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Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

As I understand it, this isn’t like Northern Ireland, where feeling on the ground is substantially pro choice, but the political system is so toxic that an oppressive state is perpetuated.

There is a kneejerk, but also deeply held religiosity throughout America (though especially in the south) that is miles and miles away from any other western democracy that it’s hard to conceptualise. 20% of Americans go to church etc at least once a week. Almost half are identified members of a local religious community/congregation. Both those stats, btw - from 2020 data, are by far the lowest for years, but are unrecognisable in otherwise similar nations.

As of 2014, 55% of Americans across all religions and none, say that they pray every single day. Even if there’s an element of inflation in self reporting, you have a nation where 55% of people think they should pray daily.

And people vote on religious grounds. Preachers and local religious leaders tell their communities who to vote for.

There is a simple, superficially consistent case against abortion. If you believe abortion is killing a baby, and on the surface that’s not a huge leap, then of course you’ll vote against abortion rights. It must seem like a legally sanctioned Holocaust of children. And you wouldn’t allow a baby to be killed even if it was conceived through rape or incest, or if it was going to have overwhelming, life-limiting defects and would only survive for moments after birth. If you believe a fertilised, implanted egg is where a life begins then the rest is very clear. And if you are internally and performatively religious, and your religious community, elders and leaders have told you that is where life begins, and that the only morally acceptable way to vote is against abortion, then you do.

In the south, it’s not unknown for democrat candidates and politicians to have to be publicly anti abortion too.

They're rarely so "all human life is sacred" when it comes to wars, refugees, people starving, poor people's healthcare, the death penalty, etc etc though are they.
They're rarely so "all human life is sacred" when it comes to wars, refugees, people starving, poor people's healthcare, the death penalty, etc etc though are they.
You don’t have to believe all human life is sacred to want to stop abortions on the grounds that you think it’s murder of innocent babies, though. And it’s not my view, so I won’t be defending it… but it’s no more inconsistent than a vegan who accepts that arable farming requires the killing of rodents.
there's many comments in this thread to dispute, but everyone should be clear on what happened. these two articles are short enough to read. (nb, jonathan turley is a jerk, but he's not wrong in this instance.)

Other news about Texas abortion....

Gov. Whitmer calls on Michigan state legislature to repeal anti-abortion law

"In Michigan today, abortion is safe and legal, but we have an arcane law on the books from the 1930s banning abortion and criminalizing health care providers who offer comprehensive care and essential reproductive services," Whitmer said in a statement Tuesday asking the GOP-controlled legislature to repeal a law enacted in the 1930s.

...and from Mexico

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that it is unconstitutional to punish abortion, unanimously annulling several provisions of a law from Coahuila — a state on the Texas border — that had made abortion a criminal act.

The decision will immediately affect only the northern border state, but it establishes a historic precedent and “obligatory criteria for all of the country’s judges,” compelling them to act the same way in similar cases, said court President Arturo Zaldívar. “From now on you will not be able to, without violating the court's criteria and the constitution, charge any woman who aborts under the circumstances this court has ruled as valid.”
Those circumstances will be clarified when the decision is published, but everything points to that referring to abortions carried out within the first 12 weeks of a pregnancy, the period allowed in the four states where abortion is already legal.

The article also says
Only four Mexican states — Mexico City, Oaxaca, Veracruz and Hidalgo — now allow abortion in most circumstances.

The other 28 states penalize abortion with some exceptions.
Texas says women will not have to carry a child if she is raped. She has six weeks to get an abortion.

Also, the governor says that they will eliminate all rapists in Texas.

Texas says women will not have to carry a child if she is raped. She has six weeks to get an abortion.

Also, the governor says that they will eliminate all rapists in Texas.

Oh that's OK then. Was worried for a minute there.
two disbarred lawyers now sueing the doctor who performed an "illegal" abortion in texas
The anti-choice lot are not happy that their law is being used as planned...
He was promptly sued. Two complaints – both from men living out of state – were filed against Dr Braid on Monday morning. One, a rambling, weird document, comes from a convicted felon and disbarred former attorney named Oscar Stilley, who is serving a prison term on house arrest in Arkansas. That complaint, which Stilley seems to have written himself, makes multiple references to Dr Braid’s conduct regarding “bastards” and his supposed belief in a god referred to by the Hebrew name “Elohim.” Stilley, who has said he does not personally oppose abortion, feels strongly that “if there’s money to be had, it’s going to go in Oscar’s pocket.”

