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Misogynist barbarians in Alabama impose forced pregnancy law

Men, certainly. I'm not sure what race has to do with it, though, tbh. Plenty of countries not led by white men have horrendous laws around abortion and reproductive rights generally.

It's a race issue because Black people have long been massively underrepresented in government and Black people are disproportionately affected by this disgusting Handmaid's Tale shit - some of the states with the highest proportion of Black residents are Republican-led with some of the lowest spending on public health and education.

Black girls and women are also less likely than many of their white counterparts to be able to afford to travel to another state or another country for an abortion, and forcing them to give birth to babies they don't want isn't exactly going to help them break the cycle of poverty.
there's a useful 2016 article on the history of the anti-abortion movement in america at Abolishing Abortion: The History of the Pro-Life Movement in America | The American Historian

one thing i've seen (aware anecdote not great evidence) is that a lot of the people who turn out on demonstrations against abortion are women themselves: so it's not simply 'a bunch of white guys wanting to punish women'. making out it's only men (namoc) who want to impose this is simply bollocks as you can see from this chart, where about 20% of american women want to see abortion illegal under all circumstances, and a larger proportion want to see sadly unspecified conditions on the availability of abortion:
View attachment 321022
I suppose a positive that can be taken from that graph is that the gap between "Legal under any"/"Legal under certain" is at it's narrowest since the record began, that the "Legal under certain" score has declined by 8pts over time, that the "legal under any" has increased by 13pts over time and that the "Illegal in all" score has maintained a low (and declining) score compared to the others.

Sadly, not likely to stop Roe v Wade getting tanked though :(
It's a race issue because Black people have long been massively underrepresented in government and Black people are disproportionately affected by this disgusting Handmaid's Tale shit - some of the states with the highest proportion of Black residents are Republican-led with some of the lowest spending on public health and education.

Black girls and women are also less likely than many of their white counterparts to be able to afford to travel to another state or another country for an abortion, and forcing them to give birth to babies they don't want isn't exactly going to help them break the cycle of poverty.

Is there any particular reason why you capitalise 'Black' when describing skin colour, but not 'white'?
Sasaferrato are you against abortion by any chance?

you are aware that it if becomes illegal, it will just become more dangerous for women as they find alternatives?
aye some people vote conservatives worldwide

meaning the should never get to tell a women what to do with their bodies
It seems to me that arguments from science free of religious contexts are broadly in agreement regarding termination of pregnancy.

And, while I don’t doubt that religion is as important as fact to those who believe in it, surely intelligent religious folk understand that, given the diversity of religious faiths and belief systems in the world, and given the principle of mutual religious tolerance, that no one religion has the right to override laws grounded purely in science and logic.

Essentially: wtf is religion doing in politics, in this day and age? What right does it have to shape the laws that people of different beliefs are forced to live by?
Sasaferrato are you against abortion by any chance?

you are aware that it if becomes illegal, it will just become more dangerous for women as they find alternatives?
Yes. As I have stated before, yes, I am against aborting the population of Aberdeen each year in the UK.

That should not come as a surprise, I've stated my view before.

Do I think that legal abortion should be available to anyone who wants it? Yes, I do. Banning would not stop it, merely drive it back to the backstreet coat hanger days.

When I started as a student nurse in 1970, whilst working in Casualty, a woman was brought in who had had a botched abortion. She had lost a lot of blood and had a raging infection. She died.

In the great scheme of things it doesn't matter a fuck what I think, my view is completely unimportant. It is those who are pregnant whose views count.

Edited to add:

Had she lived, the police were waiting to charge her with 'procuring an abortion' IIRC. It was over fifty years ago, but some things you just don't forget.
This is just adding insult to injury:

Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was quoted twice in the draft U.S. Supreme Court opinion that could potentially overturn Roe v. Wade, which leaked this week.

On Monday, Politico obtained a draft copy of a draft majority opinion written by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito that calls to overturn the 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade that legalized abortions in the U.S. The ruling also called for the 1992 decision in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which upheld Roe v. Wade, to be overturned.

In one portion of the decision, Alito cited comments Ginsburg made in 1992 in the New York University Law Review, where she argued that Roe "halted a political process that was moving in a reform direction and thereby, I believe, prolonged divisiveness and deferred stable settlement of the issue."

If women are going get anywhere against these Republicans, we're going to have to adopt the same mean spirted attitudes they have toward us. Too many times, abortion advocates have tried to take the high road. We're dealing with the political equivalent of junkyard dogs here. The best way to deal with them is to hit them with a (metaphorical) 2x4.
Let’s just blame it all on the rich white men. Cool. Wait I am two of those. Can I be excused from the class. No further analysis required your honour.
Let’s just blame it all on the rich white men. Cool. Wait I am two of those. Can I be excused from the class. No further analysis required your honour.
Hey, what's making you so sensitive about this if you are not in favour of forcing women to endure childbirth and bear children they do not want? No one is saying 'all rich white men' anything.
Hey, what's making you so sensitive about this if you are not in favour of forcing women to endure childbirth and bear children they do not want? No one is saying 'all rich white men' anything.

