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Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

They are sadists, I'm sure of it. They make these sort of rulings because they enjoy inflicting pain and misery on as many people as they can get away with.

I don’t think this is true.

Ok, maybe some are sadists, but many see it as protecting the weakest members of society.

Don’t bother arguing against me, I don’t agree with them either, but I think this is in large part where it comes from at the grass roots.
Then there are others lining up to make political capital from it.
Religion can fuck off, she doesn't care what's in the bible as it's her body.

You can just type in the URL to see the video - you don't need an account, btw.

Thanks for the info- I shall definitely be doing that for all future twitters!!!!
I don’t think this is true.

Ok, maybe some are sadists, but many see it as protecting the weakest members of society.

Don’t bother arguing against me, I don’t agree with them either, but I think this is in large part where it comes from at the grass roots.
Then there are others lining up to make political capital from it.

The people at the grassroots are not the ones making the rulings.
I don’t think this is true.

Ok, maybe some are sadists, but many see it as protecting the weakest members of society.

Don’t bother arguing against me, I don’t agree with them either, but I think this is in large part where it comes from at the grass roots.
Then there are others lining up to make political capital from it.

It’s not that either. Otherwise they would, y’know, be protecting the weakest and the most in need.

It‘s about power and control, especially when it comes to women, and more especially when it comes to women in the midst of life who might conceivably threaten the status quo. Women during childbearing years are potential equals, and they must be brought low, hampered and curtailed in all conceivable ways.

Bur it’s also about their own sense of superiority and righteousness, their self appointed moral authority, the certainty that they are the ones with the hand on the tiller, who hold the moral compass of the nation. The city the hill and all that. They are right and that’s all there is to it. Everyone else is scum.

In order to maintain this superiority they have to keep finding yet more things they can be superior about. The abortion debate is perfect for this.
Apols if already posted, but YYYYEESSSS!

Illustrates the dilemma for Americans, though. They have to reference the constitution. Seems to me that they're trapped by their constitution sometimes. What about when the constitution is inadequate, or just wrong. Maybe they need to aspire to something better. But that's difficult to even talk about.
It’s not that either. Otherwise they would, y’know, be protecting the weakest and the most in need.

It‘s about power and control, especially when it comes to women, and more especially when it comes to women in the midst of life who might conceivably threaten the status quo. Women during childbearing years are potential equals, and they must be brought low, hampered and curtailed in all conceivable ways.

Bur it’s also about their own sense of superiority and righteousness, their self appointed moral authority, the certainty that they are the ones with the hand on the tiller, who hold the moral compass of the nation. The city the hill and all that. They are right and that’s all there is to it. Everyone else is scum.

In order to maintain this superiority they have to keep finding yet more things they can be superior about. The abortion debate is perfect for this.

Well, good luck with that line of thinking.

Your “they” is very monolithic.
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I don’t think this is true.

Ok, maybe some are sadists, but many see it as protecting the weakest members of society.

Don’t bother arguing against me, I don’t agree with them either, but I think this is in large part where it comes from at the grass roots.
Then there are others lining up to make political capital from it.

Indeed. Same as some animal rights people can't stomach animals being used in testing or any eating of animals/animals products. It's not always about stopping YOU eating meat - it might be purely about saving the animals. (I'm pro-choice btw.)
I don’t think this is true.

Ok, maybe some are sadists, but many see it as protecting the weakest members of society.

Don’t bother arguing against me, I don’t agree with them either, but I think this is in large part where it comes from at the grass roots.
Then there are others lining up to make political capital from it.

I’m talking about the five ultra-conservative justices who signed the ruling. The dripping sarcasm and callousness of the ruling does suggest sadism to me, I wasn’t being facetious. And their voting history strongly suggests they don’t give a fuck about the weakest in society.
Quite aside from the fact that this is obviously about control, I liked this point:

View attachment 321417

Right. And it’s a really easy way to demonstrate that you’re on the side of the good, the pure and the innocent ie that you’re right/righteous.

Setting aside the fact that it’s stupid narrow- and simpleminded exclusionary rhetoric, defending the rights of unborn children proves that you are a champion, a protector, a white knight, a defender, one who practices righteous adherence to the codified word of god etc.

