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Life & Death

Beyond, finite, before, after...all concepts (incredibly useful ones) but all ultimately lack the ability to explain much beyond our conventional (very real) reality.
They're pretty confident that earth was unable to support any life until over 4 billion years ago. Then itvwas discovered that microscopic organisms (microbes) left signals of their presence in rocks that areva bout 3.7 billion years old.

So something new happened.

I believe there has to be newness in the universe. And that human evolution is towards newness. We are not just replicants like clones. There is something indiviual in every person's DNA.
They're pretty confident that earth was unable to support any life until over 4 billion years ago. Then itvwas discovered that microscopic organisms (microbes) left signals of their presence in rocks that areva bout 3.7 billion years old.

So something new happened.

I believe there has to be newness in the universe. And that human evolution is towards newness. We are not just replicants like clones. There is something indiviual in every person's DNA.
Of course new things appear but the ground of being stays the same.
They're pretty confident that earth was unable to support any life until over 4 billion years ago. Then itvwas discovered that microscopic organisms (microbes) left signals of their presence in rocks that areva bout 3.7 billion years old.

So something new happened.

I believe there has to be newness in the universe. And that human evolution is towards newness. We are not just replicants like clones. There is something indiviual in every person's DNA.
Every human being is special. Each individual is worthy of compassion and respect. Indeed each sentient being deserves respect. But our matter has always been there.
Every human being is special. Each individual is worthy of compassion and respect. Indeed each sentient being deserves respect. But our matter has always been there.
I am assuming you mean the periodic elements that we know of? The stuff of the universe ? The molecules we have discovered so far.

But my point was that within every single living thing there is a unique strand of DNA. Therefore we are born new.
I would argue every life form, but so might you on reflection :) in any case it's life that matters, not its specific form but the fact it's alive at all rather than inert. I think.
Even the inert inseparable from being. No separation between subject and object is the direct way of seeing that. our minds seperate the two not the things themselves
I am assuming you mean the periodic elements that we know of? The stuff of the universe ? The molecules we have discovered so far.

But my point was that within every single living thing there is a unique strand of DNA. Therefore we are born new.
Yes. Both are true, I think.
Every human being is special. Each individual is worthy of compassion and respect. Indeed each sentient being deserves respect. But our matter has always been there.
I'm really not philosophising and yes every being is special and worthy of respect ...

But why limif it to sentient beings? Considering we all sprung from the meeting of a few molecules 4 billion years ago. If we are to believe that was our beginning then who are we to discriminate as regards the worthiness of a molecule?
I guess till we understand sentience and consciousness it's best not to assume what may or may not be sentient or conscious. Are stars conscious? Is the galaxy? Is a sentient-life-bearing planet itself a sentient entity?
I guess till we understand sentience and consciousness it's best not to assume what may or may not be sentient or conscious. Are stars conscious? Is the galaxy? Is a sentient-life-bearing planet itself a sentient entity?
i agree - and i don't think a rock is concious. is it seperate from me is teh question i was getting at.
I'm really not philosophising and yes every being is special and worthy of respect ...

But why limif it to sentient beings? Considering we all sprung from the meeting of a few molecules 4 billion years ago. If we are to believe that was our beginning then who are we to discriminate as regards the worthiness of a molecule?
Interbeing isn’t limited to sentient beings. I inter-am with everything. The cup I just drank my tea from was made from Earth minerals. Because of that cup I won’t dehydrate today. Without it, or a cup like it, I could not exist. The water that makes up most of me is part of the ocean of water on Earth. Water isn’t life, but without water there isn’t life.
emptiness is form, form is emptiness (that's in buddhist terms - (replace emptiness with everything/god/Daisen/atman/the universe/Being). because the void is unknowable, there is, in my view, a nothingness within everything which is the context which all appears. including new things. so teh ground - emptiness - is unknowable and beyond time and space - but is inherent in everything. rocks. antivaxxers. my poos.
I prefer not to think about my own death the thought of it terrifies me.
I don't think there is anything beyond it - finito
I just hope i'm not one of the poor fuckers that suffer for years then die in pain :(
I want to go out while i can still appreciate life - a fatal accident will suit me fine, or die blissfully unaware in my sleep.
I prefer not to think about my own death the thought of it terrifies me.
I don't think there is anything beyond it - finito
I just hope i'm not one of the poor fuckers that suffer for years then die in pain :(
I want to go out while i can still appreciate life - a fatal accident will suit me fine, or die blissfully unaware in my sleep.
yep to all of those
Interbeing isn’t limited to sentient beings. I inter-am with everything. The cup I just drank my tea from was made from Earth minerals. Because of that cup I won’t dehydrate today. Without it, or a cup like it, I could not exist. The water that makes up most of me is part of the ocean of water on Earth. Water isn’t life, but without water there isn’t life.

Yes..my response was to your post about sentient beings.

Of course we are made of the stuff that makes the universe.
Not ALL the stuff...because there is new "stuff" / molecules discovered occasionally after a meteor hits us or through a spectrometer telescope finding new elements in space.

We know that animate and inanimate objects are the amalgamation of different amounts of elements in combination.

All so similar yet all so different.

Energy and motion and mass are the markers of difference. I am not the same as a table despite similar shared elements.
Yes..my response was to your post about sentient beings.
I’m sorry, in Buddhism “sentient being” pretty much means living thing. In metta mediation, the final stage is to extend goodwill to all life in the universe. The wording I use is “all sentient beings everywhere”.
i enjoy the idea (or at least my interpretation of it) and practice of noticing heideggers hammer. you're in the garden say, planting a plant. The hands are moving by themselves. Your knees are subtly adjusting themselves, beyond my noticing of it, to get more comfortable. My heart is doing its job of beating. The eyelids close and open without choice to do so. thought arrives and disappears without a thinker. A chill wind might come, and my body feels it by itself, i don't have to conciously choose to feel the cold. I instinctively whipe some snot from my nose. but my focus, is on the object - getting the plant in the hole. the sphere of view is the plant, it is what "I" can see, and to me in that moment it is all that exists. But all that i have described, the whiping of the nose, the thoughts that come and go, etc is happening by itself, a causeless happening, happening outside my window of conciousness. This is very beautiful to experience as a noticing. i love it. it's happening all by itself, as one thing. how stupid i then feel for taking me and teh world seriously. That to me is being. An arrival, whether it is my focus or not, including my own subjectivity. None of us choose to be here, and most of us will not want to leave. We are the happening in all apparent causality - we are the ground. This has implications for death the perception of death. No one will get to the bottom of what those implications are but there's a phemonelogical experience of being Being.
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