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Men! Talk to me about your smart shoes

mr men shoes



Nice shoes dodge, who made then?
Am I alone in liking pointy shoes then? Should I leave now, never to darken these doors with my own take on sartorial excellence?
Am I alone in liking pointy shoes then? Should I leave now, never to darken these doors with my own take on sartorial excellence?
I was remeniscing about my Chelsea boots the other day, now you come to mention it, thinking it'd be nice to still have them.

I was a bit of a mod for a while then got greasered up and wore them on my BSA with drainpipe jeans and leather jacket for a while after that - and a little quiffy flat top type 'do
I hope you don't mind my saying so, but those are some ugly-ass shoes.:)

Not nearly as hideous as the likes of these:


Or these:


Which with my foot-width would mean a size that would end-up looking more like pointy clown shoes! :eek:

Then there are those man-pump things that seem to be the next in line! :eek:
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