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Liz Truss’s time is up

Everyone has now been warned:

‘Ambition greater than ability’: Liz Truss’s rise from teen Lib Dem to would-be PM


“She was the most ambitious person many people had encountered. I honestly believe she was given jobs – ministerial promotions – just to shut her up. Her ambition is, undoubtedly, considerably greater than her ability,”
“... I honestly believe she was given jobs – ministerial promotions – just to shut her up. Her ambition is, undoubtedly, considerably greater than her ability"
that statement could apply to most of the government ministers in recent years

I think they most likely have quite an array of ways to wheedle their way in.

“Being annoying” is a pretty niche one imo.
“... I honestly believe she was given jobs – ministerial promotions – just to shut her up. Her ambition is, undoubtedly, considerably greater than her ability"
that statement could apply to most of the government ministers in recent years
You say that, but haven’t working people got poorer, the rentiers got richer, the regressive transfer of wealth accelerated, the tax burden shifted from capital to labour, the public sector starved, attacked and privatised? They’re all showing real ability to work in the interests of capital.
During Sky's leadership debate last night, if you can call it that as Truss refused to do the usual format and insisted they appeared separately, Kay Burley read out a list of U-turns that Truss has done over the years, then said, 'would the real Liz Truss please stand up', much to the amusement of the studio audience.
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