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Mundane pictures of the North

That's a gorgeous building.

All the light yellow-ish bits are terracotta I believe, which makes it look a damn sight better than it should, given the climate and pollution that it has been exposed to over the years. Otherwise it would look filthy.

There's a reason why they clad the Arndale Centre in tiles...our shit climate :)

So much of the Manchester city centre look like a giant gents toilet! :D
That's my favourite building in Leeds if you mean the one that almost looks Moorish? It's empty at the minute and I dream about setting up some cool tech company based out of there every time I walk past it...to the job centre. :D:(

I also like the Metropole Hotel.

It's the one with white window frames and blue shutters (not St Paul's House, which is a magnificent building). Nice place and massive inside. It's only been empty since February and we were all gutted when told it was being sold. That park was awesome in the summer.
Not my picture but mundane to most of us who live here:


(I'll get out and about with the camera next week)
Stotts Hall Farm.

Locals say that the owner refused to move so the built the carriageways around him, but apparently it was something due to the terrain.
Stotts Hall Farm.

Locals say that the owner refused to move so the built the carriageways around him, but apparently it was something due to the terrain.

You're right - the split in the motorway was due to the geology and terrain, and nowt to do with the farmer. What an awful place to live - bad enough being on the tops, but also being sandwiched between the motorway? No thanks!
Thinking about this, there was a wonderful documentary on BBC4 a few years back about the construction of the M62 and how hard it was. It was called 'Motorway' I think. It said that the while the M1 for example built a mile a week, the M62 over the Pennines built a mile a year - due to the incredibly difficult terrain and weather*. Makes you wonder what horrible lives the navvies had to build what we now take for granted.

*and awkward Yorkshiremen! ;)
You're right - the split in the motorway was due to the geology and terrain, and nowt to do with the farmer. What an awful place to live - bad enough being on the tops, but also being sandwiched between the motorway? No thanks!

Imagine the pollution to the farmland! :eek:

I think the original farmer is long gone and someone else has taken over. Why, I have no idea!

Thinking about this, there was a wonderful documentary on BBC4 a few years back about the construction of the M62 and how hard it was. It was called 'Motorway' I think. It said that the while the M1 for example built a mile a week, the M62 over the Pennines built a mile a year - due to the incredibly difficult terrain and weather. Makes you wonder what horrible lives the navvies had to build what we now take for granted.

That area from Pole Moor to Windy Hill is one of the most beautiful yet inhospitable places I've ever seen. I really just want to get out and walk across those moors.
is that not true about them refusing to sell, then? I've always believed that! I was told that the farmer being awkward was the reason that compulsory purchase orders exist.

I guess it's one of them things you never question, but if you think about it, it doesn't make sense.
One of my favourite views in the North (that isn't natural) is when you're driving over the M62 from West to East at night and you get the view across Halifax and that area and it's just a sea of lights. Love it :cool:

Is there anywhere close to the motorway where you can get out and sit on the grass? As close to the top/motorway as you can get...
The Pennine Way crosses the motorway, and the footbridge is ace to stand and watch it if you want. As the motorway passes through a cutting presumably blasted through the rock, there are plenty of places by the PW to sit and watch the road if you want. I've got a pic I took from the footbridge somewhere - will try and find it and post it here. :)
Thinking about this, there was a wonderful documentary on BBC4 a few years back about the construction of the M62 and how hard it was. It was called 'Motorway' I think. It said that the while the M1 for example built a mile a week, the M62 over the Pennines built a mile a year - due to the incredibly difficult terrain and weather*. Makes you wonder what horrible lives the navvies had to build what we now take for granted.

*and awkward Yorkshiremen! ;)

Yup. Is repeated on Beeb4 now and then- we watched the M62 prog in bed then went to sleep- both of us has motorway based bad dreams all night
Yup. Is repeated on Beeb4 now and then- we watched the M62 prog in bed then went to sleep- both of us has motorway based bad dreams all night

It is weird that we take it for granted now, but at the time it was an immense feat of engineering. The builders deserve every congratulation for their achievement.

And hope you don't dream about stroppy Yorkshiremen! :D
One of my favourite views in the North (that isn't natural) is when you're driving over the M62 from West to East at night and you get the view across Halifax and that area and it's just a sea of lights. Love it :cool:

Is there anywhere close to the motorway where you can get out and sit on the grass? As close to the top/motorway as you can get...

That view is Elland, Greetland, Halifax, Stainland to the west, and on a clear night all the way to Ovenden to the north.

J24 (Ainley Top). There's a place right under the motorway on the hill where you can sit and watch. Done it myself many times :)
Probably somewhere better in Ainley Village but never been.

ETA: Just to the west of Ainley (if you come off the motorway eastbound) there's a place called Blackley and you can walk over the fields to take in the view.
That view is Elland, Greetland, Halifax, Stainland to the west, and on a clear night all the way to Ovenden to the north.

J24 (Ainley Top). There's a place right under the motorway on the hill where you can sit and watch. Done it myself many times :)
Probably somewhere better in Ainley Village but never been.

ETA: Just to the west of Ainley (if you come off the motorway eastbound) there's a place called Blackley and you can walk over the fields to take in the view.

Ainley Top, aye, that's the one. Couldn't remember it. Thanks! I think it'd make a good sit 'n' smoke spot.
that bit of the m62 is beautiful. proper bleak moorland.

I love the north. It is grim and shite.

Another great view which includes similar bleakness is when you're coming down from Blackstone Edge, East to West, past the White House, and you can see Hollingworth Lake and in the distance (and on a clear day) Manchester. It's better during the day this one, IMO, whereas I prefer the M62 at night.

Love it. :cool:
You're right - the split in the motorway was due to the geology and terrain, and nowt to do with the farmer. What an awful place to live - bad enough being on the tops, but also being sandwiched between the motorway? No thanks!
Cracking location if you're a flasher though :)


Here's a nice composition of Joseph Groom Towers in Ellesmere Port. I had a paper round involving those three pigs circa 1980 :)
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