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Most Important Meal of the Day?

Most important meal for you?

  • Breakfast

  • Brunch / Elevenses

  • Lunch

  • Afternoon Tea

  • Dinner

  • Midnight Feast

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Another vote for anything except lunch, which is invariably whatever random crap that is the most convenient whether that's leftovers, bread & cheese or an egg & cress sandwich from a shop :(
I couldn't possibly miss breakfast, but I don't necessarily have three meals per day either. I'll often skip dinner. Being a morning person, all my energy happens at the beginning and I often don't have the mental or physical energy left to create a meal at the arse end of the day, and don't see the point in fuelling sleep.
I wonder whether there is any male/female difference. The men in my house will cram about 37 meals in at about 7pm whereas i also dont bother to fuel sleep and actually find being full quite uncomfortable at night. I wonder whether it's evolutionary.
At the moment I am up at 05:30 and out the door not long after so breakfast is a struggle. Have a microwave at work and a Coop+Nisa next door but pre-packed sarnies are underwhelming at best.

Still try and eat something substantial before 8am #votebreakfast
I like breakfast. I have a small breakfast (overnight oats with a fibre bar srunched in) and can't skip it. Lunch is OK but I am torn over dinner. Where I live it is called tea and 99% of the time involves the oven being on 😶 I could happily go to bed after a bowl of cereal, apple and cheese or a biscuit or two but I'm constantly coerced into having a plate of 3+ things made warm 😑Poot might be onto something...
To be honest, every meal is important to me. I'm always looking forward to what I'm going to eat next and have usually planned what that is going to be.
If I didn't come to work, I would be a lot looser around what I ate and when. I'm kind of forced into the breakfast/lunch/dinner thing by default.
I just hate any kind of rules around food and what we "should" eat and when because the more I learn, the more the rules show themselves to be absolute shite.
Since I've been not working, I tend to eat two meals a day, the first one is breakfast about an hour or so after I get up. I eat my next meal, call it what you like, seven or eight hours after that.
As a for instance, this morning at about half eight, I had an omelette with two eggs, peas, mushrooms and ham. I'm not hungry yet and it's nearly two o'clock. I would imagine I will be having my next meal at four o'clock or so. Mackerel and salad, I reckon.
I wonder whether there is any male/female difference. The men in my house will cram about 37 meals in at about 7pm whereas i also dont bother to fuel sleep and actually find being full quite uncomfortable at night. I wonder whether it's evolutionary.
Not sure - I do know a few female-identifying night eaters. They invite me out for meals which start at 9pm, when I already finished meal#3 at 5:30 sharp. :D

Edit: I think it's more a geopolitical thing. I'm a bit Viking, whereas the night eaters are more Mediterranean.
Not sure - I do know a few female-identifying night eaters. They invite me out for meals which start at 9pm, when I already finished meal#3 at 5:30 sharp. :D
I think maybe the Spanish have it right because although they eat late, lunch tends to be the big one. Then a sleep. So by 9 you're fresh and ready for a few tapas. I think that's very civilised. Shepherds pie and spotted dick before bed not so much.
Lunch.....which is usually breakfast....specially when working and fall naturally into 16/8 fasting.

I've only had coffee so far.....but will have an omelette and salad at about 1500.
Not sure - I do know a few female-identifying night eaters. They invite me out for meals which start at 9pm, when I already finished meal#3 at 5:30 sharp. :D

Edit: I think it's more a geopolitical thing. I'm a bit Viking, whereas the night eaters are more Mediterranean.

I dunno about that, my origins are Saxon and I am definitely a night eater/night owl! My ideal is to have tea/dinner around 11pm and bed around 3am :oops:

I can't function properly before lunchtime (even if I haven't been drinking!)
I think they've actually medicalised the thing, it's called "Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome" but really it just means that they feel the need to label why some people don't fit in easily with a 9-5 work routine as if there is something wrong with them! So it is now a condition/disorder.
I think they've actually medicalised the thing, it's called "Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome" but really it just means that they feel the need to label why some people don't fit in easily with a 9-5 work routine as if there is something wrong with them! So it is now a condition/disorder.

I thought it was just a minority genotype in most cases. :confused:

Though that genotype is a pretty small proportion iirc. I think most “night owls” (including myself) aren’t as hardwired as they think they are and it is largely down to habit.
I thought it was just a minority genotype in most cases. :confused:

Though that genotype is a pretty small proportion iirc. I think most “night owls” (including myself) aren’t as hardwired as they think they are and it is largely down to habit.

I've had the "issue" since I was born, so I don't think it is habit in my case.

EDIT to add: I don't deny that there is biology involved, but it is only due to the way society and the majority of work is set up that makes it a problem. If life was more flexible and we had more agency over our own lives and could sleep and eat on our own natural cycles, it wouldn't be viewed as a condition.
I've had the "issue" since I was born, so I don't think it is habit in my case.

I think I confused DSPD with normal chronotype diversity. :)

DSPD seems to be something different - not just a difference in timing of the regular settings, but of the clock itself being a bit broken.

Nevertheless, agree totally with what you said in your edit.
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