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Lack of empathy, or just history?

The thing about the Holocaust is that its something that is argued about.

This is not denial. But views of history change over time.

For example Raul Hilberg, a historian of the Holocaust , was influence on Lanzmann doc. Hilberg found his work so out of synch with accepted ideas of the Holocaust that he found it difficult to get published.

Views of Holocaust change over time.

I do think the Holocaust is important subject that is relevant to our times.

That does not mean that its a fixed subject.
I don't think it was mentioned at school (I was at secondary school 1981 - 1986 and didn't do history to O level, the history we did got as far as the 1914 war and Russian revolution but no later) - I think it was sort of assumed everyone knew about the 1939 war and all that went with it.

I'm not sure I have any idea what the right answer is.
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