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Made In Brixton reality TV show is coming.

I really don't understand these sort of reality with plot lines programmes - what is the point? Real people - or just amateur actors? Are there scripts? is it just soap with free 'real' sets / backgrounds. Will someone please explain what the fuck it is about?
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They did seem interested in urban 75 (I had mentioned it on my CV) and asked what my position on the forums was. I told them that I was one of the more respected posters in the Brixton Forums and that I would be happy to represent and filter the views of the local online community for them. They said that they had heard it was mainly people who were ex-ravers who went to Cooltan etc but I told them that this is, as I learnt recently, a popular misconception and there is no significant connection between urban75 and Cooltan activist types and that if they were looking for "characters" of this type they should maybe instead try the Herne Hill Forum or maybe people at Brixton Blog.

They what to look at middle aged people, really? - but did some one else say they were only recruiting up to 35 year olds - surely they wouldn't have been old enough to go to Cooltan or raves?

Why the fuck bring Urban into it? Surely it doesn't need the publicity? do we need to attract more trolls?

Who made you Urban's representative teuchter? Hope you didn't give them the impression that we're all like you.
Watch an episode or two of made in Chelsea. Everyone's pretending it's not scripted but at the same time everyone sort of knows that everyone knows it is. Or maybe not. It's hammed-up melodrama and the ambiguity of its real-ness gives it an edge of strangely compelling oddness.
Watch an episode or two of made in Chelsea. Everyone's pretending it's not scripted but at the same time everyone sort of knows that everyone knows it is. Or maybe not. It's hammed-up melodrama and the ambiguity of its real-ness gives it an edge of strangely compelling oddness.

So a bit like you then?
buscador I think the older urban masses would make a more interesting programme. I'd include you and friendofdorothy, Dexter Deadwood, quimcunx, editor - of course, Ms T, hendo , Gramsci ...I'm sure there are others :D

Very kind of you to include me in your list, glad you think I'm interesting. Wheras TV of course thinks people over 50 are 'comic characters' or invisible. I like my cloak of invisibility - which I will only take off to shout for queer rights, against injustice or rant about Thatcher.

In my experience tv companies making cheap reality programmes are scum, who really don't care about anything but the profit. I once had a potenially pleasant holiday hijacked by such a company making a 'documentary about lesbians today' - they called it Lesbians Olé and it was the usual trash brits get drunk on holiday programme. Once I met them I refused to have anything to do with it. Some of the younger holidymakers signed up as 'characters' (not sure they got paid) and were horribly exposed/exploited by it. I think they thought being a bit famous on tv would be fun, but the fall-out for some of them was anything but.

Anyway I wouldn't touch Made in Brixton with anyone's bargepole.
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Watch an episode or two of made in Chelsea. Everyone's pretending it's not scripted but at the same time everyone sort of knows that everyone knows it is. Or maybe not. It's hammed-up melodrama and the ambiguity of its real-ness gives it an edge of strangely compelling oddness.

saw the odd few minutes - I thought it was crap with posh people in it - it had a strangely repellent oddness
They seemed to feel that I did not fit neatly into either of these two camps but that I had insight into and contacts in each. As such they felt that my voice might be useful in the process of examining what both divides and unites these "tribes" (as they call them). They felt that I could perhaps fill the role of "the voice of reason" amidst the tensions that may be explored in the series. I think I would be well suited to this position.

They what to look at middle aged people, really? - but did some one else say they were only recruiting up to 35 year olds - surely they wouldn't have been old enough to go to Cooltan or raves?

Why the fuck bring Urban into it? Surely it doesn't need the publicity? do we need to attract more trolls?

Who made you Urban's representative teuchter?

Anyone on urban could have applied, but I am the only poster with enough go-get attitude to actually do so (aside from Onket) and seemingly the only one with sufficient charisma and qualifications to make it through to the casting session.

Hope you didn't give them the impression that we're all like you.

No, I didn't, but I did suggest that the views of many on here would be best filtered by someone like me. As I said, the voice of reason.
Very kind of you to include me in your list, glad you think I'm interesting. Wheras TV of course thinks people over 50 are 'comic characters' or invisible. I like my cloak of invisibility - which I will only take off to shout for queer rights, against injustice or rant about Thatcher.

In my experience tv companies making cheap reality programmes are scum, who really don't care about anything but the profit. I once had a potenially pleasant holiday hijacked by such a company making a 'documentary about lesbians today' - they called it Lesbians Olé and it was the usual trash brits get drunk on holiday programme. Once I met them I refused to have anything to do with it. Some of the younger holidymakers signed up as 'characters' (not sure they got paid) and were horribly exposed/exploited by it. I think they thought being a bit famous on tv would be fun, but the fall-out for some of them was anything but.

Anyway I wouldn't touch Made in Brixton with anyone's bargepole.

I never thought you were over 21! 22 maybe...
They what to look at middle aged people, really? - but did some one else say they were only recruiting up to 35 year olds - surely they wouldn't have been old enough to go to Cooltan or raves?

Why the fuck bring Urban into it? Surely it doesn't need the publicity? do we need to attract more trolls?

Who made you Urban's representative teuchter? Hope you didn't give them the impression that we're all like you.
you know teuchter has made all that stuff up, right?
Anyone on urban could have applied, but I am the only poster with enough go-get attitude to actually do so (aside from Onket) and seemingly the only one with sufficient charisma and qualifications to make it through to the casting session.

No, I didn't, but I did suggest that the views of many on here would be best filtered by someone like me. As I said, the voice of reason.

oh dear...
They what to look at middle aged people, really? - but did some one else say they were only recruiting up to 35 year olds - surely they wouldn't have been old enough to go to Cooltan or raves?

Why the fuck bring Urban into it? Surely it doesn't need the publicity? do we need to attract more trolls?

Who made you Urban's representative teuchter? Hope you didn't give them the impression that we're all like you.
don't listen to him, he is on a windup
I feel like this TV show that is shot in Brixton is aimed at the posh to make them feel edgy and 'with it', and the locals are just used as props. Brixton has become a spectacle.

Really hope film crews don't get in my way when I'm lugging my shopping home or getting drunk. I really don't want to be anyone's prop.
You lot are touchy about age! Don't know hendo or Gramsci (yet?)- but think I might be the oldest in that list, and I'm not even that old! What's wrong with being older? I like being older. Plenty of my friends never got the opportunity. Do I have to start the sing if you're glad to be gray thread?

At least we don't have to worry about being vibrant and edgy. And it will hopefully make TV vampires leave us alone, can't be all bad.
Don't tell anyone, but I'm too old for that programme too.
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