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Living without central heating this winter?

You know that estrogen affects how cold the body feels when it spikes i.e just before the period, right?
To what extent ?
Maybe I'll see if Rhonda Patrick has anything to say - I know the whole Wim Hoff thing is a bit iffy, but she is an actual young woman who does it ...

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To what extent ?
Maybe I'll see if Rhonda Patrick has anything to say - I know the whole Wim Hoff thing is a bit iffy, but she is an actual young woman who does it ...
I imagine the extent will differ by individual, but there may be a range.

It was just an example to illustrate that there are other factors, some of which quite complex, beyond exercise that may affect people's temperatures and ability to control their own temperature.
To what extent ?
Maybe I'll see if Rhonda Patrick has anything to say - I know the whole Wim Hoff thing is a bit iffy, but she is an actual young woman who does it ...

I don't know. I imagine it varies between individuals but there may be a normal range.

In any event, it was just a single example to illustrate that the ability of people to regulate their own temperature is quite a complex subject and isn't necessarily just down to exercise.
I know it's a massive rabbit hole, but once you eliminate psychology, we all know that a very substantial amount of chronic illness and weakness is self-inflicted.

You're being a prick.
I was a super fit person. Walked everywhere for years. Got severe autoimmune disease and now have CKD and serious muscle disease.

So by your random arsed pathetic thought process I did it to myself.

You're an idiot.

As for swanning around in 30 degree heat indoors? I'd be very happy to just maintain a minimum of 16 degrees
I don't think I've ever lived in a house with central heating. Certainly not in the last ten years. I'm used to the place being chilly in the winter and having to wear additional layers. Working from home has presented some additional challenges, since it can be very hard to do desk work when your fingers feel like frozen sausages. Most of the time I find that keeping up my core body temps with layers and hot drinks is sufficient, but during particularly vicious cold snaps I have to break out the blanket and wrap that sucka around me.
You're being a prick.
I was a super fit person. Walked everywhere for years. Got severe autoimmune disease and now have CKD and serious muscle disease.

So by your random arsed pathetic thought process I did it to myself.

You're an idiot.

As for swanning around in 30 degree heat indoors? I'd be very happy to just maintain a minimum of 16 degrees
Did you miss :- "a very substantial amount " ?
Awesome, I could have cured myself of my Ulcerative Colitis by imagining I wasn't shitting blood multiple times daily - that ileostomy was completely unnecessary.

Seems we have descended into absurdity now.

However, I do think you adapt to the cold (illnesses notwithstanding). I now find it unbearably hot in well insulated/centrally heated homes.
This is a pretty horrible thing to say and there is no way you can back 'very substantial' up with references.

I'm surprised at you. Proper arsehole thing to say. Unless you count 'auto-immune' as 'self-inflicted'. :rolleyes:
We all know that we should walk to the supermarket, and once there, shop only in the first couple of aisles.
I'm no angel - I have a bad muesli habit.
Just want to point out that it is not "soft" to want a properly heated house. As well as causing damp and cold it can also affect other diseases. It's really grim and I'm just waiting for the Tory MP to come out with the "wear jumpers" and "make lentils" to save the environment comment whilst they have the thermostat set firmly at 23c.

Edit: oh the pages moved from 3 to 8 so maybe this has already been said.
The worst flu I ever had in recent decades was in 2019 - in April.
I used to get flu because I was working in a university, not because I sometimes got cold.
I work in a university - have done for the last 25 years, and I've never had flu. Or even a particularly bad cold tbh. Can't honestly remember the last time I had anything virally.
I know it's a massive rabbit hole, but once you eliminate psychology, we all know that a very substantial amount of chronic illness and weakness is self-inflicted.
I'm no athlete, but what massively helped me with the cold was cycling to work and back all year from 27 to 60 and I fully plan to replace that exercise before it's too late. I used to return to my unheated house in the winter and have to cool down with no top on for ages.

I would like to think I might be one of those 80 year olds who take a dip in the Atlantic on NYD.

Heating entire poorly-insulated homes so you can swan around in your pants is quite frankly obscene.
And a substantial amount isn't so what's your point exactly?
Unless the walls need to be breathable as in some old houses like mine. I'm not sure how that works with the Sempatech insulated wallpaper but it does seem to.
This stuff?

