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Life & Death

To me, that is reincarnation. The life I live, the life force responsible for my thoughts and actions, came from many non human beings. It will pass on to my children. But also my existence will touch those I taught, those I interact with, and those they interact with.
You can't do anything with your physical senses when they cease to function. If it is useful to you great but denying death existing is simply counterfactual. My dad died a year ago today, he isn't up to much at the moment.
My personal idea of death doesn't define a person, as I believe death, like life is an action that must happen once life is created, its 2 parts to a single movement.

I appreciate you have your own opinions about death & I really respect as they are your opinions.

My understanding of life & death is bringing a calmness to my experience of living.

I am tending to hold onto this belief as it is a positive energy.
My personal idea of death doesn't define a person, as I believe death, like life is an action that must happen once life is created, its 2 parts to a single movement.

I appreciate you have your own opinions about death & I really respect as they are your opinions.

My understanding of life & death is bringing a calmness to my experience of living.

I am tending to hold onto this belief as it is a positive energy.
Agree to disagree, I probably should not be on a thread like this today anyway. Have a good one and I am glad it helps you.
Agree to disagree, I probably should not be on a thread like this today anyway. Have a good one and I am glad it helps you.
I am extremely open minded though
I could swear something is the best today & if you show me a better way I'll swear on that tomorrow. I am that open minded that you would confuse me with a walking contradiction lol
I am extremely open minded though
I could swear something is the best today & if you show me a better way I'll swear on that tomorrow. I am that open minded that you would confuse me with a walking contradiction lol
I find it odd when people dig in against a better solution or position. It is what is rather frustrating especially about politicians, they entrench a view then double down or are seen as flip flopping. If there is a provably better way of doing something then it should be promoted and pursued. Saw a thing about this where a certain politician had expressed view about Scientists having one view on something then changing when evidence was presented that was to the contrary later on in peer review or similar. They didn't like the lack of a clear message, despite that then meant going against the logical choice. A flexible approach to change is a good thing, problem is some people have issues with going against the status quo especially where it will negatively affect them, even if it is better overall.
I know that’s humour, but I would like to say here that I don’t consider “evolution” as having a “direction” as such, other than “next”. Humans aren’t the “aim”, they just happen at this moment to be the Bud at the end of their twig on the bush of life. Every being alive at this moment is also the Bud at the end of their twig. The bush in not linear. We are not the apex or zenith or ultimate aim. We are simply “next”.
I find it odd when people dig in against a better solution or position. It is what is rather frustrating especially about politicians, they entrench a view then double down or are seen as flip flopping. If there is a provably better way of doing something then it should be promoted and pursued. Saw a thing about this where a certain politician had expressed view about Scientists having one view on something then changing when evidence was presented that was to the contrary later on in peer review or similar. They didn't like the lack of a clear message, despite that then meant going against the logical choice. A flexible approach to change is a good thing, problem is some people have issues with going against the status quo especially where it will negatively affect them, even if it is better overall
Yes this boils down to personal greed disguised as traditions or progressive thinking... for example "The Status Quo" is an idea, something that does not exist in the material world as it is a belief system.

This believe system can cause people to then create lots of things from it good & bad.

Most people that have built there lives around a certain belief are compelled to keep that belief in motion. Even if it is proved to be obsolete is still supports there lifestyle.

Time to time you will get people that have had enough of the lies & they switch sides.

Ultimately its about what side you are on, are you on the side that is with change or against change.

The people that have chosen to be on neither side must give up the needless want & imbrace life on a different playing field.

I would recommend a week away in nature without any modern technology, except an old phone. Give your mind a break & a digital detox. I do it myself at least 3 times a year.

Very refreshing 😌
I know that’s humour, but I would like to say here that I don’t consider “evolution” as having a “direction” as such, other than “next”. Humans aren’t the “aim”, they just happen at this moment to be the Bud at the end of their twig on the bush of life. Every being alive at this moment is also the Bud at the end of their twig. The bush in not linear. We are not the apex or zenith or ultimate aim. We are simply “next”.
hence, Oh Please ;)

evolution does have an overall broad tendency towards increasing complexity though
Chaos theory??
"Chaos theory is an interdisciplinary area of scientific study and branch of mathematics focused on underlying patterns and deterministic laws of dynamical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, and were once thought to have completely random states of disorder and irregularities. Chaos theory states that within the apparent randomness of chaotic complex systems, there are underlying patterns, interconnection, constant feedback loops, repetition, self-similarity, fractals, and self-organization."

I of course know nothing about any of this i'm just distracting myself from a heaving inbox
i lean towards the "nothing is born, nothing dies" camp of eastern nondualism. nothing taken out, nothing put in. the more it changes, teh more it's the same thing (including life and death).
On that basis, there are no new souls, and no new people. Given that we have just topped 8Bn people, there must be new souls.
On that basis, there are no new souls, and no new people. Given that we have just topped 8Bn people, there must be new souls.
No new souls, you're right. One soul: Being, everything, with nothing added or extracted. Infinity. For new souls you would have to believe that things are "added" to what is already there.
On that basis, there are no new souls, and no new people. Given that we have just topped 8Bn people, there must be new souls.
There's issues with causality there. You would need a first cause. If so then that would make sense. Time existing only in human minds is not a radical take, which is my take. If time doesn't exist, then how can anything be born or die? Again this is not a radical take.
Our Cartesian take is that subjects exist in temporality, i.e. matter hitting matter in an orderly sequence. But time is conceptual with just a little thought so that paradigm can fall apart.
There's issues with causality there. You would need a first cause. If so then that would make sense. Time existing only in human minds is not a radical take, which is my take. If time doesn't exist, then how can anything be born or die? Again this is not a radical take.

Time exists, and always has. Time is the period between one thing and another. I've never bought the hypothesis that time started with the big bang. Time is the absolute of something that is, and always has been.
Ultimate vs conventional truth, the old indian premise. Conventional truth: there are births and deaths. Ultimate truth; nothing born, nothing dies. Nothing taken out of being, nothing added. Being itself with no distinction between subject and object. There are no objects on the ultimate level so therefore therefore nothing dies.
The easy way out is to call Being god. The Buddhist call it the void. The Hindus call it the atman. Western materialists just call it matter hitting matter. The prior three are much nearer the truth in my view, because they haven't forgotten the context in which matter exists, is the view of many great western thinkers such as Heidegger and Schopenhauer, or at least my readings of them
Ultimate vs conventional truth, the old indian premise. Conventional truth: there are births and deaths. Ultimate truth; nothing born, nothing dies. Nothing taken out of being, nothing added. Being itself with no distinction between subject and object. There are no objects on the ultimate level so therefore therefore nothing dies.

This is rendered somewhat specious by the increasing population. Unless there is a massive store of 'being' somewhere, on the basis of your argument, the population cannot increase.
This is rendered somewhat specious by the increasing population. Unless there is a massive store of 'being' somewhere, on the basis of your argument, the population cannot increases.
I am saying there is no stock. Thats what your saying. That being itself, i.e. eternity and infinity, "adds" to itself. But then what is the space that it is growing into?
The stuff of me has always been. “Danny” when he dies will become other things. Energy, material, it changes, but it neither starts nor ends.
There’s no new matter. There’s only continuation. Isness. That’s all.
Could even go one further and say we are dead already that the entire universe is an appearance of our minds including when we look down and see our bodies, or touch a table, or picture our brains, or look down a microscope or feel the microscope on our eyes....all of which are objects of consciousness and can never ever be verified externally absoloutky (cos you'd need a mind to verify it) I don't believe in that - idealism - but it's almost impossible to refute hard on either side.the hindus have various levels of belief re this
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