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Murder and rape on Moorlands Estate/ Somerleyton Road, Brixton

The stabbing on Coldharbour Lane happened in the Food & Wine shop around the corner from Loughborough Junction, I remember passing it by. A month or so before that I witnessed a big fight in the Chinese restaurant there as well... broken glass, supposedly someone with a knife, etc. Always ends up being teens. I wish I knew what the motivation was. I never thought it was just random like it was with that 17 year old boy
hmm ok...

'two young men with white teeth' perhaps? :D

maybe that'd satisfy the metro reading drones?

the metro is the poison that feeds this city, its terrible to see otherwise normal people reading it. its. the. *DAILY. FUCKING. MAIL* do most people not realise that? it's the same journos - repackaged for idiot commuters who can't be arsed thinking.
hmm ok...

'two young men with white teeth' perhaps? :D

maybe that'd satisfy the metro reading drones?

the metro is the poison that feeds this city, its terrible to see otherwise normal people reading it. its. the. *DAILY. FUCKING. MAIL* do most people not realise that? it's the same journos - repackaged for idiot commuters who can't be arsed thinking.

Yeah, it's shit, but people read it just for something to read on the tube. They don't all believe the shite they spout :D
Maybe a stupid question, but who decided what company would be writing for the Metro? Seems like it should be a pretty big responsibility to choose what millions of people are offered for reading every day on their travels, and yet it is filled with rubbish
I assume, ShootSniffFuckuUpTheRingholeStabBludgeon or whatever the fuck your name is, this is the 'newspaper' you work for?

I find it strange that rather than focus on the topic at hand (which unfortunately is about a young innocent life taken away tragically) you decide to take the direction elsewhere. If the name of my blog causes you so much grief, I apologise. But your use of foul language is unnecessary. And regarding the newspaper I work for, I simply posted a link from the Evening Standard, not the Metro which was posted beforehand. Could you please focus on the topic of a tragic incident rather than getting into slanging wars?
The description of the individuals who carried out this murder is not an issue which one should be pondering over. The media were well within their right to attempt to raise awareness. Too often incidents like these occur and there is a lack of coverage in the media so I find it fickle to complain in this instance. The murderers were suspected to be two black youths - which bears relevance, simple.

Rather than discuss solutions on how we address the future of our youths in society, we discuss whether the Metro should include the fact that the suspects are black. I find this more worrying than the fact knife crime has increased by 9% this year.
To be honest if you're going to post here, you need to get past that one. This is a UK forum; ergo, it's much swearier than an American board, for instance, although I did raise an eyebrow at your posting name.

While I can accept your 'raised eyebrow' regarding my blog name, if you saw what the blog was about/trying to achieve you will see that we attempt to do a positive job.

As a moderator you are in a better position to speak on swearing. I simply thought THIS THREAD PARTICULARLY was sensitive (rape and murder) that as intelligent adults we could engage in discourse without resorting to silly conversations.

If the family of either victim were viewing this forum, how would they feel?
If the family of either victim were viewing this forum, how would they feel?
Well, as both a moderator and a long term resident of the area (as in over 30 years) and who in that time has had neighbours who have been murdered or lost a family member to violent crime I thought your name was offensively crass in the extreme (I still do), so much so that when I saw it I expected a offensively crass and trolling post and would have instantly banned you if that was the general cut of your jib. Thankfully that was not the case. I am still not remotely interested in reading your blog that you are clearly so desperate to publicise .
As a moderator you are in a better position to speak on swearing. I simply thought THIS THREAD PARTICULARLY was sensitive (rape and murder) that as intelligent adults we could engage in discourse without resorting to silly conversations.
It's a sensitive topic, yet you're posting under a distractingly sensationalistic name. I don't think it helps. In fact, it makes you sound like the online equivalent of an ambulance chaser, hungry for salacious facts to feed your blog while caring little for the people who actually live right in the middle of the affected community (and that's two of the admins here).
I find it strange that rather than focus on the topic at hand (which unfortunately is about a young innocent life taken away tragically) you decide to take the direction elsewhere. If the name of my blog causes you so much grief, I apologise. But your use of foul language is unnecessary. And regarding the newspaper I work for, I simply posted a link from the Evening Standard, not the Metro which was posted beforehand. Could you please focus on the topic of a tragic incident rather than getting into slanging wars?

