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Made In Brixton reality TV show is coming.

To my shame I work in this rough area and have to say this doesn't look kosher. No production company and no mentioned of a channel, 'Made in Chelsea' is the product of an outfit called 'Monkey Kingdom', if this was anything to do with them they'd have a company email on there for credibility.

I suspect this comes from some amateur chancers and will never see the light of day.
To my shame I work in this rough area and have to say this doesn't look kosher. No production company and no mentioned of a channel, 'Made in Chelsea' is the product of an outfit called 'Monkey Kingdom', if this was anything to do with them they'd have a company email on there for credibility.

I suspect this comes from some amateur chancers and will never see the light of day.
I suspect you're right. I hope you're right too.

That said, judging by the amount of traffic the article on BrixtonBuzz has had, there is an awful lot of interest in this, if only to point and laugh at it.
I suspect you're right. I hope you're right too.

That said, judging by the amount of traffic the article on BrixtonBuzz has had, there is an awful lot of interest in this, if only to point and laugh at it.

I hope I'm right too!

I think the traffic to the Buzz article may be caused, in part, by Popbitch mentioning it in their mail out.

I'm just a low level jobbing freelancer and even I get pitched ideas like this on an almost weekly basis. People outside 'the industry' see structured reality shows set in real peoples lives as a potential golden egg. They don't need an expensive set and concept like a traditional reality show, nor real actors and good writers like a proper drama or, thanks to the disclaimers at that start of each episode, find interesting real life situations to document.

The truth however is since Essex and Chelsea cornered the market, the public apetite for these sort of shows seems to have waned. The one set in Liverpool 'Desperate Scousewives', got a lot of press but totally flopped and was axed after one series; and 'Geordie Shore' and the valleys one mentioned earlier in the thread are more standard reality shows, as in they take people out of their home and put them in a manufactured environments.

I really can't see this being the real deal, but I've been wrong many times before.
It better not be about this bunch of cunts :mad:



Curious as to why to you called them a bunch of c***s?
I didn't know if he meant the photographers or the subjects. Know a couple of the guys in the pics, tho' not the one on vp's post.
I know the third one down (white geezer with hat and scarf on), guess everyone in Brixton knows him. Are the photographers local, does anyone know?
The Standard has run a piece too, quoting heavily from BrixtonBuzz (no link included, natch).
Local reaction has been mixed. The Twitter hashtag #madeinchelsea has attracted more dissent than support, John Smith wrote on Brixton Buzz: “You really think a group of 20-25 year old brats is representational of Brixton?? Made in Clapham more like!!!!!! Get a life — make it real!”

A former Brixton resident, called Tim, wrote: “Thanks a bunch to all the new ‘brixtonians’ who are ‘creative’, ‘work in media’, and make it just the same as everywhere else. Moved out last year and don’t miss Brixton at all because it isn’t Brixton anymore.”
The highly quotable Rosie's a fan though:
However, Rosie Lovell, owner of Rosie’s Deli Cafe in Brixton Market, said it is time for Brixton to come to terms with its new status as a young trendy destination.

She told the Standard: “All I hope is that whoever’s researching it is talking to people who really have experience of the area, not just the last three years which is when everyone found out where it is on the map.”
i think made in brixton is a really good idea i live in stockwell so i know how its like and if i had the chance to be in this program i would do it
Holy shit, now that is some bad editing.
Actually filmed quite nicely with decent enough sound (which is usually the first two problems I face as an editor). . . . but the choices of what we are seeing in a 'trailer' and the horrendous cuts and pacing. I'm not sure how much more shoddy it could be.
Perfect logic there.
It sure is. At the rate ad views are going for, I reckon you've made about £2.20 from this scam so far. Taking into account the time and expense of producing those trailers, you've probably still cleared at least 30p.
With the Brixton Buzz page registering a thousand page views every hour since it went up, maybe I should have bedecked the fecking thing with adverts.
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