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Most Important Meal of the Day?

Most important meal for you?

  • Breakfast

  • Brunch / Elevenses

  • Lunch

  • Afternoon Tea

  • Dinner

  • Midnight Feast

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Breakfast, even though I tend to have the same thing every day for months or even years in a row (usually involving some kind of porridge and eggs). I think mainly because I wake up before anyone in the house and I get to have it in peace and quiet.

Worst is lunch; I can rarely summon any enthusiasm and if I have a good one then it means I'll have eaten far too much that day.
Breakfast, by which I mean on a work day I eat solidly from about 10am to 3pm-ish, helps that my desk is within eyeline of the fridge & microwave - and next to the table where everyone sits to eat their lunch.
Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day and the one I often spend the most time on.

I know what's happening for breakfast. I keep in a stock of finest artisanal sourdough, cheeses, pate, cherry tomatoes, sprunions, homemade sardine mayo chili spread etc, and lay them all out on olivewood boards, stick the radio on, enjoy.

The rest of the day is leftovers, rushed stuff cobbled together, experiments, mistakes, who knows what could happen. but breakfast is a no-stress solid part of the day.
I don't really believe in the three square meals a day thing. I eat when I'm hungry, proportionate to my hunger. If I know I'm going out for a big meal, I'll eat light or not at all before. If its the weekend, breakfast and lunch are almost always replaced by some form of brunch.

No, really. Holiday mode, = breakfast. Rest of the time, Whenever I'm hungriest. 3 squares isn't usual for me.
If I don't obey the rule of 3 good and square I will lapse back into not eating properly at all and lose weight and go sketch. Breakfast is the cornerstone, the foundations on which we build.
I eat most calories around 5pm, but breakfast puts the calories where they're needed - and coffee helps to make 500 kcals go a long way.
Lunch is my downfall, there's usually more than a little "comfort" about it ....
My eating schedule is all over the place when OH is on nights - sometimes breakfast is technically tea etc.

I can't wake up and eat right away though, have never been a breakfast person. I do like an FEB style brunch from time to time though, once I've had a chance to wake up a bit.
Just in addition to the above (because it occurred to me that I didn't actually answer the question!), usually for me the most important meal of the day is whichever one I have been planning and shopping for and am looking forward to cooking - usually that is tea just by default (or breakfast when OH is on nights and I am in a nocturnal phase - so still technically tea I suppose as it happens shortly before sleep rather than shortly after it if that makes any sense).

I sometimes only eat one meal a day.
I couldn't possibly miss breakfast, but I don't necessarily have three meals per day either. I'll often skip dinner. Being a morning person, all my energy happens at the beginning and I often don't have the mental or physical energy left to create a meal at the arse end of the day, and don't see the point in fuelling sleep.
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