You actually do seem a decent sort - apols for lettin rip yesterday. As MrsM said tho, if you're gonna stick around, you're gonna need to get used to gettin a bit of 'foul language' ;)
Well, as both a moderator and a long term resident of the area (as in over 30 years) and who in that time has had neighbours who have been murdered or lost a family member to violent crime I thought your name was offensively crass in the extreme (I still do), so much so that when I saw it I expected a offensively crass and trolling post and would have instantly banned you if that was the general cut of your jib. Thankfully that was not the case. I am still not remotely interested in reading your blog that you are clearly so desperate to publicise .

While I will apologise for the name offending you, I stand by my claim that I am positively trying to help cure the gun, knife and drug crime in our society. Clearly you cannot see past the name which I accept. 'Desperate to publicise?' That is a somewhat speculative claim as I have not tried to do such, I simply explained the reason behind my username.
The description of the individuals who carried out this murder is not an issue which one should be pondering over. The media were well within their right to attempt to raise awareness. Too often incidents like these occur and there is a lack of coverage in the media so I find it fickle to complain in this instance. The murderers were suspected to be two black youths - which bears relevance, simple.

Rather than discuss solutions on how we address the future of our youths in society, we discuss whether the Metro should include the fact that the suspects are black. I find this more worrying than the fact knife crime has increased by 9% this year.

I work for a respected media organisation and it is generally our policy not to identify the suspects by colour/race. It's not like it's really that helpful, given the proportion of black people in this area of London. If we had more information, ages, heights, clothing etc, that would help.
It's a sensitive topic, yet you're posting under a distractingly sensationalistic name. I don't think it helps. In fact, it makes you sound like the online equivalent of an ambulance chaser, hungry for salacious facts to feed your blog while caring little for the people who actually live right in the middle of the affected community (and that's two of the admins here).

Hungry for salacious facts? This is another speculative claim. As you refuse to check the blog I will inform you that I posted about this topic yesterday morning before knowing about this forum. One of my readers directed me to this forum afterwards. Yesterday at 17:55 I posted a link from the Evening Standard to raise more awareness. I was then subject of a few messages regarding my name. I don't see at what point I was chasing facts. I am a Lambeth resident myself, so I am in the middle of the community and I am trying to help improve the declining situation.
So far you've mentioned your blog five times in seventeen posts...I have a blog and this is I think the first time I've mentioned it in over 44,500 posts.

I mentioned it so much as I was defending the use of my name.

The first thread I posted (and deleted) I mentioned it because I was asking for help and I wanted to provide context at what it was about.
I really do not want to get into a slanging match in a thread that is such a sensitive topic. If (for the use of my name) the administrators would prefer I do not post on this forum pls say so. I will delete my profile and not participate as I do not feel it is right to be causing issues in the forum. I have done nothing to offend: I posted an article, I defended the use of my name. I do not want you to read the bl*g as clearly the name is more important than the content to many. But it is this level of ignorance that often creates issues as people assume that they know what it is about, or refuse to attempt to find out.
That's not really it though is it. You came here without reading the T&C's and blundered about for a while over a sensitive topic which affects people on this board.

You then tried to delete your posts and obfuscate the issue, and wonder why people react in a vaguely robust manner. You're now making assumptions on people's interests and knowledge whilst you scuttle back out the door.

You've got a thin skin for a journo.
That's not really it though is it. You came here without reading the T&C's and blundered about for a while over a sensitive topic which affects people on this board.

You then tried to delete your posts and obfuscate the issue, and wonder why people react in a vaguely robust manner. You're now making assumptions on people's interests and knowledge whilst you scuttle back out the door.

You've got a thin skin for a journo.

That's not really it is it? I came on here attempting to acquire some interviewees on safety in Lambeth. The name of my bl*g caused some stir and overall my request did not go down well. I then deleted my posts in an attempt to diffuse the situation.

I then posted an article from the Evening Standard which included quotes from the father of the victim.

I was then met with comments regarding my name. I responded and explained it was my bl*g name.

Making assumptions on peoples interests and knowledge?! - Pls explain?!

I'm not running out of any backdoor but if the majority of people posting on this topic have an issue with the name of my blog and or my posts thus far I find it more useful to delete myself as this is a topic regarding two very unfortunate incidents in the area - not a topic on my username.
Yes it was his first time in Brixton. His Dad said he was going to a music studio, and that his son 'detested gangs.' It is crazy that there were a spate of other incidents at the Streatham Hill/Christchurch Road/Brixton Hill end of Lambeth days prior, however the one fatality occurs right in the heart of Brixton to an innocent life.
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