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    Lazy Llama

London Student protests - Wed 8th Dec+ Thurs 9th

sorry, but this is bollocks, by just about every account the police were by far the guiltier party

I didnt say theyre werent but I fully understand provocation and Id get pissed off with a load of spotty kids throwing things it if had been me.

I said it was likely to happen and I said there would have been gloating if it had been a copper.
no Im talking ablout the police having items thrown at them and god knows what else. If it had been a copper hurt everyone would have been saying 'great'. It wasn't - and this was bound to happen.

He will get little sympathy I suspect

Police can't justify individual attacks on people based on what other people are doing though can they? No more than I can justify beating the crap out of a copper because of what his pals do at some other time or location.

If he was running at lines with a weapon, or attacking an innocent person, perhaps they could justify it. It's down to the Met now though, to justify what happened to this individual.

He was there to protest, but we can't say he was violent. And he could easily, very easily, have been caught in a kettle and trying to get out as an innocent member of the public, as the Ian Tomlinson situation so clearly demonstrates.
I didnt say theyre werent but I fully understand provocation and Id get pissed off with a load of spotty kids throwing things it if had been me.

I said it was likely to happen and I said there would have been gloating if it had been a copper.

Get lost Dennis - you're projecting irrelevance and misinformation again cos your holy grails are being challenged- - well fek your narrative.

You're trying to fit what I wrote into some traditional ultra anarchist narrative that fools in the Socialist party have been peddling for decades. They were false and stale lies then and your narrative hasn't improved here. Get a grip.

As for the 'consequences' I am far more familiar than you are with brain injuries and their after affects (cue pathetic ultra left 'you've got brain injury jibes)...

Consistent only in its bollocks and inability to read what is in front of you

As much as the main argument is with idiots like moon - what pisses me off about fools like you is that you don't face the consequences of your uninformed 'violent crowd' fantasies (from 200 miles away). One of those youngsters has life threatening injuries, many more were badly done in. You are busy wanking over that and thinking its some 'autonomous' bid for freedom - It isn't its folk deperately defending themsleves from state attack. Some of those kids are not having to pay an awful price for the bravado they showed - you don't.

And if you think this action appears out of nowhere and is the only method of struggle open to that movement you are a complete idiot. But most of us here already know that
I have a question for you mr Babylondon.

A slave owner keeps his slave in chains as he quietly picks cotton under the eyes of his whip holding overseers. He calls this state of affairs peace.

One day the slave uses violence to break his chains, after which he strings his former "master" up from a tree and burns down his house

Who started the violence?

The slave's former neighbour who captured them during some petty tribal dispute and sold them to an Arab trader, presumably?

Surely you don't want to blame Ashanti warlords in the Middle Ages for the mindless violence of a bunch of thugs yesterday?
Saying they would have implemented the Browne review they commissioned if they had been in power. That's the problem too many Labour and Tory MPs were elected, both of whom would have supported fees if in power.
A lot of wolfie smiths in here

what do you realisitcally expect to achieve ?

Seem to remember during the miners strike (when I was a student living in the valleys)the kinnocks and the prescotts and all the other uber leftie socialists being on the front line ...Now look at them .......

Couldnt take up to the ermine fast enough to get their snouts in the into the champers , and the power...these were the people who brought in the loans and fees after stating in their mainifesto that they wouldnt ...where were the riots then ? ...what ....no backing ?
NUS is just a breeding ground for labour wannabe MP's

people using people for their own personal gain ......nothing changes ......

The safest job you can get is a union job within the union ..the trough is long deep and wide....

To qoute a yorkshire miner "Thing is to know about Arthur , he went into a huge union with a small house , and came out with a huge house and a small union "

all the Red Ed has said "is that he pledges not to make any pledges".........dont hold your breath

Why dont we have a bit on honesty about our education system ?
Labour have pumped money into the system .........but in the decade from 2000/10 we have dropped from 7th to 27th in the worlds educational league tables .....standards have fallen as labour has gone from quality to bulk ..money is not the answer. (we now have no money anyway )

The real primary objective was to increase the school leaving age to reduce the numbers of unemployed young....... It was a ticking time bomb that has now gone off ...thats why labour instigated the brown review with cross party support. It was unsustainable .

The tory answer is exactly the same as the labour one ..just changing the billing source........ It is a delaying tactic ....... £30k debit's (but insn't debits bad ?) at the end of a lower value degree ,not suited to the job market , and lots of them vying for the same job, how long do you think that money is going to take to get repaid ? when they will take any job they can get?.....Some future government's problems and cost.

By 2014 if Osbourne's cuts are adhered too(back to Blair 2004 spending levels) we will STILL be creating a deficit , increasing our debt of £1.4 trillion plus , the interst repayments of which will be more than our whole current defense and education annual costs combined ........(THATS WHAT PROVIDED THAT WE MAINTAIN A AAA RATING)

Its also when Gordons PFI bills and other of his offbalance accounting kicks in ,the decline of N. sea revenue........and other nasty delayed bills (nuclear decommission and power infrastructure being one of the deffered biggies) hit us

We have spent our childrens future and tax revenue yet to be collected................................. this is just the start.

If I had an answer I would go back to the 70's starting with O's and A's .........
vairable pass level based on percentages ...the bottom 40% of would fail (C-) only the very top level..... 5%would achieve an A
reduce student numbers to 100,000 (from 450,000) and make it free ...... Bite the bullet on the unemployed they exist anyway ...the numbers are just hidden from view
Double the price for foreign students .....

Anyone else got an answer ...instead of bleating ..."yeah ..power to the people"

Dont forget ....All the our old anti establishment donkeys (straw,darling prescott, etc) who rioted and walked with CND during the cold war ......are now the establishment ,people on here so hate ....and so the circle continues

It does need an answer ..........bricking coppers isnt it

And no Im not tory .........cameron is going to fail .....the police are using this as practice for worse to come.
The slave's former neighbour who captured them during some petty tribal dispute and sold them to an Arab trader, presumably?

Surely you don't want to blame Ashanti warlords in the Middle Ages for the mindless violence of a bunch of thugs yesterday?

Another tax dodging parasite
Seem to remember during the miners strike (when I was a student living in the valleys)the kinnocks and the prescotts and all the other uber leftie socialists being on the front line

well your memory is fucking shit then, cos the worthless cunts were nowhere to be seen.
fek your narrative

which reminds be of a petty incident last night. went for a drink after getting out the kettle. having a fag outside the pub and some folk got cheesed off with the doorwoman who didn't want to let them in. i was sympathetic and saying don't be daft to the lass, appealing to her better judgement - these folk arn't exactly gonna riot they just want a drink. In a friendly way like. Then quentin and co started: who do you think we are - we are lecturers - this is an outrage - we demand your names (getting notebook out) - i'm reporting you - etc etc etc. At that point I said on second thoughts - fuck em to the lass at the door and went back to finish my pint.

no, fuck your narrative you idiot
Kinnock turned up at bedwas collery near where I lived ....they voted not to close ...but they wouldnt cross a picket line ...It never reopened

but what about the rest of it ......? whats the answer ?

big reduction in student numbers ...?
Kinnock turned up at bedwas collery near where I lived ....they voted not to close ...but they wouldnt cross a picket line ...It never reopened

but what about the rest of it ......? whats the answer ?

big reduction in student numbers ...?

You fucking tool
when you start off with a pile of shite, i think we all just took it as read the rest of your post was equally shite
heh ...fine you know a few swear words

not to bothered if you dont read it

How would you resolve it then .... thats not a shite answer
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