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My 21 year old son does not watch TV..

TV aerials don't exist any more (or at least they do nothing).

:D You can see how long it's been since we bothered. Anyhoo, we can't get a live digital signal or the freeview channels here without an ariel or settop box and have never bothered to sort it because we'd never watch them.
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Watching Netflix is watching TV IMO. Why does it matter if the show is live or not?

Yup, that's what I think too. But I think people mean broadcast TV in this context. But to me it's all the same. It's still passively suckling on the glass tit 😉

It's interesting seeing the different interpretations of what "watching tv" is.
Most things are best watched "live" or as close to being dropped as possible, if only to avoid spoilers.

Fucking 'dropped'... :mad: It's like the shit one on 6music (Hobbs I think) saying a track has been 'lifted' off an album.

But more broadly a lot of the most influential 'TV' is released on streaming platforms these days.
Yup, that's what I think too. But I think people mean broadcast TV in this context. But to me it's all the same. It's still passively suckling on the glass tit 😉

Yes this thread is absolutely not about the old trope of 'I don't have a TV' in the sense of I'm too good for media in general, but about the rapid change in how people are consuming that media, who produces it and how the old systems are failing to adapt.
Yup, that's what I think too. But I think people mean broadcast TV in this context. But to me it's all the same. It's still passively suckling on the glass tit 😉

It's interesting seeing the different interpretations of what "watching tv" is.

Watching TV is watching TV. Doesn't really matter if it's live or not. Watching a video back in the friggin 80s/90s was ultimately just watching TV. (Okay, technically you were watching a video, but what's the difference?) Netflix is just a big video store.
Watching TV is watching TV. Doesn't really matter if it's live or not. Watching a video back in the friggin 80s/90s was ultimately just watching TV. (Okay, technically you were watching a video, but what's the difference?) Netflix is just a big video store.

This... ok... See this thread is not about that. What this thread is discussing is the change in... Fuck I just said this.

This... ok... See this thread is not about that. What this thread is discussing is the change in... Fuck I just said this.


The OP specifically mentions YouTube and podcasts Vs some terrestrial TV channels, nowt about Netflix, which, content-wise, is closer to terrestrial TV than YouTube/podcasts.
I watch plenty on telly, all Freeview, and it seems I'm very much in the minority in this particular demographic.
Same here.

I have Freesat and Freeview. It can be bad enough looking through 100+ channels to decide what to watch next nevermind the thousands of shit I'm never likely to watch streamed.
The OP specifically mentions YouTube and podcasts Vs some terrestrial TV channels, nowt about Netflix, which, content-wise, is closer to terrestrial TV than YouTube/podcasts.
I've no idea why anyone would want to watch YouTube/ podcasts or even shit like towie. Sad in my opinion. :(
I barely watch TV, or YT either, I haven’t owned a tv or wanted to own a tv since the mid 90’s. I think its because I have adhd - it’s normally not interesting enough to grab the attention of my wonky brain. Most tv I think is just dull. El Jugs watches a lot of YT and TV, mostly downloaded and I listen to a couple of his fave YTers - I ocassionally watch something that I’ve bookmarked on iplayer, but it can take me weeks to do so - like the Keith Haring doc that I had to keep rewinding because I couldn’t focus on it. It does depend what it is though, loved Tiger King, certain documentaries hold my interest, but I don’t really go seeking them out.
He just watches YT and podcasts and claims all his generation are the same.
Me too, aged 45
Also enjoy reposting antivaxmemes

ATM I am watching 80s Granada TV produced Sherlock Holmes on YouTube which suggests trad TV stables did used to make some good shows in the past. Modern TV doesn't appeal to me. Nor does cinema to be honest. Something in the pacing and production values has been lost down the line. We need a modern Bullseye.
No. I've seen enough clips on here.

Seen enough clips of podcasts? :hmm:

To be blunt I'm pretty sure you have precisely no idea what people actually watch on youtube/listen to in terms of podcasts. I mean that's fine. But not very relevant.
When he is at his mum's he watches Netflix, tonight we watched a pink panther movie, zero live TV.

The iPlayer is an attempt to get this market by the bbc but it might be too little and too late.
My mate has a plex server and he has something linked to it where you can request pretty much any film or TV show and it appears a few hours later. There are a few of us on it.

I still have Netflix and Prime too but mainly so my mum and the kids can use the account.
At least in the BBC's case they have masses of content they could make available but will there be a channel 4 in 10 years time ?
At least in the BBC's case they have masses of content they could make available but will there be a channel 4 in 10 years time ?

This is an interesting one... As mentioned already it's a little confusing as to why the BBC hasn't released archive stuff. Maybe partly licensing/royalty agreements? The BBC board is also a bit fucked up - these days mostly seems to be recruited from establishment figures, who may not quite get how things are going. And I'm not sure how relevant archive stuff would be to new audiences. C4 has produced a lot of interesting content (especially through Film4)... But part of its romance for me was as a curator of interesting/obscure things. I remember when I was young, just before big brother swamped it, you got all kinds of weird shit late night on C4. Horror films, Adam and Joe, odd psychedelic stuff. And their documentaries and current affairs type stuff really suffered from the early 2000s on. I don't know really.
I have usually not had a telly in my house since university. I quite like when I am in a hotel or staying somewhere with a TV so I can just have the movie or news channel on and having to choose what to watch.
I don't think that I could watch ITV or Ch4 nowadays, they stop for adverts every 10 minutes.
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