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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

Im sure I could find a few choice utterances from Lord kinnock and Lord prescott , but do I really need to ?

You mean Kinnock the student union socialist, and Prescott the NUS shop steward? If you can dig up anything with either of them preaching revolution rather than electoral politics, I'd be pleased to see it, because you can bet that if they had, the Murdoch press would have unearthed it long ago. The worst thing you can accuse that pair of tossers of, is that they're reformist careerist wankers.
Great picture of the bridge kettle - I think this must have been in the later stages cos there were more people detained to begin with:

Of course they admired Atlee. They voted for Atlee. But that doesn't mean they hated Churchill. They didn't.

Still evidence free, I see. What a suprise.

Anthony Burgess wrote straight after the war how Churchill turned troops against himself, how they thoujght he was an upper class prick who understood jackshit. Toss like chomping on his fat ciger in front of them while they had no fag rations. Doesn't endear one. At best they thought he was a useful cunt.
I'm amazed they can't find an alternative to hitting people with truncheons in this day and age - inevitably the odd blow is going to hit some innocent on the head.
Some of the footage shows blows aimed at heads and shoulders. There may be circumstances in which this is justifable but I really don't think it can be when the use of force is not justified by an immediate threat represented by that individual protestor but by the need for the police group as a whole to move the protestor group as a whole.
Still evidence free, I see. What a suprise.

Anthony Burgess wrote straight after the war how Churchill turned troops against himself, how they thoujght he was an upper class prick who understood jackshit. Toss like chomping on his fat ciger in front of them while they had no fag rations. Doesn't endear one. At best they thought he was a useful cunt.

I'm sure you could prove than there was a lot of dislike for Churchill's politics among the troops, but that would only affect his political popularity, (which proved non-existant in the election) not the popularity he had gained by the way he roused the country not to give in to the nazi bastards.
I'm sure you could prove than there was a lot of dislike for Churchill's politics among the troops, but that would only affect his political popularity, (which proved non-existant in the election) not the popularity he had gained by the way he roused the country not to give in to the nazi bastards.

what, the popularity which saw him turfed out of downing street before the end of the second world war?
I'm sure you could prove than there was a lot of dislike for Churchill's politics among the troops, but that would only affect his political popularity, (which proved non-existant in the election) not the popularity he had gained by the way he roused the country not to give in to the nazi bastards.

jesus do you buy into all that shite about how he encapsulated the spirit of the people wah wah.

as for Nazi bastards, well he was a firm believer in eugenics, supported the gassing of 'uncivilised tribes' and sent troops to crush the miners, so all told he wasn't that ideologically different from them, he just happened to be batting for the British Empire against a wannabe German one.
jesus do you buy into all that shite about how he encapsulated the spirit of the people wah wah.

as for Nazi bastards, well he was a firm believer in eugenics, supported the gassing of 'uncivilised tribes' and sent troops to crush the miners, so all told he wasn't that ideologically different from them, he just happened to be batting for the British Empire against a wannabe German one.

My father and mother found themselves living under the nazi Occupation just as Churchill came to power. I have inherited a gratefulness for his war-time efforts, without liking anything much else about the man.
My father and mother found themselves living under the nazi Occupation just as Churchill came to power. I have inherited a gratefulness for his war-time efforts, without liking anything much else about the man.

and what of those living under the British jackboot, those that Churchill proposed gassing?

try taking a more universal position.
It never ceases to amaze me that the cops really do believe that there is a 'hard core intent on violence' responsible for sparking aggro at demos.
Having actually met some of them over the years, it never ceases to amaze me that people like you continue to try and convince everyone that there are not ...

Their numbers and involvement in different protests varies considerably. Often there is little or no involvement. There has been significant involvement in the G20 and other anti-globalism protests by those intent on violent and entirely unlawful protest, some from other countries.

There are also random thugs intent on nothing more than having a pop at the police in circumstances less likely to lead to any response than their average Saturday night fight and / or to indulge in a spot of ligt looting. These people tend to attach themselves to protests that are expected to lead to an opportunity for them to indulge or, as here, where there is a series of protests which all descend into violence.

As for the rest of the crowd, their mood varies too. Sometimes large numbers need little encouragement to turn violent themselves. Sometimes the vast majority will have nothing to do with any violence.

As for the student protests, I do not think that there have been many intent on serious violence and I do not perceive the vast majority of the crowd as being particularly keen to engage in any significant violence. Unfortunately th criticism of the police by politicians and the media after Millbank has ensured that the police are robustly reacting to even the slightest suggestion of violence or damage. :(
As for the rest of the crowd, their mood varies too. Sometimes large numbers need little encouragement to turn violent themselves.
I often find a mounted police charge at young protesters backed by the liberal use of batons serves as ample encouragement for a crowd to defend themselves.
which part of operation banner did you miss?

'reluctant' and as the whole NI shambles shows its a bad idea. Tankus referred to the legions in rome thing, but that wasn't quite what I was getting at either- army on the streets policing means you've lost all pretense at democracy and the populace will hate you for it.
'reluctant' and as the whole NI shambles shows its a bad idea. Tankus referred to the legions in rome thing, but that wasn't quite what I was getting at either- army on the streets policing means you've lost all pretense at democracy and the populace will hate you for it.

they nearly did it in brixton in '81 and there were soldiers among the cops in the miners strike.
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