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My 21 year old son does not watch TV..

Seen enough clips of podcasts? :hmm:

To be blunt I'm pretty sure you have precisely no idea what people actually watch on youtube/listen to in terms of podcasts. I mean that's fine. But not very relevant.
What is relevant is by the time you've looked through what's available on YouTube/podcast I could be at least half way through watching something on TV.
My mate has a plex server and he has something linked to it where you can request pretty much any film or TV show and it appears a few hours later. There are a few of us on it.

I still have Netflix and Prime too but mainly so my mum and the kids can use the account.
Not much use if you want to watch something right now. :(
This is an interesting one... As mentioned already it's a little confusing as to why the BBC hasn't released archive stuff. Maybe partly licensing/royalty agreements? The BBC board is also a bit fucked up - these days mostly seems to be recruited from establishment figures, who may not quite get how things are going. And I'm not sure how relevant archive stuff would be to new audiences. C4 has produced a lot of interesting content (especially through Film4)... But part of its romance for me was as a curator of interesting/obscure things. I remember when I was young, just before big brother swamped it, you got all kinds of weird shit late night on C4. Horror films, Adam and Joe, odd psychedelic stuff. And their documentaries and current affairs type stuff really suffered from the early 2000s on. I don't know really.

They had a lot of their funding cut in the 2000s and really went downhill. It's a real shame because it was such a great place to see interesting films and programming. I really have that time when Ch4 turned from being quite arty and experimental into just Big Brother and panel shows as one of those moments where 'it all went wrong'
What is relevant is by the time you've looked through what's available on YouTube/podcast I could be at least half way through watching something on TV.

But you're restricted to what's on TV at the time.
i watch the football and the hockey (when it's on) and that's it. i could buy a "season ticket" from the leagues and watch all games with all teams over the web but i'm tight with a dollar, though in the case of the hockey i have been tempted. i fucking love hockey.
Because people who are genuinely interested in things I'm interested in make content that no major channel would bother with.
Fair enough depending on the content. Unpacking your shopping not so.

Falling out of a fast moving car on the motorway to film yourself even less so. :(
Fair enough depending on the content. Unpacking your shopping not so.

Falling out of a fast moving car on the motorway to film yourself even less so. :(

Sure. But they're not what make it a successful platform. I think I have a couple of hundred youtube subscriptions ranging from Royal Institution lectures, through popular mathematics and engineering, cookery, cabinet-making, bike stuff through to legal commentary and channels that specifically deal with films scores. It just isn't what you think it is.
Do you know what a podcast is WouldBe? You know it’s not something you watch don’t you?
The very few I've seen have been the one way monologue type which is not necessarily of interest to me.

If you mean a more of an interactive thing then I'm even less likely to be interested because of memory problems requiring me to take my time to process things.
Sure. But they're not what make it a successful platform. I think I have a couple of hundred youtube subscriptions ranging from Royal Institution lectures, through popular mathematics and engineering, cookery, cabinet-making, bike stuff through to legal commentary and channels that specifically deal with films scores. It just isn't what you think it is.
Royal institute lectures are shown on TV and I usually watch them, normally recording them so I can watch when I want without doing a lot of searching for them.

I know there is some useful stuff on there. I've seen a few to do with DIY like how to install roof windows.

Still doesn't negate the fact that there are thousands of videos on there to search through which is nigh on impossible if you don't know what your looking for.
From the little I know of Spain the terrestial broadcasters feature 20-minutes of advertising regularly throughout prime time TV. This makes watching programmes live virtually impossible.

Whereas as US TV at least what I have seen in hotels, is hundreds of channels all showing rubbish.

I wonder if UK will follow one of these paths? Perhaps with the exception of the BBC we are already there.
Royal institute lectures are shown on TV and I usually watch them, normally recording them so I can watch when I want without doing a lot of searching for them.

No, they aren't. The Christmas ones are. There are hundreds of others you won't find elsewhere.

I know there is some useful stuff on there. I've seen a few to do with DIY like how to install roof windows.

Still doesn't negate the fact that there are thousands of videos on there to search through which is nigh on impossible if you don't know what your looking for.

It's not that hard. I mean... why do you think so many people use it?
No, they aren't. The Christmas ones are. There are hundreds of others you won't find elsewhere.

It's not that hard. I mean... why do you think so many people use it?
How do I find something I don't know exists that might catch my attention at that moment in time?
TIVO is already collapsing if you google its financial reports. Just an extension of broadcast media.
I really meant the technology rather than the actual company. Isn't a sky plus box effectively a TiVo box?
As far as I can tell Virgin’s TiVo box and Sky’s Q box are broadly similar. Doubtless one might turn out to be better than the other, but I reckon it’s pretty minor.

Having said that, as a long term Virgin subscriber the difference between their current TiVo box and the previous one is extraordinary. Never mind the much bigger storage space- it is pretty close to actual AI. I love the way you tell it to record a given series after you’ve just discovered it, and it will record not just any subsequent episodes but often finds the previous ones and saves them for you.

The search function on our box also checks Netflix and Amazon. It will not be of use if you’re not subscribed to those platforms, but it’s still very useful.

This thread has actually made me realise that if I broke up with my partner and had to move out to a new place and couldn’t afford a cable or satellite subscription service like Sky or Virgin, I’d actually have no idea how to watch TV.

I am aware of Freeview of course, but since there’s no longer analogue TV, how can you watch TV out of a Freeview box? Do they sell you an aerial as well?
Is this thread from 2005? Why would anyone watch tv ‘live’ now unless it was I don’t know sport. Weird. I’m not even remotely young .
Speaking for myself ,i like it and can't be arsed with the internet.
I never watch sport though.
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