The second lawsuit is from a man named Felipe Gomez of Illinois, another disbarred lawyer, who labels himself “pro-choice plaintiff”, and whose complaint asks only that SB8 be overturned. These test cases, strange and off-putting as they are, now represent the best chance for SB8 to be vacated, and for abortion rights to be returned to Texans – at least for now.

Jesus @ lawsuit 1, interesting @ lawsuit 2
Also, the governor says that they will eliminate all rapists in Texas.

One wonders why, if rape can suddenly be eliminated in Texas, it hasn't been done already. Just saying...

In any case, if the governor cares about rape, he has a lot that could be done immediately. One thing he could do is to provide the funding and resources needed to test all of the backlogged rape kits. In Houston alone there are 16,000 rape kits that sit in storage untested. In Dallas there's another 10,000 kits. If they spent the time and resources needed to test these kits, they'd probably be able to catch a number of rapists, likely several serials rapists.

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Jesus @ lawsuit 1, interesting @ lawsuit 2

I dunno, that Stilley guy seems to be an ideal case study of the kind of utter lowlife who would try and use this law to make money. Then you've got the doctor who is putting his own neck on the block to stand up for women's health, with little prospect of anything but grief coming to him as a result. Just a colossal PR headache for the forced birth arseholes.
A short article by the ACG on mobilisations for the right to abortion in the USA:

Can’t quite believe what is happening there right now, makes me realise there are some things I’d taken for granted would not actually come to pass, like reversal of roe, and that I was completely wrong to feel that way.
The newest judge, Amy, says she doesn’t see why women shouldn’t be forced to carry to term and then simply give the baby up for adoption.
Like I say can’t get my head round that this is really happening, maybe because I was born after this argument seemed settled. The whole idea of progress is a lie isn’t it.
Can’t quite believe what is happening there right now, makes me realise there are some things I’d taken for granted would not actually come to pass, like reversal of roe, and that I was completely wrong to feel that way.
The newest judge, Amy, says she doesn’t see why women shouldn’t be forced to carry to term and then simply give the baby up for adoption.
Like I say can’t get my head round that this is really happening, maybe because I was born after this argument seemed settled. The whole idea of progress is a lie isn’t it.

Sometimes progress feels like a blip, and that the default setting is right wing patriarchal misery :(:(
How come a devout catholic can legitimately be involved in deciding this case, I just don’t get it.
If they do this, dismantle / reverse the ruling that’s been in place for two generations, what do they think will happen as a result? Are they just thinking about their own careers or their personally getting into heaven or what.
America might think of itself as the most developed nation in the world but then this comes along and blows that delusion right out of the sky
I’m so depressed by this. It will be summer before they actually do their ruling but the fact that these arguments were even able to be heard. This is why politics matters & why trump wasn’t funny. I’ve got 4 teenage girl cousins in America maybe that helps make it feel more directly terrifying idk.
How come a devout catholic can legitimately be involved in deciding this case, I just don’t get it.
If they do this, dismantle / reverse the ruling that’s been in place for two generations, what do they think will happen as a result? Are they just thinking about their own careers or their personally getting into heaven or what.

It's even worse than that. The current makeup of the Supreme Court is 56% Catholic. The other religions represented are 33% Jewish, with the rest being some variety of Protestant. Amy Coney Barrett is some really hardcore sect of Catholic. All of the Catholics were groomed by the Federalist Society to eventually be placed on the SC with the idea of overturning Roe v. Wade.

That isn't vaguely like the makeup of the US. The religious makeup of the US is only 20% Catholic, 47% are Protestant, Jewish 1.9%, and Mormon 1.6%, and less than 1% of a variety of other religions.
Not heard a fucking peep from Biden on any of this. Spineless cunt.

Biden said Wednesday that he supports Roe v. Wade and he's spoken out repeatedly this year against restrictions on abortion rights in Texas and elsewhere - but it doesn't seem like a big priority for him and I don't think any of his remarks have resulted in his administration actually doing anything.
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