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London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

So the cunt swinging off the cenotaph didn't know what it was, ditto the scum that were urging him on?
You were talking about pissing, why are you shifting your goalposts to monkey impersonations?
Or alternatively, there exists an acceptable reason for such behaviour?
You're making an automatic assumption that the behaviour is linked with a particular expression of sentiment, in this case pissing on the memories of the dead.
Me, being a rationalist, I prefer Occam's Razor until an alternative explanation is proven.
Bollocks. I'd have expected better from you, tbh.

Your assumptions and expectations are your own, nothing to do with me.
I don't know why anyone engages with this cunt or claphamgrass or the rest.
<snip inane ramblings>
but let's be clear; the "outrage" of Spymaster and his ilk at Gilmour's behaviour is no more than a convenient get-up.....

Excuse me, but WTF are you dribbling on about?

I've shown no "outrage" over Gilmour. I pointed out he had apologised, referred to him as a bit of a dick and laughed at the fact that he was tripping his nuts off - no "outrage" there, you dumb fuck.
You were talking about pissing, why are you shifting your goalposts to monkey impersonations?

No, you brought up the pissing, and from that I assumed that someone had pissed on the cenotaph (which would annoy me). I've been referring to the action of Gilmour and those around him. The only pissing that I'm aware of was on Churchill's statue, which bothers me not one jot.

If by "public school" you mean "state comprehensive" you're correct. But you should check out the accepted definitions of each.

Since when did public school mean anything other than private education?

I might be wrong. I was sent to a state comprehensive after all.
Yep, sod thinking what effect these cuts will have on the living and instead be all outraged that somebody had a wee on a monument for those long dead.

And that is all it is, a monument. A focal point for "remembrance": Occasionally used by soldiers and ex-soldiers to honour their fallen comrades the rest of the year, more publicly used by the leeches known as politicians on Remembrance day to allow them to present themselves as informed on the subject of, and grateful for the sacrifice of those who die in war.
Me, I prefer to remember my dead on the fields where they died, or in my head and heart. If having memorials means that politicians can make political capital from the war dead, then I'd prefer to see every last memorial pulled down.

If by "public school" you mean "state comprehensive" you're correct. But you should check out the accepted definitions of each.

eh? he was sent to private school, wtf are you on about?

(you do reralise he was talking about Gilmour, dont you?)
Of course, because the two issues can't be considered seperately can they? Condemning the desecration of the cenotaph means condemning the protest in its entirety.


I wasn't aware that the Cenotaph had been consecrated.

Still, perhaps you're just indulging in hysterical hyperbole.
OK, people who are complaining about people pissing up against statues etc....

There was no where to go... seriously there was no privacy, the police had every side surrounded, the only way to go to the toilet without waving your dick at underage girls was to piss up against objects so as to hide your man bits. I am not condoning it at all but I believe it was a necessity not an act against the statues and what they stood for.

Well put.

If by "public school" you mean "state comprehensive" you're correct. But you should check out the accepted definitions of each.

are you saying the gilmour kid went to a state comp? Given you know so little about churchill, can you be sure about another drunken over-privileged posh twat?
Not too popular in South Africa either

Or Ireland

Or India

Or Kenya

As for the claim that Churchill was merely a man of his times. Not so he was a vile extremist racist even by the standards of his day

So for all these reasons you will excuse me if I am not shocked by someone pissing on his statue.

He's still loathed by many in Aus/NZ to this day for the gross fuck up in the Dardanelles (even though there were many more Brits involved and some French it was a much higher portion of the populations of Aus/NZ.He's also loathed due to the cock up with the defence of Singapore.
No, the 'what did you expect?' relates to you being a Tory lackey and being all outraged with someone who has clearly grown up in well heeled company. The rich don't give a fuck about soldiers. They erect monuments to legitamise sending young men to their slaughter for their own ends. It's part of the pantomime.
Great picture of the bridge kettle - I think this must have been in the later stages cos there were more people detained to begin with:

Increadible picture. Will make very compelling evidence in any subsiquent court case that the kettle was punative in intent. With any luck will make any appearances before inquiries rather uncomfortable for senior officers in charge of the day.
I've said all along that I support the protests.

The only reason we're arguing is because of fuckwits here defending the filthy behavior of Gilmour et al.

who's defending him? he's not even defending himself.

and reading the thread linked to it sounds like you're not in a position to criticise the actions of those high on drugs.
He's still loathed by many in Aus/NZ to this day for the gross fuck up in the Dardanelles (even though there were many more Brits involved and some French it was a much higher portion of the populations of Aus/NZ.He's also loathed due to the cock up with the defence of Singapmore.

The greatest irony of all is that some of the most powerful, stirring, poetic oratory for freedom and democracy ever written was penned by a man who, throughout his entire career, demonstrated his utter contempt for the concepts.
The police are reported to be in complete control of the moral high ground today after yesterday beating the shit out of anyone on the streets attempting to claim it for themselves. Politicians are reported to be flocking to the police-protected area of high ground, eager to point out that the protesters who were angry at the politicians have no moral high ground left.

The police attainment of the moral high ground was hard-fought, involving the detention of several thousand people without charge for some hours, and indiscriminate beatings of anyone who got in their way. Commentators have praised the police efforts but some have suggested that not enough blood was shed, and that policing should be firmer in the future in order to give the moral high ground greater security.

An anonymous protester, asked to comment on the police attainment of the moral high ground at first refused to comment, but when pressed said, "If you think about it, the police were protecting the politicians from their angry citizenry, and the police moral high ground - if we ignore breaches of fundamental rights and so on, which we seem to be - the police position, as I say, is is only actually a moral high ground if those they are defending are on the moral high ground themselves."

I was the last to leave, we were busy ruining the live sky news broadcast. and pointing out which officer had his shield upside down. I have shots on my blog.

NIce pics and account on your blog. Should you maybe blur some of the faces in the pics? If you've got a caption on a photo saying 'protesters launching fence into police lines' and it shows the faces of the protesters - well, from the point of view of the police that's a criminal act and your photos might be used as evidence. I know they probably took all the photos they wanted themselves but still...
He's still loathed by many in Aus/NZ to this day for the gross fuck up in the Dardanelles (even though there were many more Brits involved and some French it was a much higher portion of the populations of Aus/NZ.He's also loathed due to the cock up with the defence of Singapore.

he was the chief sponsor both in financial and military terms of the white russian cause as it set about unleashing horrific anti semitic pogroms accross Russia with millions in british cash and british army bayonets and the RAF along with liberal amounts of air dropped Mustard gas to back them up . Purely his pet project . Throughout the 20s and 30s he was waxing lyrical about the merits of European fascism , praising them to the rooftops for their good works . Right up to 1939 .
A cunt in other words .

Still pissing myself laughing about Charles and Camilla and their encounter with the hoi polloi though .
I like how Camilla is now 'laughing about the incident' as the press are reporting rather than acknowledging that the aristocracy of which she is a part is the fucking problem.
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