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Compulsory voting - yea or nay?

Should voting in elections be compulsory?

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Yes, but with a fairly comprehensive restructuring of parliament, the cabinet, the lords, PR, term limits, and a none of the above option.

Our system is broken. Compulsory voting alone won’t change that.
The great unspoken truth in Tory v Labour electoral politics is its not about changing people's minds. It's about getting your vote out and stopping the other sides votes coming out. The number of people who ever change their vote election to election is small. Its why parties focus so much on telling on election day and why campaigning is so cynical.

Bringing compulsory voting, like moving away from FPtP, isn't in either of Labour or the Tory's interest so hard to see how it would happen. Perhaps another hung parliament and this time the yellow scum didn't try to sleaze a three way partisan system in?
I banged on about this for ever when doing the door stepping for Labour in 2019

I got the council list of all the HMOs within the boundary and made efforts to knock and deliver relevant leaflets rather than just staring at the voters/address app

Why the fuck should I waste time singing to the choir, when there are plenty on none voters to tickle up
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The great unspoken truth in Tory v Labour electoral politics is its not about changing people's minds. It's about getting your vote out and stopping the other sides votes coming out. The number of people who ever change their vote election to election is small. Its why parties focus so much on telling on election day and why campaigning is so cynical.

Bringing compulsory voting, like moving away from FPtP, isn't in either of Labour or the Tory's interest so hard to see how it would happen. Perhaps another hung parliament and this time the yellow scum didn't try to sleaze a three way partisan system in?
This is where I think Labour have got it wrong for a very, very long time. The current system plays into the hands of the Tories. Some form of PR would be inherently fairer and more democratic, and in the long run that helps Labour. Yes, they'd have to form coalitions, but so what?

For those of us who are to the left of the Labour Party, PR would give us a voice. And Labour might have to listen to that voice to gain power. That's one reason why those on the right in the Labour Party don't want PR. Some of them would rather have the tories in power than cede positions to the left.
This is where I think Labour have got it wrong for a very, very long time. The current system plays into the hands of the Tories. Some form of PR would be inherently fairer and more democratic, and in the long run that helps Labour. Yes, they'd have to form coalitions, but so what?

For those of us who are to the left of the Labour Party, PR would give us a voice. And Labour might have to listen to that voice to gain power. That's one reason why those on the right in the Labour Party don't want PR. Some of them would rather have the tories in power than cede positions to the left.
Only some of them?
This is where I think Labour have got it wrong for a very, very long time. The current system plays into the hands of the Tories. Some form of PR would be inherently fairer and more democratic, and in the long run that helps Labour. Yes, they'd have to form coalitions, but so what?

For those of us who are to the left of the Labour Party, PR would give us a voice. And Labour might have to listen to that voice to gain power. That's one reason why those on the right in the Labour Party don't want PR. Some of them would rather have the tories in power than cede positions to the left.

Indeed, I think you’d see the Labour Party split into its two natural parts ( plus a thousand little groups, cos left wing people) and the conservatives split into two pigged and one smaller parties.
Labour would split into two, no doubt, with continuity Labour on the right. But they could then win power as a coalition of the two parties, similar to what has happened in Spain.

I don't know - or give a shit - what would happen to the tories in such a situation, tbh.
My understanding of the Australian system is that people just 'donkey vote'. That is, turn up at the polling station, randomly mark the paper, then leave. It basically means parties randomly get votes from people who don't actually support them. What compulsory voting aims to do is to get more people to vote, with the assumption being that vote will be done in an informed way. What actually happens is a greater number of ill informed vote. You may be able to force people to vote, you can't force them to think about their vote. Only better engagement from political parties can do that, but as mentioned above, political parties have little incentive to encourage people to think about their vote, as if they did, the parties would likely get fewer votes.
The first thing that I imagined when reading the subject of this thread was people feeling pissed off at being forced to vote. Then voting for some populist 'fuck you' candidate just out of spite. I might be overestimating the nation's potential for engagement, perhaps it would just be donkey voting like Gerry1time says.
I was forced to vote by my father when I turned of age because it was my 'civic duty'. Needless to say, I threatened to vote for a party I was sure he'd hate and then eventually I just destroyed the ballot by drawing a bunch of bollocks and writing 'this election sucks' on it. I'm older and more mature now but it doesn't mean other people are.
The first thing that I imagined when reading the subject of this thread was people feeling pissed off at being forced to vote. Then voting for some populist 'fuck you' candidate just out of spite. I might be overestimating the nation's potential for engagement, perhaps it would just be donkey voting like Gerry1time says.
I was forced to vote by my father when I turned of age because it was my 'civic duty'. Needless to say, I threatened to vote for a party I was sure he'd hate and then eventually I just destroyed the ballot by drawing a bunch of bollocks and writing 'this election sucks' on it. I'm older and more mature now but it doesn't mean other people are.
Now that you're more mature what would you draw, and what slogan would you write?
Yes because then if you abstained you would really feel like you'd been in the trenches with the boys . Abstaining these days- it's nothing. It's more risky to put an angry react on the post of an Urban Political Heavy Weight. Although less risky now we haven't got BA rulings being issued left right and centre "the likes on that post" or "the death of you on these boards", which is sad.
Other system of governance is required
One where the health & wellbeing of the citizens is put first, always !

The system we are on now is dying a slow death & by trying to fix it is wasting time
Time that can be spent educating the populace into a new way of life

To live in community & for the community to live within each of us will build a better government from the ground up !
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Other system of governance is required
One where the health & wellbeing of the citizens is put first, always !

The system we are on now is dying a slow death & by trying to fix it is wasting time
Time that can be spent educating the populace into a new way of life

To live in community & for the community to live within each of us will build a better government from the ground up !
Careful now. You're in danger of making sense.
I would only support compulsory voting if spoiled or blank ballots were counted in a 'none of the above' category (or if that category got added to every ballot). Then if 'NotA' got more than any other candidate the poll would have to be re-run.

(To add quickly, 'NotA' should be an option anyway, and there should be consequences if it wins in any ward, or in the country at large)
In student union elections you can vote for RON which stands for re open nominations. But I remember it not being very well explained, and being like, who the fuck is Ron
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