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Many dead in coordinated Paris shootings and explosions

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So I posted up a cartoon without any comment, Charlie Hebdo was famous for its cartoons, or infamous depending on which side of the fence you sit on. I posted it as I thought it would be amusing to see the judgmental malcontents jump up and down, what was it people were saying about the political significance of flags above.

The hypocrisy here is just fucking unbelievable, get over yourselves :)
In the morning I will have got over myself, but you will still be a fucking idiot, to paraphrase Churchill.
So I posted up a cartoon without any comment, Charlie Hebdo was famous for its cartoons, or infamous depending on which side of the fence you sit on. I posted it as I thought it would be amusing to see the judgmental malcontents jump up and down, what was it people were saying about the political significance of flags above.

The hypocrisy here is just fucking unbelievable, get over yourselves :)
this thread not here for your amusement
So I posted up a cartoon without any comment, Charlie Hebdo was famous for its cartoons, or infamous depending on which side of the fence you sit on. I posted it as I thought it would be amusing to see the judgmental malcontents jump up and down, what was it people were saying about the political significance of flags above.

The hypocrisy here is just fucking unbelievable, get over yourselves :)

Seeing as you posted up a racist cartoon expressing a dangerous agenda to prove some kinda point, it'd help if you could clarify what exactly that point is and why its worth bringing up on this thread?
That cartoon %1er posted ...
- I'm currently depressing myself by reading "Killing Hope" by William Blum,
in which he lists covert and open operations by the US Gov't / Military / CIA around the world since the end of WW2. He makes the point, more than once, that in some cases the CIA covert ops - inc payments and arms supply - were in direct conflict with stated policies by the elected US Gov't.
And speaking of arms, the CIA usually supply "soviet block equipment" to their "rebels" to displace suspicion if anything was captured.
In your eyes, maybe. But then you're not susceptible to radicalisation, I'd imagine.
No. And I see your point. But what I mean to illustrate is again that the English idea of nationhood doesn't map well onto France, where national identity is tighter, more widely held, more coherent and more tangible. When you have that and you're confronted with physically present but culturally/socially isolationists, you have to decide how to direct and manipulate that, which rightly or wrongly manifested as things like the veil ban. And simultaneously failed to manifest as any integrative answer to ghettoisation. Laissez-faire multiculturalism has different but parallel problems as certain people feel that their culture (including whatever-we-call-it hardcore Islam) are being diluted and are thus under attack by the watering down of the melting pot. Can't win.

These are deeply embedded national quandaries without simple answers and I don't think it's helpful to call them a specific reaction to radical Islam. However as you suggest their failures are possibly a contribution to or catalyst for the same.
Seeing as you posted up a racist cartoon expressing a dangerous agenda to prove some kinda point, it'd help if you could clarify what exactly that point is and why its worth bringing up on this thread?
I believe it highlights the hypocrisy of the judgmental malcontents, posting up anti-Islam cartoons is freedom of speech, but posting up cartoons you don't like is racism.
There are many forged passports being used by refugees fleeing the Middle East (and elsewhere) towards Europe, reportedly being fabricated in Turkey. Additionally, how many copies of the same passport are being used? How many of those passports are sold on after arrival in Europe (by those desperate for any source of funds)?

Indeed, it has been suggested by some security sources that the Syrian passport found at one of the scenes is fake.

I don't see any clear proof published thus far by any reputable source linking any of the perpetrators to the most recent refugee migration from the Middle East/Africa in to Europe. It's far too early in the investigation to deduce such (other than in the blinkered imaginations of small minded commentators for whom jumping to conclusions that serve their own prejudices and agenda is a way of life).
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I believe it highlights the hypocrisy of the judgmental malcontents, posting up anti-Islam cartoons is freedom of speech, but posting up cartoons you don't like is racism.
I'm sure you think you have a point here. For the life of me I can't see it though.
No. And I see your point. But what I mean to illustrate is again that the English idea of nationhood doesn't map well onto France, where national identity is tighter, more widely held, more coherent and more tangible. When you have that and you're confronted with physically present but culturally/socially isolationists, you have to decide how to direct and manipulate that, which rightly or wrongly manifested as things like the veil ban. And simultaneously failed to manifest as any integrative answer to ghettoisation. Laissez-faire multiculturalism has different but parallel problems as certain people feel that their culture (including whatever-we-call-it hardcore Islam) are being diluted and are thus under attack by the watering down of the melting pot. Can't win.

These are deeply embedded national quandaries without simple answers and I don't think it's helpful to call them a specific reaction to radical Islam. However as you suggest their failures are possibly a contribution to or catalyst for the same.

I agree with a lot of what you say, here. But I suspect that the ban on the veil was very much a specific reaction to radical Islam, albeit the conditions precedent which allowed such a measure to gain traction in a way that it might not in, say, the UK, are unique, complex and long-standing.
that cartoon is like something the New Statesman would run as a cover.

I remember reading horrified about that masacre recently. They clubbed people unconscious and threw them in the river to drown. Police chief at the time was ex vichy- nazi cllaborationist. Vile stuff
That was only part of it - they also forced/chased people into a tube station and then coldly battered them to death there and then.
There are many forged passports being used by refugees fleeing the Middle East (and elsewhere) towards Europe, reportedly being fabricated in Turkey. Additionally, how many copies of the same passport are being used? How many of those passports are sold on after arrival in Europe (by those desperate for any source of funds)?

Indeed, it has been suggested by some security sources that the passport found at one of the scenes is fake.

I don't see any clear proof published thus far by any reputable source linking any of the perpetrators to the most recent refugee migration from the Middle East/Africa in to Europe. It's far too early in the investigation to deduce such (other than in the blinkered minds of small minded commentators for whom jumping to conclusions that serve their own prejudices and agenda is a way of life).
it's too late to recall the dm (etc) coverage
My heart goes out to the people of Paris, I'm wondering if the Israeli Palestine crisis were to be resolved it would go a long way towards diffusing tensions and reducing the validity of IS?
Is it even possible?
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