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Mascara for men


🇪🇸 my spirit is crying for leaving
Which is best, which would you recommend that’s not stupidly expensive and is hypoallergenic?
'They' do 'do' mascara for men.

Amazon and Boots.com are your friends as is TikTok for How To's.
I've been reading in Men's Health that Superdrug do some at only £6,50. But given other places are from £17,50 to £65 I can't help but wonder if the cheap one is any good.

Is it the case that the expensive ones are better, or is it just profiteering?
I've been reading in Men's Health that Superdrug do some at only £6,50. But given other places are from £17,50 to £65 I can't help but wonder if the cheap one is any good.

Is it the case that the expensive ones are better, or is it just profiteering?

Bit of both I imagine
Bear in mind that it'll depend on what you want to achieve. Like, some mascara is very dramatic, almost like wearing false eyelashes, and some is so subtle it does fuck all. I suspect specialist men's mascara is largely in the latter category. It's often not at all obvious from the packaging what you're getting.

You want to pick the colour accordingly too ie the darker the more dramatic, and to suit your own colouring.

Also most mascara has evil plastic microfibres in to lengthen and give body. If you want to avoid this go for Body Shop or something similar.
BTW I used to have eyelashes like a rhea, but menopause and slight alopecia has put paid to that, I have been considering a bit of mascara cos I always thought my eyelashes were one of my best features when I was younger :(
Don't use Collection Lash Surge. It's clumpy and sticky and my ceasing to use it has coincided with my eyes being less watery and itchy. I am usually about as reactive as a rhinoceros.

I thought I'd developed hay fever or been over-wearing my contact lenses, but chucking it away and using a Maybelline one has made my eyes seem much more comfortable.
Maybelline Great Lash for daywear, Hourglass Caution for when you fancy something more dramatic.
If you just want more/longer lashes, try UK Lash Serum applied every night - you'll be batting like a pro after about 3 weeks.
Maybelline Great Lash for daywear, Hourglass Caution for when you fancy something more dramatic.
If you just want more/longer lashes, try UK Lash Serum applied every night - you'll be batting like a pro after about 3 weeks.
Does that serum really work? I have ridiculously shirt and stumpy lashes (confirmed by an eye specialist when I had to go to a and e once) but it's a bit spendy to take a punt on.
Does that serum really work? I have ridiculously shirt and stumpy lashes (confirmed by an eye specialist when I had to go to a and e once) but it's a bit spendy to take a punt on.
Yes it does, for most people. It contains a prostaglandin analog, which was designed as a glaucoma treatment, then discovered to have the side-effect of causing rapid eyelash growth during clinical trials. You do need to exercise some caution though - it can cause atrophy of the fat round the eyes, leading to droopy eyelids and eye bags, and also eye irritation, so stop using it if this is the case. I find it's turned my sparse, crap eyelashes into longer more glam versions with no side effects. Works in about 3 weeks!
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it’s very much depends on what you want it to do so the effect you are looking for. I prefer a thin brush.

What are you wanting from it? I ask as there is also eyelash dye if it’s more natural colour & definition you want.
Yes it does, for most people. It contains a prostaglandin analog, which was designed as a glaucoma treatment, then discovered to have the side-effect of causing rapid eyelash growth during clinical trials. You do need to exercise some caution though - it can cause atrophy of the fat round the eyes, leading to droopy eyelids and eye bags, and also eye irritation, so stop using it if this is the case. I find it's turned my sparse, crap eyelashes into longer more glam versions with no side effects. Works in about 3 weeks!

Does Andy Burnham have glaucoma?
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