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Nadine Dorries: Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport


Teenage girls should be taught at school about the benefits of sexual abstinence, an MP has said.

Tory Nadine Dorries told the Commons that while secondary school pupils were shown how to put condoms on bananas and to self-diagnose sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), they should also be told "how to say no".

"We need to let young girls know that to say no to sex when you are under pressure is a cool thing to do," she said.

Unveiling her ten minute rule bill on 4 May 2011, Ms Dorries called for schools to give girls aged 13 to 16 extra sex education, including the benefits of abstinence.

"This is about giving empowerment to young girls," she explained.

Ms Dorries went on: "The answer to ending our constant struggle with the incredibly high rate of teenage sexual activity and underage pregnancies lies in teaching our girls and boys about the option of abstinence, the ability to 'just say no' as part of their compulsory sex education."

But Labour's Chris Bryant described Ms Dorries' bill as "the daftest piece of legislation" he had seen, saying there was no evidence teaching abstinence would lead to fewer pregnancies or STDs.

"The single most important thing we can do for any young person is give them the self-confidence to be able to make good decisions for themselves," he added.

MPs voted 67 to 61, a majority of six, in favour of allowing Ms Dorries to bring forward her bill. It will receive its second reading debate in January.

Ten minute rule bills do not stand much chance of becoming law unless they are adopted by the government.

There is a video too on the story, which is worth a watch. Anyone else think the guy behind her moving his head does it in a bit of a :facepalm:/:rolleyes: way? That was my impression anyway. Well, that was my reaction when watching at least.

Girls only of course. To prevent them from losing their purity, and inevitably joining the pornography and sex industry, both kickstarted by the sex education programs of the past 40 years....... :hmm:

This could maybe go in HRS, move if appropriate?
What a joker she is - does she think a whole raft of Mr Mackeys going "sex is bad, m'kay" to a bunch of hormonal teenagers is going to stop them indulging in their pubescent urges?
One of those whose defenses for fiddling their expenses and rampant nepotism screams "I only became an MP because I understood I could get away with this shit so fuck off, commoners."
She only wants girls to be told about abstinence. Cos, you know, they're slags and boys just can't help it.

The only thing her mad idea has going for it is that her parents are a good example of where not ever fucking would have been a good idea.
She only wants girls to be told about abstinence. Cos, you know, they're slags and boys just can't help it.

The only thing her mad idea has going for it is that her parents are a good example of where not ever fucking would have been a good idea.

she had an affair with a friend's husband, she needs to think about abstinence herself tbf
did I also read there that the MP for mid-bedfordshire's family home was in the Cotswolds?
carpetbagger too, then
....Pretty shocking anyone can view themselves as fit to lead the charge as upholder of good sexual values in 2011, through their moral example to the young ladies of today, when they're busy fornicating with her friend's husband. Living in sin and filth. Bringing this great Christian nation into disrepute. And ....probably filming it all too. Broken Britain :(
I have met 2 girls (1 online,1 close friend) who related encounters where theyve been unable to say no, even (especially?) at the point of being really uncomfortable and even really frightened. its some sort of psychological paralysis & obviously it can lead to really horrible situations.

i dont know how widespread this is, or how much sex education would help and im sure most people arnt going to understand but it is a very serious issue for some.
Just say No...... to Nadine Dorries on the ballot paper

Exactly. Who cares what people like Nadine Dorries say or do really? There will always be people who take the same kind of view, and a fair few of them will be exposed as hypocrites. In the great scheme of things she doesn't matter.
I think it is worth pointing out that sex education still is not enshrined in law in this country which is a pretty poor state of affairs for a country in the 21st century.
This woman, who had an affair with a friends husband, and who fiddled her expenses, thinks that girls, but not boys, should be taught about sexual morals? She would seem to fail on at least two counts of her own morality code. How utterly strange.
This woman, who had an affair with a friends husband, and who fiddled her expenses, thinks that girls, but not boys, should be taught about sexual morals? She would seem to fail on at least two counts of her own morality code. How utterly strange.

It isn't the slightest bit strange. Where have you been? In a monastery?
The only rational conclusion is that Dorries' entire career has been one big wind-up.

Nope, the only rational conclusion is that her entire political career is absolutely serious, and that she's pretty much a typical chiselling, amoral, shit-eating Conservative MP.
I think it is worth pointing out that sex education still is not enshrined in law in this country which is a pretty poor state of affairs for a country in the 21st century.

Jim, it's the millenium!
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