Doubt it's breathable - it's a kind of rubber foam. Your walls may still be able to "breathe" towards the outside though.

Do you feel it's made a difference? I'm always a bit sceptical about these insulated wallpapers because (at least in theory) the amount of insulation they can provide is really quite tiny.
I know it's a massive rabbit hole, but once you eliminate psychology, we all know that a very substantial amount of chronic illness and weakness is self-inflicted.
I'm no athlete, but what massively helped me with the cold was cycling to work and back all year from 27 to 60 and I fully plan to replace that exercise before it's too late. I used to return to my unheated house in the winter and have to cool down with no top on for ages.

I would like to think I might be one of those 80 year olds who take a dip in the Atlantic on NYD.

Heating entire poorly-insulated homes so you can swan around in your pants is quite frankly obscene.
Ah missed this. Come on GG you know that's bulshit. I know you have an alternative way of viewing things and some interesting habits, but to point at people with chronic illness and say it's their fault is shit. My partner's Mum tried to suggest her chronic illness was due to taking "something funny" due to our substance use and that line plays perfectly into that narrative. Her condition is already badly misunderstood as it is.

Also those of us in rented accommodation don't really get much choice on how insulated our homes are.
I work in a university - have done for the last 25 years, and I've never had flu. Or even a particularly bad cold tbh. Can't honestly remember the last time I had anything virally.
I used to work in IT - covered the whole site and our team always had high levels of sickness - and the last time I caught a dose of something there in late 2019 was when a post-grad life scientist (OK they may have been a psychologist) sneezed directly over the desk at me when I was fixing a PC ... the arrival of Covid cemented my decision to retire in 2020 and I haven't had so much as a sniffle since ... I confess I used to be a nose-picker and a bit slack with hand washing ...
Ah missed this. Come on GG you know that's bulshit. I know you have an alternative way of viewing things and some interesting habits, but to point at people with chronic illness and say it's their fault is shit.
OK I will bite.
I had a teeny brush with "diabetes" in 2019 - I was overdiagnosed, but my BMI was 32 and it was following a bout of flu that had laid me out.
I'm still overweight and am not exercising nearly enough so I would know who to blame if I ever became "diabetic" again.
See also heart disease, some forms of dementia etc - a direct correlation with diet, obesity and exercise.
My father made it to 93, but had the whole lot lot by the end so I know I have the genetic potential for longevity and just need to add the healthy diet and exercise that he eschewed.

And at no point did I attack people with congenital / autoimmune conditions etc ...

What's that for??

You're not funny.

And your attitiude to people with chronic illness is positively far right wing.

Do you think we are all just moping about clogging up hospitals and society...what a waste of money all those people with chronic illnesses are....
Life would be better for everyone if they fucked off and died...

Not quite what you're writing but I wouldnt put it past you to think this in the dark spaces of your miniscule mind.
I don't know, but I doubt it. Put moisture in contact with steel, and there's not a lot that is going to stop it rusting to bits.
Zinc blocks are used as sacrificial anodes in ships to protect the drive shaft. It is used in galvanised wire also.
I used to work in IT - covered the whole site and our team always had high levels of sickness - and the last time I caught a dose of something there in late 2019 was when a post-grad life scientist (OK they may have been a psychologist) sneezed directly over the desk at me when I was fixing a PC ... the arrival of Covid cemented my decision to retire in 2020 and I haven't had so much as a sniffle since ... I confess I used to be a nose-picker and a bit slack with hand washing ...

Bully for you!!🙄🙄
Lived on salads and was practically vegetarian.
Drank 2 litres of water a day.
I wasn't sick a day in my life until I was...
OK I will bite.
I had a teeny brush with "diabetes" in 2019 - I was overdiagnosed, but my BMI was 32 and it was following a bout of flu that had laid me out.
I'm still overweight and am not exercising nearly enough so I would know who to blame if I ever became "diabetic" again.
See also heart disease, some forms of dementia etc - a direct correlation with diet, obesity and exercise.
My father made it to 93, but had the whole lot lot by the end so I know I have the genetic potential for longevity and just need to add the healthy diet and exercise that he eschewed.

And at no point did I attack people with congenital / autoimmune conditions etc ...
As someone who is watching their lifelong, fit, slim active mum being ravaged by the end stages of Alzheimer's i find this fairly offensive...think this line of thought needs re-thinking mate
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