... What's the big difference with Hitler and Mussolini and Franco and....?!? What is the big difference when it's all about gaining dictatorial -> totalitarian type of power and nothing else?
Yeah, I prefer the terror against which I have a chance of standing up to. Your lot, on the other hand, has God Stalin on their side... or Trotsky or Mao or whomever... What's the big difference with Hitler and Mussolini and Franco and....?!? What is the big difference when it's all about gaining dictatorial -> totalitarian type of power and nothing else?

That's right, it's 1950 and Totalitarian theory is all the rage. It was all so simple.
Yeah, I prefer the terror against which I have a chance of standing up to.

One lot lost and one lot is still winning yet you prefer the second lot because it's impossible to win against the first lot but possible against the second.

Once again, history pisses in your cornflakes gorksi.

The politics of 'let me in, i'll be good' i think they call it.
No, it's the politics of I know which ones are worse and which ones are the lesser of evils one actually stands a chance against...

For instance, a number of parties on the left had no idea whom to oppose when Hitler and militarism loomed and a possibility of a WW came...

Sad, the lot of yous, not being able to see the wood for the trees!!!
No, it's the politics of I know which ones are worse and which ones are the lesser of evils one actually stands a chance against...

For instance, a number of parties on the left had no idea whom to oppose when Hitler and militarism loomed and a possibility of a WW came...

Sad, the lot of yous, not being able to see the wood for the trees!!!

Do i need remind you which one got overthrown? You seem confused.

Wow, a grealy apt historical point with no reference or supports as well, Thanks bjorn, you do spoil us these days.
Haha!!! Nothing could be further from the truth, you stupid, presumptuous git!!! You have no idea about me - none at all, which why you bullshit yourself so badly...:D [Sad.:hmm: What has the Left sunk to?!?:(]
Do i need remind you which one got overthrown? You seem confused.

Wow, a grealy apt historical point with no reference or supports as well, Thanks bjorn, you do spoil us these days.

No, stupid: which one got a chance to cook up the WWII, for instance, and why exactly?!?

Oh, by the way, you wish you lived in Sweden and had such a strong Union movement to fall back to, to be protected by and the benefits that entails...
Well consider the argument that capital is alienated labor-power. Something material and something metaphysical are actually the same thing.

I can't even tell which one you think is material and which one you think is metaphysical. They could both be spun either way.

Marx was not into philosophical spin doctoring.

A rose is red. That doesn't mean roses are the same as red. If capital is the same as alienated labour-power all this means is that Marx had no use for the concept of 'alienated labour-power'. Of course that is silly - Marx was not interested in this type of philosophical game playing. He gives numerous characterisations of capital - why should it be analysed in such simplistic terms as you give?

The "interpenetration of opposites" it's called, I think it's the second rule of dialectics or something.

((Or something!)) Quoting Engels' (whom you dismiss as a materialist) formulation. Engels' clumsy phrase was due to trying to find dialectical 'laws' which generalise the behaviour of matter. That is it is about causality, not logic. Engels was not making the elementary idealist error of confusing the motion of thought with the motion of matter even if you are. But in that case you should talk about the 'unity of opposites' ie. the Hegelian phrase.

Anyway, the basic idea is that it is illogical to reduce a mutually definitive binary opposition to one of its poles, and matter/ideas is a mutually definitive binary opposition.

What makes you think that they are opposite poles? Even Hegel doesn't give it this treatment, why on earth would Marx?

Personally I reckon the idea originates from the attempts of Judaic and early Christian theologians to explain how a benign omnipotent deity could be responsible for evil, but that's another discussion.


As I say, you have a good point with regard to Engels, and also Lenin, neither of whom understood dialectcial logic. But Marx did.