It’s nonsense but it fits with the notion of “Me right you wrong” that underpins so much American bullshit.

It’s interesting to me that the abortion debate is a much hotter war in the US than in other countries where abortion is an issue for debate. I think it’s because in the US it’s become a thread of nationalism. Which is weird for a place that claims both freedom, and separation of church and state as essential central tenets of their nationhood.

If they were digging into the freedom and separation of church and state bits with the same fervour as they do for “pro-life” they’d have the best family planning rights record on the planet.

It’s not about the unborn child. And while it is about barbaric misogyny, it’s not simply that either. It’s something more, something American. I think it’s also about the American dream, the myth of being the perfect example, the ones who stand as example to the rest of humanity, the ones who stand at the right hand of god and have the blessing of god on their actions and choices etc. Defending the innocent, fighting on behalf of the weak and undefended, protecting those who cannot protect themselves..,. All that is part of their mythos and self-identity.
Somewhat late to this. The whole thing is completely disgusting. Firm believer in a woman's right to choose here. The religious far-right are nasty fucking bigots. Definitely about social control. More awfulness here:

Somewhat late to this. The whole thing is completely disgusting. Firm believer in a woman's right to choose here. The religious far-right are nasty fucking bigots. Definitely about social control. More awfulness here:

That paragraph about marijuana early on really gives a good sense of the vindictive pettiness driving them.
Illustrates the dilemma for Americans, though. They have to reference the constitution. Seems to me that they're trapped by their constitution sometimes. What about when the constitution is inadequate, or just wrong. Maybe they need to aspire to something better. But that's difficult to even talk about.

The US constitution is very much like the bible, in that delusional nutjobs and common-or-garden arseholes will find what they want in it and ignore everything they don't.

With the gaggle of Trumpist ghouls that's currently running the supreme court, the constitution is just so much toilet paper anyway.
Another parallel with Animal Rights there.

And with environmentalism. Which is much more directly a case of wanting to protect the unborn.

what you stance on abortion by 8ball

seeming as you appear to be bring up multiple response to posters about other angles to look at this issue

what you stance on abortion by 8ball

seeming as you appear to be bring up multiple response to posters about other angles to look at this issue


It’s a long time since I mulled over the issue in depth, but “pro-choice” would probably still be the appropriate monicker.

I’ve gone into more detail in the past, which is most likely easily searchable, but the label covers the practicalities well enough.

My only contention with (some of)
the thrust of the thread is that while venting has its place, dealing with absolutists can be a tricky business, and there are alternatives to conflating all pro-lifers with the Republican scumbags.

Apologies if I misread the post from story earlier, by the way, who I think on reflection was likely taking a similar tack to Jeff, who corrected me.
ok cool just making sure you not preforming whataboutism


Not the kind of whataboutery that people do to minimise or divert from the issue, anyway.

Just, as an example, I was trying to point out that discrediting pro-lifers on the basis of it supporting “the unborn” is a bit sloppy when there are causes that most of us are perfectly happy with that are concerned with the welfare of people who don’t exist yet.

It’s good to keep your weapons sharp if arguing with people who have had practice, and just cheerleading our side ultimately brings things down to a power battle which can be easily lost, and also can mean alienating waverers.

As an example, I’ve seen pro-choice placards that relate foetuses to parasites (one which showed a foetus that was unquestionably “baby-like”). That can easily be offputting, despite being a reference to an argument which has some possible merit in its longer form.
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Well, good luck with that line of thinking.

Your “they” is very monolithic.

I'm not really that interested in why these 'pro-life' people do the shit they do tbh. Either they understand the consequences and they carry on just the same, or they don't care enough to even bother to think about the consequences. There's no excuse for either of those things.
I'm not really that interested in why these 'pro-life' people do the shit they do tbh. Either they understand the consequences and they carry on just the same, or they don't care enough to even bother to think about the consequences. There's no excuse for either of those things.

This is what I was talking about. You make it sound like there are pro-lifers and pro-choicers on the barricades, and a big gulf inbetween where no one lives.
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