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Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe - Boris Johnson's death sentence

MadeInBedlam, I'm not sure why you keep tagging me but whatever I guess. 🤷‍♀️

two(?) tags. Hardly ‘keep tagging you’. You won’t take any issue with Corbyn doing the very thing you falsely accused me of. You won’t even think about the (English?) irony of both defending him whilst accusing others of doing exactly what he’s done.

eta looks more like it’s only once that I’ve tagged you. I could endlessly quote reply to you and lie about your politics if you’d find that more civilised
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The Iranian government make are mob look delightful.
The Syrian adventures aren't popular and unlike the Saudis Iran can't afford it's war or mercenaries to fight them.
But then a country that hangs rape victims knows how to stifle dissent.
So does anyone have any actual ideas of how this might be resolved, or is it the normal pearl clutching, fairy-dust sprinkling, and ignoring the inevitable consequences of handing over the cash?

And for those who insist it's about the cash - what is the cash that the Australian government owes them that forces the Iranians to take Australian hostages?

My posts on the NHS thread was how the NHS is privatising itself (as it has done since its inception). Hardly irrelevant to a thread on NHS privatisation. You’re welcome to put me on ignore. If you want me not to post you can take it up with editor
I've just been to have a look and no they were not. One of the posts may possibly have something to do with the NHS privatising itself, the rest concerned wrongdoing/neglect by members of staff. Therefore completely irrelevant, much like some of your recent posts on this thread.
Don't know enough about this source to be happy/certain, but we'll see...

As a general rule, the IRGC don't raid the offices of Iranian politicians because they see those politicians as being too hard-line, unpragmatic, and inflexible...
I don't agree with ransoms being paid and suspect if it does happen, no one will actually confirm that is what has happened. She and others like her certainly do not deserve to be there, made worse by the conditions and treatment I guess they are receiving.
Some talk of Nazanin getting released if UK pays £400 million military debt

There seems to be quite a bit of push back on this report - Tom Tugenhat has tweeted saying that he'd spoken to the FCO and been told explicitly that it's not true, and that the UK position hasn't changed. Alex Wickham (sky news?) reports the same.
There seems to be quite a bit of push back on this report - Tom Tugenhat has tweeted saying that he'd spoken to the FCO and been told explicitly that it's not true, and that the UK position hasn't changed. Alex Wickham (sky news?) reports the same.
I wouldnt take anything a Tory says too seriously. Time will tell.
Article From Richard Ratcliffe here, worth a read:

How unscrupulous and how corrupt is the arms trade :(
I see Iran has a nice new leader in Ebrahim Raisi. From his wiki entry

"Hussein-Ali Montazeri named Raisi as one of the four persons involved in the 1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners.[28] Other persons were Morteza Eshraghi (Prosecutor of Tehran), Hossein-Ali Nayeri (Judge) and Mostafa Pourmohammadi (MOI representative in Evin). Names of first two persons are mentioned in Khomeini's order. Pourmohammadi has denied his role but Raisi has not commented publicly on the matter yet.[29][30]

The 1988 executions of Iranian political prisoners was a series of state-sponsored execution of political prisoners across Iran, starting on 19 July 1988 and lasting for approximately five months.[31][32][33][34][35][36] The majority of those killed were supporters of the People's Mujahedin of Iran, although supporters of other leftist factions, including the Fedaian and the Tudeh Party of Iran (Communist Party), were executed as well.[37][38] According to Amnesty International, "thousands of political dissidents were systematically subjected to enforced disappearance in Iranian detention facilities across the country and extrajudicially executed pursuant to an order issued by the Supreme Leader of Iran and implemented across prisons in the country. Many of those killed during this time were subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment in the process."[39]

The killings have been described as a political purge without precedent in modern Iranian history, both in terms of scope and coverup.[40] However, the exact number of prisoners executed remains a point of contention. Amnesty International, after interviewing dozens of relatives, puts the number in thousands;[41] and then-Supreme Leader Ruhollah Khomeini's deputy, Hussein-Ali Montazeri put the number between 2,800 and 3,800 in his memoirs,[42] but an alternative estimation suggests that the number exceeded 30,000.[43] Because of the large number, prisoners were loaded into forklift trucks in groups of six and hanged from cranes in half-hour intervals."
My choice would have been Ms Patel, but hey.
It's not just about NZR though as there are many other dual nationality prisoners being held in similar circumstances, not to mention all those
political prisoners, thats if they have not been executed.
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