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love or fear

i live in berkshire. that's probably far enough away from any hungry polar bears, isn't it?
There's a wild life park there, so don't put your arm through the fence when feeding the animals !!
i could not say it better myself

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Setting up arbitrary false dichotomies by quoting something some person said, is a great way of crufting up the most deepity of deepities. Congratulations, you can sort human emotions into two basic categories. This isn't some brilliant philosophical insight, it's an empty box-ticking exercise intended to come across as a profound statement on the universe, when in fact it's merely a trivial observation that any contemplatively-inclined human could have made ever since the evolution of complex language. You might as well have just called them positive and negative emotions, but that would have more easily exposed the banal pseud's tedious play that you've employed here.
Setting up arbitrary false dichotomies by quoting something some person said, is a great way of crufting up the most deepity of deepities. Congratulations, you can sort human emotions into two basic categories. This isn't some brilliant philosophical insight, it's an empty box-ticking exercise intended to come across as a profound statement on the universe, when in fact it's merely a trivial observation that any contemplatively-inclined human could have made ever since the evolution of complex language. You might as well have just called them positive and negative emotions, but that would have more easily exposed the banal pseud's tedious play that you've employed here.
I am only beginning my journey of self discovery & spiritual awakening & I am very happy with my level of awareness
You on the other hand are not happy with my level of universal understandings because you are lacking something, Patience Maybe ? Who knows & Who cares !
You have picked up some bad habits over the years & that above statement you made is very dictatorial in nature, which is not surprising for a band waggon stowaway.
I am only beginning my journey of self discovery & spiritual awakening & I am very happy with my level of awareness
You on the other hand are not happy with my level of universal understandings because you are lacking something, Patience Maybe ? Who knows & Who cares !
You have picked up some bad habits over the years & that above statement you made is very dictatorial in nature, which is not surprising for a band waggon stowaway.

No, you're just talking bollocks and I felt like explaining why. Gotta love how you "enlightened" tinpot Buddha types suddenly turn into internet psychologists when others call you out on your nonsense. Can't play the ball so you play the man instead, not at all very wise is it?
I am only beginning my journey of self discovery & spiritual awakening & I am very happy with my level of awareness
You on the other hand are not happy with my level of universal understandings because you are lacking something, Patience Maybe ? Who knows & Who cares !
You have picked up some bad habits over the years & that above statement you made is very dictatorial in nature, which is not surprising for a band waggon stowaway.
if you are going to dedicate yourself to the great work then perhaps you should start with israel regardie's fine (and short) book, the one year manual: twelve steps to spiritual enlightenment. it is noteworthy than not one of the steps involves blathering nonsense on the internet. if you're happy with your level of awareness than you're already doing something wrong.
No, you're just talking bollocks and I felt like explaining why. Gotta love how you "enlightened" tinpot Buddha types suddenly turn into internet psychologists when others call you out on your nonsense. Can't play the ball so you play the man instead, not at all very wise is it?
the secret chiefs will learn him, never fret
No, you're just talking bollocks and I felt like explaining why. Gotta love how you "enlightened" tinpot Buddha types suddenly turn into internet psychologists when others call you out on your nonsense. Can't play the ball so you play the man instead, not at all very wise is it?
if your looking to be enlightened by what i have to say then your going to be looking a very long time.
Id suggest doing something better with your time instead of wasting it on telling me you don't agree with something I wrote.
if you are going to dedicate yourself to the great work then perhaps you should start with israel regardie's fine (and short) book, the one year manual: twelve steps to spiritual enlightenment. it is noteworthy than not one of the steps involves blathering nonsense on the internet. if you're happy with your level of awareness than you're already doing something wrong.

I'm happy because I'm aware I'm learning

are you unhappy with what I've learned so far ?
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