Casually Red said: Cultural nationalism becomes an issue when native culture has been decimated or threatened by colonialism . Culture is part and parcel of peoples sovereignty , sovereignty part and parcel of national struggles . The difference between Jose Marti and Britney Spears and Coca Cola , Sean ORiada and Rudyard Kipling ..
I don’t agree with your syllogism. You are trying to argue that because culture is part and parcel of people’s sovereignty, and sovereignty is part and parcel of national struggles, that therefore culture equals national struggles. But each link in your chain is faulty. Your premise is no premise, and your conclusion does not follow from it.
First, you are not defining your terms, and this leads either to flabby logic or sleight of hand. Yes, people have culture, and different people have different culture. Yes, that is part of being human, however cultural freedom of people is not the same as the notion of A People used by the state to construct a national identity. Culture and nation are not the same thing. Cultures can and do overlap national boundaries, and they can be myriad within those boundaries.
Of course culture is used by nationalists. They use it to impose a unity of interest that is supposed to trump class solidarity. The
creation of a national culture is a necessary part of nationalism. An official language, a mythology, a nation-building myth is needed. Culture precedes the state, but because the nation and the cultures within its polity are neither homogenous within the state nor contiguous with the state’s boundaries, the myths are put in place. Your next link falls.
Sovereignty is part and parcel of national struggles? Whose sovereignty? Whose interests? A nation is not a homogenous group with unity of interest. The lie is given to this supposed commonality of interests by the existence of privileged minorities within the nation. Even a nation under colonial rule. Merely mentioning sovereignty does not wish away those class divisions.
Those are the polarities you set up are hilarious, by the way.
Either Jose Marti
or Britney Spears? That’s like me saying Scotland has a better culture than Ireland because Burns is better than the Jedward twins.
Because imperialism and colonialism also has its own brand of culture and cultural values it wishes to impose on those who stand against it, and those dominated by imperialism and colonialism invariably have their own national inferiority complexes, its bred into them very deliberately .
That’s gobbledegook. There is no umbrella, one-size-fits-all imperialist and colonialist brand of culture. There are imperialist cultures, but they are particular not universal. You should actually read Fanon, it would help you out here.
You cant always eparate culture from the overall national struggle, because your own struggle is different to other peoples, despite other similarities .
Youre part of the culturally dominant western world, your culture isnt under threat .
Am I? Should I apologise for my role in slavery or the Irish Potato Famine? And what do you know about my culture? What, out of interest, do you think my culture is? Do you know? Am I a 55 year old native Doric speaker from the North East of Scotland? Am I a gay Gaelic-speaking teenager from Lewis, who left home when his strict Wee Free parents disowned him? Am I a third generation Asian Scot, who doesn’t speak the Hindi his mother speaks, or the Gujarati his paternal grandparents speak?
You don’t know. My culture is not this universal imperialist culture. That beast doesn’t exist. It is a figment of your inability to define terms.
It however is often a threat to those who stand against the dominant powers, a means of absordbing and subjugating them .
Of course. Welsh Not. Etc. But you’re just throwing in a non sequitur. It has no logical connection with your previous sentence.
To quote Fanon To speak means to be in a position to use a certain syntax, to grasp the morphology of this or that language, but it means above all to assume a culture, to support the weight of a civilization"
To quote Fanon and then go on to make a point unrelated to the quotation, you mean.
So , to assert ones own territorial, economic and political independence from the dominant and have your own alternative values of what constitutes civilisation ,culture can also play a role in that , often an important one .
And nationalism is the way the ruling class occludes class differences and asserts its own power. And it is quite capable of using national liberation struggles to do so.
Where Id agree with you though is that if ones politics are somehow solely dominated by culture , particularly a monoculture, then the pitfalls and potential for reactionary positions are obvious .
I don’t remember saying that, so you’re not agreeing with me.
I never called you a colonialist or even hinted at it .
You said I am “
part of the culturally dominant western world”, and that my
“culture isnt under threat”. You then went on to say
: “ It however is often a threat to those who stand against the dominant powers, a means of absordbing and subjugating them “.
Do you know what your point is, or not?
Why didnt you just ask me that straight out and Id be happy to answer you . Im not a cultural nationalist, but culture does indeed play one role in my overall political view . Thats related to location , history and the specific issues pertaining to my situation that just arent applicable to your own . Just as issues of your political imperatives dont always pertain to mine .
are a cultural nationalist, and have argued so above.
to clarify, in my experience leftists from western europe have an understandably averse reaction to anything nationalist, due to the negative role reactionary nationalism has played in their own ruling classes long history of misdeeds . And therefore often react extremely negatively to nationalism in any guise from any quarter .
That’s nice of you to tear the scales of my false consciousness from my eyes, oh all-seeing wise one.
youve just completely ignored my posts were i explained all this stuff from my point of view .
Your posts are often incoherent, but since you insist, I’ve gone through them bit by bit.
And have also completely turned the rest of what i said arse about face .
It strikes me just want to argue for arguments sake about stuff i never even said .
No, I got into this because you are confusing culture and nation, two very different entities.
Ive pointed to culture merely in an overall context of sovereignty and anti imperialism as a factor in some struggles, not some overall determinant .
Does that actually make sense? Try putting it another way.
Ive fully agreed with you that dominance of cultural issues has obvious pitfalls, ive said nothing about state and culture being one, and never suggested that cultures are confined to states .
No, you are saying the nation and culture are the same. They aren’t. The nation is a construct of the state. You are misreading me.
your plainly a blind cunt too
And you are using disablist insults.