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MERCOSUL What can it learn from the EU


Well-Known Member
Mercosul is the common market of South America. Formed 1991

MERCOSUL What if anything can they learn from the unstoppable march of the EU?

From my understand Mercosul is at the stage the Common market of Europe was at in the late 1970s and early 80s, i.e. to aid and promote free trade and the fluid movement of goods, people, and currency

At what point did the common market move to become the political and economic union it is today, why did it change from just a trading block to a political block. Is it the natural progression of capitalism and globalisation.

Are there other examples of trading blocks moving in the same direction as the EU?

Anyone know where I could find some good articles about this from a (left) libertarian prospective?
Mercosur (the Spanish acronym as opposed to the Portugese one) doesn't cover the whole of South America does it? I thought it was just the Southern Cone and Brazil?
Venezuala are probably about to be admitted, and along with most other S.A countries are already Associate members (Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru)
Fair enough.

From what I can remember they already have a parliamentary assembly with delegates from the parliaments of the members states, as the EC used to have as a predesessor to the European Parliament, I'm sure I remember Clarin in Argentina talking about that as if it was moving towards becoming a directly elected body?
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