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My electricity bill has just tripled: how about yours? Alternative suppliers?

This is an emergency measure for this winter due to the Ukraine war, yes the article says it's for smart meter users, and no it's not some covert smart meter encouragement program.
Didn't suggest it was covert, they're quite open about it, it's one of the major benefits for them. And better they reward people for turning stuff off rather than raise prices at peak times, although they'll presumably do that as well. Just pointing out that people who haven't got smart meters won't be able to do it.
And if you use electricity during "peak times" then, through the use of Smartmeters, they'd be able to charge extra . . . surge pricing

Yep but I already eat much earlier than most people, and don't drink tea/coffee, and have washing machine/dishwasher with timer delays so I could run them in the middle of the night if I wanted so my peak hour usage will be well below the average.
I also have solar panels plus battery so some days that will carry me through peak hours into the later evening before I'm drawing off the grid. Summer I'm almost never drawing off the grid.

A lot of this depends on the detail - as you or someone else said, if it compares it to your average, that invites some game playing. If it's against a national average, you can't do that and I'd almost certainly be nicely below without making any real changes to my life.
Bear in midn that they are justifying this economically because if it reduces peak demand enough that they don't need to turn on an expensive peaker plant, it'll save money overall. If they are paying >£6 per kwh generated from a reserve plant, then they save money by paying you not to use the electricity at that time but at another time instead when they can draw from main sources which are much cheaper.
20A Charger charging for 6.5 hours to give 130 Ah (1.6 kWh) to power 140 W computer for 7 hours.

Two 130 Ah Batteries. I discover that it’s 130 Ah (C100) meaning it’s only 130 Ah if discharged over 100 hours. If discharged over say 10 hours the capacity is only around 90 Ah. So I’m charging up 130 Ah worth but only getting 90 Ah back because of internal losses which is a bit of a shame but never mind. I’m thinking of two batteries so that they’re not deep cycling the whole time which I presume wouldn’t do them any good.

3 kW Inverter which might even let me run a 1 kW fan heater for an hour on sunny but cold winter day

I can’t retrofit a battery to my PV system so I’m hoping this will take me near off-grid between May and October. The panels would charge the batteries over day, with anything over the 240 W (20 A @ 12 V) being used by my existing controller to heat my immersion. I think that’s a cloudy but reasonably bright day. It all doesn’t take up too much room either, will need to allow for air flow but a block about 35l x 40w x 40h cm.

Tl:dr Costs around £310 and assuming a future price of 50p/kWh hopefully gives a repayment time of around 20 months. :thumbs:
How is this going?
How is this going?
All the bits have arrived and I've been through the 'structions a couple of times so I feel just about ready to set it up. I'm just waiting for a metal tray to put the batteries in (just in case of acid spill although I'm not expecting that). Also have the battery clamps I need - wasn't too keen on the large crocodile clips that came with the charger but I think they'll be fine. Will also add a touch of petroleum jelly to contacts I think so they don't corrode.

I'm setting it up upstairs although I did seriously consider having it downstairs in the conservatory (so on a slate rather than wooden floor) where I spend most of the day, thinking that I might spend evenings down here too but I actually like the change of going upstairs of an evening. Expecting the tray in a couple of days :)
All the bits have arrived and I've been through the 'structions a couple of times so I feel just about ready to set it up. I'm just waiting for a metal tray to put the batteries in (just in case of acid spill although I'm not expecting that). Also have the battery clamps I need - wasn't too keen on the large crocodile clips that came with the charger but I think they'll be fine. Will also add a touch of petroleum jelly to contacts I think so they don't corrode.

I'm setting it up upstairs although I did seriously consider having it downstairs in the conservatory (so on a slate rather than wooden floor) where I spend most of the day, thinking that I might spend evenings down here too but I actually like the change of going upstairs of an evening. Expecting the tray in a couple of days :)
Sounds good :thumbs: I’m looking forward to hearing how it works out.
After getting my account fully refunded and switched to a variable direct debit, imagine my delight when I logged into my Bulb account to be confronted with my account starting to creep into credit - the whole point of a variable DD is that my bill and only my bill is taken from our bank

Back onto bulb and it would appear that a DD takes between 4-10 days to get set up and I'd only switched over 8 days ago so was still under the old fixed DD arrangement. So I've now got my over payment back, again, and hopefully that'll be the end of it until the Bulb "thing" finally settles down and I know who my new supplier is
Having had my last two communications with bulb via their on-line chat facility, I was initially reluctant, but now see the benefit. A simple <select all><copy><new text document><paste><save> and I've got my own record of the communication, including all "promises made"
most online chats I have used have an option to email a transcript at the end of the chat.
Yes they are
On investigation I think they’re credit meters as I think they’re showing a credit balance when I push the buttons to go through the display

Hopefully I can change this to direct debit as I can’t be doing with topping stuff up all the time even if it can be done via an app
I am in an ongoing battle with Bulb about my direct debit. I've been told that I am on a variable DD, which should only be charged what I've used but at the moment there still appears to be a DD total which is more than I'm using so will put me on credit each month.

We will see what next month brings
Octopus just put up my DD to £210 from £78 per month :(

Have you just come off a fixed price deal or was your account well in debit?

Because, if not, there's something wrong there, the price cap increase was 54%, not a 170%.
I am in an ongoing battle with Bulb about my direct debit. I've been told that I am on a variable DD, which should only be charged what I've used but at the moment there still appears to be a DD total which is more than I'm using so will put me on credit each month.

We will see what next month brings

To be honest, I don't really see why you're having this much trouble . . . it begs the question are you doing something wrong?? :p
Have you just come off a fixed price deal or was your account well in debit?

Because, if not, there's something wrong there, the price cap increase was 54%, not a 170%.
They took over my last failed supplier (can't remember name) and didn't touch the DDs. This was about a year ago I think. It was in debit by around £460 before they sent me the email saying this was what they were going to do so that my account would be on track by July 2023.
Meanwhile OVO's glue sniffing department has increased their estimate of usage during June from just over 500kwh on the 8th, to almost 600kwh today [12th June], if this carries on, I should be on well over 1000kwh by the end of the month! :D

Total for June 'only' 738kwh, well short of the 1000+kwh prediction, I am a little disappointed TBH. :D

Y - usage 30-6-22.png

My actual use being around 150kwh.
They took over my last failed supplier (can't remember name) and didn't touch the DDs. This was about a year ago I think. It was in debit by around £460 before they sent me the email saying this was what they were going to do so that my account would be on track by July 2023.

Oh, £460 in debit plus new rates from April would explain it, sadly. :(
So my new house setup is dual fuel, gas central heating / hot water. Boiler is a 9 yr old baxi.

If I installed solar panels (orientation of house is SW) I could switch to an electricity based heating / hot water based solution - am I right?
You'd likely need battery backup (deep cycle lead acid batteries I think best/cheapest), plus a controller for £100 or so to use excess energy during the day to heat immersion. Air-air multi split heat pump for a couple of thousand to run off the batteries at night.

Eta: air-air heat pump assuming house is reasonably airtight.

I think :)
Thanks - I’ve got a chunk of money left and it seems a good way to spend it given they’re only going to go up

A mates brother in law lives nearby and is trained as an installer (he did his mums back in 2011) so perhaps he’s worth asking :)
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