Stop borrowing from Engels then!
phildwyer said said:
As Trotsky put it: "We must put an end once and for all to the papist-Quaker babble about the sanctity of human life."
Well, the version I've got goes: "As for us, we were never concerned with the Kantian-priestly and vegetarian-Quaker prattle about the “sacredness of human life.” "
The difference in meaning between those two quotes is vast.
Spion said:
He's saying - to Kautsky, who was condemning the Red Army - 'we are not pacifists'.
Who was Kautsky, when was Kautsky, and what was Kautsky's position (politically) ? Never heard of him before.
Spion said:
He also says: "When a murderer raises his knife over a child, may one kill the murderer to save the child? Will not thereby the principle of the “sacredness of human life” be infringed? May one kill the murderer to save oneself? Is an insurrection of oppressed slaves against their masters permissible? Is it permissible to purchase one’s freedom at the cost of the life of one’s jailers? If human life in general is sacred and inviolable, we must deny ourselves not only the use of terror, not only war, but also revolution itself."

So Trotsky is justifying his position of non-violence here? Is Kautsky's side attacking Trotksy's side second 1917 Russian revolution?
I actually bothered spending some time doing some reading on stuff related to this exchange (or at least the thread's main topic) but since it's degenerated phil arguing with everyone and gorski slagging off the 'Anglo-Saxon' mindset I shouldn't have bothered really.
I actually bothered spending some time doing some reading on stuff related to this exchange (or at least the thread's main topic) but since it's degenerated phil arguing with everyone and gorski slagging off the 'Anglo-Saxon' mindset I shouldn't have bothered really.

Its an unfortunate fact but what's fun to reply to and what's interesting to read do not necessarily coincide. I would like to read what you have to say, but I suspect I would prefer to reply to Phil's candyfloss philosophy. But in any case don't assume that lack of discussion equates to lack of interest or vice versa.
I actually bothered spending some time doing some reading on stuff related to this exchange (or at least the thread's main topic) but since it's degenerated phil arguing with everyone and gorski slagging off the 'Anglo-Saxon' mindset I shouldn't have bothered really.
I'm keen to hear what you have to say too
I actually bothered spending some time doing some reading on stuff related to this exchange (or at least the thread's main topic) but since it's degenerated phil arguing with everyone and gorski slagging off the 'Anglo-Saxon' mindset I shouldn't have bothered really.

What did you read kyser?
OK, well here's a couple of thoughts...

Spion - how sure are you about the ending of witchcraft? I suspect you're thinking about a Macbeth style trio, not the actual idea. I'd say that not only did the belief in witchcraft never die out, but more than it's been forced to engage (as have all the mystical/faith based parts of our socities and psychology) with modernism on modernism's terms. I've just finished reading 'Bad Science' by Ben Goldacre, and am specifically thinking about homeopathy, and how that's changed in reaction to the medical professions increasing reliance on evidence-based, empirical research and the ending of theory-based medicine; 'allopathic' medicine has moved from the theoretical, understanding of mechanism model to empiricism, if it works we don't need to know why approach...which is where homeopathy was when it started, looking solely at outcomes rather than mechanism. The reasoning for this - a combination of marketing, the moving of the whole playing field to evidence based medicine which left the homeopaths floundering, despite their starting that process in medical research!!

The world is not the deeply rational place you want it to be, so to dismiss withcraft as having gone away in any society is deeply, deeply premature.

However, I would apply the same criticism to phil's argument that witchcraft is making a comeback, or in decline, in developing socities - it never went away anywhere, so

My issues with the use of Satan is, as I said, it's too centred around specific cultural origins. It's clearly a Hegelian argument - the 'spirit' of humanity but the bad, evil part of us - but by using an exclusively Xtian view, you're not only ignoring much of the world, but also this stupid argument that 'only' specific types of philosophy could have produced it; rubbish! Our culture is the sum of all our creations - modern capitalism is the result of ALL of the European traditions, not just the anglo-saxon! FFS, the whole notion of 'markets' as some kind of entity is Hegelian, and it's talked about blithley by 'anglo saxons' all the time.

So while I agree with the concept of capital=Satan, and think that long term you're right about materialist Marxism having to re-engage with 'spiritual' issues in some way (Marxism is never going to help you cope with a loved one dying) but restricting your Hegelian argument to a Judeo-Xtian image is wrong IMO.
What did you read kyser?

Corinthians, a few bits of Karen Armstrong I wanted some reminders on. Re-read an old A-level sociology essay on Hegel. Not much TBH, and I've inadvertently built this up into something potentially interesting...sorry all...

I knew I should have just written a long post in word and dumped it up here first thing...
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