I was stuck on the previous page. It was a message posted earlier saying most of the worlds problems are down to Rich Whiteman. I mean. A bit inaccurate. But doesn’t get us very far anyway. Just frustrated with the level of debate I guess. aren’t we mostly on the same side. A bit more analysis wouldn’t go amiss. I get it people get frustrated and make comments. Like Mine above.
I was stuck on the previous page. It was a message posted earlier saying most of the worlds problems are down to Rich Whiteman. I mean. A bit inaccurate. But doesn’t get us very far anyway. Just frustrated with the level of debate I guess. aren’t we mostly on the same side. A bit more analysis wouldn’t go amiss. I get it people get frustrated and make comments. Like Mine above.
Fair enough. Women do get impatient, though, when men can't see their problem. I can't speak for others but most people in charge in the UK and the west generally are, in fact, still white men. That doesn't mean white men, or men generally, are to blame for it, just that it's harder for them to see the problems other people have to deal with because the system is generally and historically designed to favour the dominant class, so they take things for granted the way fish take water for granted.
Fair enough. Women do get impatient, though, when men can't see their problem. I can't speak for others but most people in charge in the UK and the west generally are, in fact, still white men. That doesn't mean white men, or men generally, are to blame for it, just that it's harder for them to see the problems other people have to deal with because the system is generally and historically designed to favour the dominant class, so they take things for granted the way fish take water for granted.

Yes sorry for spikiness.. just at a bit of a loss as what to do as part of the Partial demographic . I know that sounds a bit not all men. I mean obviously telling anyone this giving it the full pro-life antifeminist shtick within ear shot I’m not going to tolerate quietly. But that isn’t how it happens in real life. Self-selecting as we are I suppose in social circles unknowingly, unconsciously. And I’m not religious. So I rarely if ever, encounter these dinosaur type views in real life. I think brainaddict has made some good points. But these people aren’t someone I meet to challenge. Or just talk to.
Yes sorry for spikiness.. just at a bit of a loss as what to do as part of the Partial demographic . I know that sounds a bit not all men. I mean obviously telling anyone this giving it the full pro-life antifeminist stick was in a shot I’m not going to tolerate quietly. But that isn’t how it happens in real life. Self-selecting as we are I suppose in social circles unknowingly, unconsciously. And I’m not religious. So I rly if ever, encounter these dinosaur type views in real life. I think brainaddict has made some good points. But these people aren’t someone I meet 2 challenge. Or just talk to.

It's not about you, though. For this particular law, rich makes a difference because rich people won't be as impacted - they can travel, they can afford to raise a child more easily, and in the US they are more likely to have health insurance that covers contraceptives.

Men makes a difference for reasons I don't need need to explain.

White makes a difference in a more complicated way, mainly because in the US black people are more likely to live in areas with less abortion provision and free access to contraception, and also because of the crossover between low income and race. I wouldn't, personally, say it's all that relevant here TBH, but "rich white men" living in a bubble where they don't understand the circumstances of the people they're making laws for is a compound phrase that exists for good reason.
Yes sorry for spikiness.. just at a bit of a loss as what to do as part of the Partial demographic . I know that sounds a bit not all men. I mean obviously telling anyone this giving it the full pro-life antifeminist shtick within ear shot I’m not going to tolerate quietly. But that isn’t how it happens in real life. Self-selecting as we are I suppose in social circles unknowingly, unconsciously. And I’m not religious. So I rarely if ever, encounter these dinosaur type views in real life. I think brainaddict has made some good points. But these people aren’t someone I meet to challenge. Or just talk to.
Same here. These are rarely views I meet IRL (similarly self-selecting) and when I do I tread very cautiously. I'm far more brusque online with randoms, and hardly alone in that. But not spiky enough.
scifisam makes excellent points above.
Yes good points both. Apologies for misfiring I have no beef with that point of you. Just being a bit belligerent and in the wrong direction. How the fuck are we still having to fight these battles. What is the point of civilisation if it can’t be civilised.
Yes good points both. Apologies for misfiring I have no beef with that point of you. Just being a bit belligerent and in the wrong direction. How the fuck are we still having to fight these battles. What is the point of civilisation if it can’t be civilised.

Our prime minister attempted to get a consensus from parliament saying that Canada would always support the woman's right to a safe abortion. When he became the party leader, the liberal candidates had to sign a document saying that they would not bring up a bill that would limit a woman's option, and that the party member would always support this right in any vote.

The consensus can only be made if there are no "no" votes. Several conservatives said no, so there was no consensus.

It makes me sad that we are still fighting this.
This was an interesting read:

“We have anti-choice women in for abortions all the time. Many of them are just naive and ignorant until they find themselves with an unwanted pregnancy. Many of them are not malicious. They just haven’t given it the proper amount of thought until it completely affects them. They can be judgmental about their friends, family, and other women. Then suddenly they become pregnant. Suddenly they see the truth. That it should only be their own choice. Unfortunately, many also think that somehow they are different than everyone else and they deserve to have an abortion, while no one else does.” (Physician, Washington State)

Although few studies have been made of this phenomenon, a study done in 1981 (1) found that 24% of women who had abortions considered the procedure morally wrong, and 7% of women who’d had abortions disagreed with the statement, “Any woman who wants an abortion should be permitted to obtain it legally.” A 1994/95 survey (2,3) of nearly 10,000 abortion patients showed 18% of women having abortions are born-again or Evangelical Christians. Many of these women are likely anti-choice. The survey also showed that Catholic women have an abortion rate 29% higher than Protestant women. A Planned Parenthood handbook on abortion notes that nearly half of all abortions are for women who describe themselves as born-again Christian, Evangelical Christian, or Catholic. (4)
Quite long but quite a few examples, and worth reading to the end for the experiences of women who were against abortion until they'd needed one, the last saying it transformed her life for the better.
This whole shit started in the 70s when the evangelicals needed a distraction from still supporting segregation long after it was no longer cool :mad: if we are talking about dead babies we arent talking about how you are racist cunts with racially segregated churches
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