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Made In Brixton reality TV show is coming.

Apologies for the delay. It went quite well I think. I will post a full report shortly when I have a bit of time. I think people here will be interested in some of the plot lines they are proposing.
interested in them or shocked by them (in that the plotlines are all made up)? ;)
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Apologies for the delay. It went quite well I think. I will post a full report shortly when I have a bit of time. I think people here will be interested in some of the plot lines they are proposing.

So as well as a walk around the market with the cameras there was some discussion around exactly what I could bring to the programme. Although they don't have a rigid idea of who the cast will be obviously they have some thoughts on the spread of people they want to involve and how they will fit into the broader structure of the series. Essentially much attention will be on the changes sweeping through Brixton at the moment but they are keen to emphasise the elements of the area's identity that have endured through the decades. I understand that one of the strands they are looking to develop is the idea that Brixton's "anarchist" and "anti establishment" roots and spirit have inspired and enabled the current boom in entrepreneurial start-ups, pop-ups and the like most of which focus on rejecting corporate style experiences. They obviously mentioned the Village as well as other operations targeted more at those "in the know" which they say draw on the culture of unofficial raves, illegal parties and suchlike that were a local feature some years back.

They have identified two broad groups; one of which comprises ambitious and adventurous twenty-somethings many of whom are new to the area - but some of whom also have family heritage here, to demonstrate the social mobility and cultural diversity evident in this group. There will naturally be parallels with the kinds of storylines seen in Made in Chelsea, etc.

The other group they want to look at, because it is one of great interest to their core target audience (ie. 16-25 year olds) is middle-aged people who once used to do lots of drugs at free parties and go on protests and so forth but are now more established in the residential parts of Brixton and concerned with schools and nice restaurants, and making sure people didn't vomit in the street, and things like that. At the same time this group (in their view) also contains a few "loose cannons" or "local characters" who have not entirely settled for a vegetative lifestyle and they are keen for these to be visible in the TV programme too as a kind of comic relief.

They seemed to feel that I did not fit neatly into either of these two camps but that I had insight into and contacts in each. As such they felt that my voice might be useful in the process of examining what both divides and unites these "tribes" (as they call them). They felt that I could perhaps fill the role of "the voice of reason" amidst the tensions that may be explored in the series. I think I would be well suited to this position.

Now some might feel that their polarised conception of Brixton society is over simplified but I do feel that if involved I could do something to moderate and challenge this in an insightful and sensitive manner so I did say I would be interested in taking part. There is apparently the potential that I might take on a consultant role if not an on-screen one.

They did seem interested in urban 75 (I had mentioned it on my CV) and asked what my position on the forums was. I told them that I was one of the more respected posters in the Brixton Forums and that I would be happy to represent and filter the views of the local online community for them. They said that they had heard it was mainly people who were ex-ravers who went to Cooltan etc but I told them that this is, as I learnt recently, a popular misconception and there is no significant connection between urban75 and Cooltan activist types and that if they were looking for "characters" of this type they should maybe instead try the Herne Hill Forum or maybe people at Brixton Blog.

I think it will be an interesting project to be involved in and I'll let you know if they decide to take me on, although they did say that I would be subject to certain confidentiality agreements if they do.
They did seem interested in urban 75 (I had mentioned it on my CV) and asked what my position on the forums was. I told them that I was one of the more respected posters in the Brixton Forums and that I would be happy to represent and filter the views of the local online community for them. They said that they had heard it was mainly people who were ex-ravers who went to Cooltan etc but I told them that this is, as I learnt recently, a popular misconception and there is no significant connection between urban75 and Cooltan activist types and that if they were looking for "characters" of this type they should maybe instead try the Herne Hill Forum or maybe people at Brixton Blog.

You pressing the urban75 wind-up buttons here? :D Naughty boy! (and goddamit I am giving you an alert!)

I am an ex-raver/squatter who went to cooltan (although being on the dole meant I couldn't exactly afford one of their nights so we climbed in over the roof :D). I am not living in Brixton anymore though.....
Funny. I look forward to it livening up my vegetative lifestyle.
I feel like this TV show that is shot in Brixton is aimed at the posh to make them feel edgy and 'with it', and the locals are just used as props. Brixton has become a spectacle.
Not so sure as they tend to use the same casting template for all reality shows; Buttons, ugly sister, leading girl, Baron Hard-up etc.
It would be good if they made a reality show with a wider demographic, that's for sure. Watching 20 somethings go about their (mostly love) lives is nothing but dull. Even my teenage son stopped watching Made In Chelsea because it's so boring and repetitive in its storylines.

Can't you point them to this thread teuchter?
You pressing the urban75 wind-up buttons here? :D Naughty boy! (and goddamit I am giving you an alert!)

I am an ex-raver/squatter who went to cooltan (although being on the dole meant I couldn't exactly afford one of their nights so we climbed in over the roof :D). I am not living in Brixton anymore though.....
I met a Cooltan regular on a hillside in north Powys planting trees a few weeks ago. A tree surgeon. He lived in Herne Hill at the time.
You could apply for the "loose cannon" role?

At the same time this group (in their view) also contains a few "loose cannons" or "local characters" who have not entirely settled for a vegetative lifestyle and they are keen for these to be visible in the TV programme too as a kind of comic relief.

You saying I'm an odd bod? (I once was the local odd bod when I lived in Bootle :D)

I'm too old and if I'm not studying, I'm pretending to be a dinosaur or chasing after my small child who can run really quite fast and although made in Brixton, I now live in the suburbs.

Perhaps I could put forward my mum - she's 66 - lived in Brixton for 37 years?
The other group they want to look at, because it is one of great interest to their core target audience (ie. 16-25 year olds) is middle-aged people who once used to do lots of drugs at free parties and go on protests and so forth but are now more established in the residential parts of Brixton and concerned with schools and nice restaurants, and making sure people didn't vomit in the street, and things like that. At the same time this group (in their view) also contains a few "loose cannons" or "local characters" who have not entirely settled for a vegetative lifestyle and they are keen for these to be visible in the TV programme too as a kind of comic relief..

It's this kind of patronising guff that winds me so much. Oh look, here's some people who aren't mainstream, let's just dismiss their opinions, aspirations and lifestyles and laugh at them while we really focus on these generic young people. Fuck off.

Obviously I'm much relieved to know that teuchter will be representing the views of U75.
You pressing the urban75 wind-up buttons here? :D Naughty boy! (and goddamit I am giving you an alert!)

I am an ex-raver/squatter who went to cooltan (although being on the dole meant I couldn't exactly afford one of their nights so we climbed in over the roof :D). I am not living in Brixton anymore though.....


I have zero interest in being in the show and am apparently too old, anyway. :mad: I am happy for teuchter to represent my views.
I was also surprised to see boohoo's comment that the Cooltan parties were unaffordable for some. I assumed they were free, and open to all members of the local community.
I went to loads of free Cooltan parties, but they also put on quite a few fundraisers for various campaigns groups. The place also offered free rehearsal space, free art space etc etc etc. It's a real loss to the community.
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